Scratch Trio League 2018-2019

Last Date and Hour Played 5/20 7:00 PM Next Date to Play Terminée
Weeks Played 32 Week to Play Aucune
Present Men 45 Women Present 16
Scratch Average 195.00

Competition Official Jeroen Paulussen

Teams Standings

Standing Scratch Trio League 2018-2019
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 T. Series Games Points Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. Triple X 587 586 589 1762 288 605.6 59551 206.77 717 2062
2. PBE 650 595 566 1811 288 592.6 60167 208.91 768 2065
3. Heerengenootschap 559 656 602 1817 288 543.9 58896 204.50 750 2072
4. Mei Lan 585 568 565 1718 288 419.9 53634 186.23 659 1890
5. Stamgasten 468 541 497 1506 288 416.5 53139 184.51 674 1858
6. Tue Kapsalon 526 600 630 1756 288 398.1 51573 179.07 638 1756
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Overview of points - week 5/20 7:00 pm

Lane 29 Mei Lan 0 0 0 15.8 Lane 30 Tue Kapsalon 0 0 0 29.1
1 Dorette Boelens 0 0 0 11.8 1 Lindy Puik Ong 0 0 0 11.4
2 Rob Born vd 0 0 0 2 2 Marjan Reijbroeck 0 0 0 0
3 George Linden vd 0 0 0 2 3 Annemiek Boogaart vd 0 0 0 17.7
Lane 31 Heerengenootschap 0 0 0 16.4 Lane 32 Stamgasten 0 0 0 5.1
1 Wil Soolingen v 0 0 0 6.4 1 Jeroen Paulussen 0 0 0 5.1
2 Bart-Jan Boogaart vd 0 0 0 4 2 Saskia Kroon 0 0 0 0
3 Aloys Doomernik 0 0 0 6 3 Sjan Born vd 0 0 0 0
Lane 33 Triple X 0 0 0 11.5 Lane 34 PBE 0 0 0 8.5
1 Peter Koops 0 0 0 5.5 1 Budi Tork 0 0 0 4
2 Rick Siebers 0 0 0 2 2 Erwin Reijbroeck 0 0 0 0
3 Joshua Udink 0 0 0 4 3 Erwin Vermanen 0 0 0 4.5

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Scratch Trio League 2018-2019 195.00 195.00 300 300 77 161 771 771 749 659 90
32 5/20 7:00 PM 192.04 192.04 277 277 116 400 738 738 24 17 7
31 5/13 7:00 PM 192.65 192.65 279 279 106 419 732 732 20 20 0

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. PBE 11/5 768
2. Heerengenootschap 1/7 750
3. Triple X 1/7 717
4. Stamgasten 4/1 674
5. Mei Lan 1/21 659
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Heerengenootschap 1/7 2072
2. PBE 10/29 2065
3. Triple X 3/18 2062
4. Mei Lan 1/21 1890
5. Stamgasten 12/17 1858
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Standing Scratch Trio League 2018-2019
Pos. Name Player Team Licence number Games Points P1 P2 P3 Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. Joshua Udink Triple X 1263730 90 217.0 203 194 206 19807 220.08 300 771
2. Erwin Reijbroeck PBE 1214616 93 216.7 200 186 195 19857 213.52 279 759
3. Rick Siebers Triple X 1269747 90 184.8 224 186 149 17179 190.88 257 713
4. Aloys Doomernik Heerengenootschap 17337 96 183.1 166 243 191 20966 218.40 290 751
5. Erwin Vermanen PBE 881422 90 176.8 216 224 192 19024 211.38 267 748
6. Rob Born vd Mei Lan 598925 84 173.1 194 209 167 17139 204.04 259 698
7. Budi Tork PBE 1065866 87 152.6 234 185 179 17789 204.47 268 730
8. Jeroen Paulussen Stamgasten 578290 81 148.1 187 237 232 17475 215.74 300 738
9. Dennis Claas Triple X 1198718 77 146.0 215 179 155 16759 217.65 278 758
10. Wil Soolingen v Heerengenootschap 1171143 81 140.8 182 194 210 15250 188.27 279 670
11. Lindy Puik Ong Tue Kapsalon 19593 87 134.5 163 203 236 15460 177.70 236 616
12. Bart-Jan Boogaart vd Heerengenootschap 93408 57 116.0 211 219 201 12259 215.07 264 695
13. Klaas Velzeboer Heerengenootschap 17981 60 114.1 185 215 237 11764 196.07 277 700
14. Dorette Boelens Mei Lan 16543 81 111.7 215 179 245 15240 188.15 245 639
15. Annemiek Boogaart vd Tue Kapsalon 172375 48 111.2 225 236 277 10062 209.63 287 738
16. Martin Cuppens Stamgasten 636800 48 105.2 178 222 204 10104 210.50 277 712
17. George Linden vd Mei Lan 16780 84 105.0 176 180 153 14671 174.65 231 641
18. Saskia Kroon Stamgasten 828858 72 96.5 165 158 127 11969 166.24 213 569
19. Marjan Reijbroeck Tue Kapsalon 917133 96 94.4 138 161 117 16279 169.57 236 595
20. Esther Stek Tue Kapsalon 1266179 51 52.0 166 161 148 8800 172.55 226 560
21. Peter Koops Triple X 1311778 19 50.8 160 206 234 3729 196.26 238 643
22. Sjan Born vd Stamgasten 1180509 72 40.1 116 146 138 10779 149.71 203 501
23. Bas Schans vd Triple X 1262793 12 24.9 192 164 180 2263 188.58 236 641
24. Alvin Dooms Stamgasten 1280783 6 22.5 176 159 220 1250 208.33 277 695
25. Ronnie Lenting Mei Lan 1164791 6 17.5 223 180 216 1207 201.17 228 619
26. Jelle Schans van der Triple X 1262807 6 11.8 157 184 188 1133 188.83 230 604
27. Gerard Willemsen Mei Lan 858625 18 11.0 188 165 152 3181 176.72 203 559
28. Filip Wiklund PBE 3 8.4 172 234 257 663 221.00 257 663
29. Ger Paulussen 16845 12 7.1 174 158 159 1796 149.67 174 491
30. Patricia Born vd Mei Lan 1111841 6 1.7 165 165 157 959 159.83 174 487
31. Jack Rijk Mei Lan 1111892 15 1.2 122 127 77 2147 143.13 189 507
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins then licence number then p1 then avg..

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1 Jeroen Paulussen 4/1 300
1 Joshua Udink 10/22 300
3. Aloys Doomernik 10/29 290
4 Erwin Reijbroeck 4/15 279
4 Wil Soolingen v 2/25 279
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Joshua Udink 11/5 771
2. Erwin Reijbroeck 4/8 759
3. Dennis Claas 2/4 758
4. Aloys Doomernik 9/24 751
5. Erwin Vermanen 5/6 748
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Annemiek Boogaart vd 4/8 287
2. Dorette Boelens 5/20 245
3 Lindy Puik Ong 5/20 236
3 Marjan Reijbroeck 10/29 236
5. Esther Stek 1/21 226
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Annemiek Boogaart vd 5/20 738
2. Dorette Boelens 5/20 639
3. Lindy Puik Ong 2/18 616
4. Marjan Reijbroeck 9/24 595
5. Saskia Kroon 11/12 569
Standing sorted by high series.