4/6 8:00 PM
Woensdag 21/22

Teams Standings

Standing Season 3
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 01-The Corner 654 719 656 9 12.0 2029 1906 211.78 719 719
2. 10-De Hoekers 592 658 619 9 11.0 1869 1571 174.56 658 658
3. 02-9 is Goed 702 697 536 9 10.0 1935 1818 202.00 702 702
4. 07-Baantoppers 540 644 655 9 8.0 1839 1545 171.67 655 655
5. 08-Pouw Autoschade 649 578 592 9 8.0 1819 1612 179.11 649 649
6. 04-BTFKAT 613 560 626 9 5.0 1799 1655 183.89 626 626
7. 03-Jacobsen Schilderwerken 530 620 617 9 5.0 1767 1644 182.67 620 620
8. 09-Wij Tellen Alles 567 545 571 9 3.0 1683 1365 151.67 571 571
9. 05-Garfield 621 563 574 9 2.0 1758 1473 163.67 621 621
10. 06-Team Bosveld 464 500 569 9 1.0 1533 1068 118.67 569 569
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch+handicap.

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 01-The Corner 4/6 719
2. 02-9 is Goed 4/6 702
3. 10-De Hoekers 4/6 658
4. 07-Baantoppers 4/6 655
5. 08-Pouw Autoschade 4/6 649
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 01-The Corner 4/6 719
2. 02-9 is Goed 4/6 702
3. 10-De Hoekers 4/6 658
4. 07-Baantoppers 4/6 655
5. 08-Pouw Autoschade 4/6 649
Standing sorted by best series by lane handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 01-The Corner 4/6 678
2. 02-9 is Goed 4/6 663
3. 08-Pouw Autoschade 4/6 580
4. 03-Jacobsen Schilderwerken 4/6 579
5. 04-BTFKAT 4/6 578
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 01-The Corner 4/6 678
2. 02-9 is Goed 4/6 663
3. 08-Pouw Autoschade 4/6 580
4. 03-Jacobsen Schilderwerken 4/6 579
5. 04-BTFKAT 4/6 578
Standing sorted by best series by lane scratch.

Singles Standings

Standing Season 3 - Men
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Han Westrik 282 247 193 710 12 236.67 2 282 282
2. Kevin van Gerrevink 205 245 226 676 0 225.33 2 245 245
3. Andre Jacobsen 193 242 232 643 24 214.33 6 242 242
4. Terry Hendriks 231 233 200 637 27 212.33 3 233 233
5. Danny Kamphorst 227 247 161 626 9 208.67 2 247 247
6. Paul Baartse 179 201 226 579 27 193.00 9 226 226
7. Ronny Kleis 218 177 231 575 51 191.67 17 231 231
8. René Schulte 228 183 184 559 36 186.33 13 228 228
9. Everd Middelbosch 227 187 213 558 69 186.00 21 227 227
10. Bart Wekking 244 217 175 555 81 185.00 26 244 244
11. Edwin van Zwam 187 228 235 551 99 183.67 32 235 235
12. Rob Kelly 194 212 354 52 177.00 24 212 212
13. Wilfred Snijder 225 215 352 88 176.00 42 225 225
14. Rick ten Holt 167 227 237 520 111 173.33 33 237 237
15 Jeroen Hendriksen 188 232 346 74 173.00 37 232 420
15 Jan Livestroo 210 221 172 519 84 173.00 28 221 221
17. Rene Birza 190 194 190 511 63 170.33 20 194 194
18. Richard Warmels 190 230 217 502 135 167.33 44 230 230
19. Rein van Amersfoort 216 182 169 501 66 167.00 23 216 216
20. Willem Kervel 208 183 213 499 105 166.33 34 213 213
21. Lammert van Lotten 194 208 195 495 102 165.00 32 208 208
22. Elias Kars 142 189 213 493 51 164.33 17 213 213
23. Marco Kelly 172 201 171 475 69 158.33 25 201 201
24. Alfons ter Heurne 171 199 211 470 111 156.67 38 211 211
25. Bert Bosveld 182 231 293 120 146.50 59 231 231
26. Martijn van Maaren 190 168 172 434 96 144.67 37 190 190
27. Martijn Hofman 187 183 209 420 159 140.00 52 209 209
28. Kaya Bosveld 105 125 110 120 55.00 60 125 230
Standing sorted by scratch average.

Standing Season 3 - Women
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Marijke Hulshof 208 225 225 550 108 183.33 34 225 225
2. Janna Migdis 278 163 192 528 105 176.00 35 278 278
3. Anoeska Bosveld 151 135 166 120 83.00 60 151 151
Standing sorted by scratch average.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Han Westrik 4/6 282
2. Danny Kamphorst 4/6 247
3. Kevin van Gerrevink 4/6 245
4. Bart Wekking 4/6 244
5. Andre Jacobsen 4/6 242
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Jeroen Hendriksen 4/6 420
2. Han Westrik 4/6 282
3. Danny Kamphorst 4/6 247
4. Kevin van Gerrevink 4/6 245
5. Bart Wekking 4/6 244
Standing sorted by best series by lane handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Han Westrik 4/6 278
2. Kevin van Gerrevink 4/6 245
3. Danny Kamphorst 4/6 244
4. Andre Jacobsen 4/6 234
5. Terry Hendriks 4/6 224
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jeroen Hendriksen 4/6 346
2. Han Westrik 4/6 278
3. Kevin van Gerrevink 4/6 245
4. Danny Kamphorst 4/6 244
5. Andre Jacobsen 4/6 234
Standing sorted by best series by lane scratch.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Janna Migdis 4/6 278
2. Marijke Hulshof 4/6 225
3. Anoeska Bosveld 4/6 151
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Janna Migdis 4/6 278
2. Marijke Hulshof 4/6 225
3. Anoeska Bosveld 4/6 151
Standing sorted by best series by lane handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Janna Migdis 4/6 243
2. Marijke Hulshof 4/6 189
3. Anoeska Bosveld 4/6 91
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Janna Migdis 4/6 243
2. Marijke Hulshof 4/6 189
3. Anoeska Bosveld 4/6 91
Standing sorted by best series by lane scratch.

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