YBC Shootout Playoffs continue next week!!!!!

3/14 9:50 AM
Let's Bowl Youth 2019/20

Teams Standings

Standing Stage Four
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 24-Riley Dickinson 3 50.0 715 532 177.33 264 715
2. 19-Lance Cayco 3 49.0 681 639 213.00 275 681
3. 23-Joshwa Cox 3 48.0 673 478 159.33 248 673
4. 09-Justine Bryant 3 47.0 666 465 155.00 237 666
5. 29-Connor Luu 3 46.0 661 328 109.33 239 661
6. 07-Rachelle Ward 3 45.0 656 563 187.67 243 656
7. 27-Calleigh Tran 3 44.0 647 314 104.67 223 647
8. 22-Ciana Tran 3 43.0 643 358 119.33 227 643
9 04-Ethan Bryant 3 41.5 617 512 170.67 237 617
9 08-James Rothbauer 3 41.5 617 434 144.67 218 617
11. 34-Adam Bounds 3 40.0 605 206 68.67 208 605
12. 16-Hunter Rowsell 3 39.0 599 224 74.67 202 599
13. 01-Augusta Bockman 3 38.0 597 519 173.00 218 597
14. 11-Julie Bernier 3 37.0 594 459 153.00 201 594
15. 03-Lillian Colborne 3 36.0 579 438 146.00 213 579
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 19-Lance Cayco 3/14 275
2. 24-Riley Dickinson 3/14 264
3. 23-Joshwa Cox 3/14 248
4. 07-Rachelle Ward 3/14 243
5. 29-Connor Luu 3/14 239
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 24-Riley Dickinson 3/14 715
2. 19-Lance Cayco 3/14 681
3. 23-Joshwa Cox 3/14 673
4. 09-Justine Bryant 3/14 666
5. 29-Connor Luu 3/14 661
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

Singles Standings

Standing Stage Four - Men - Bantam prep
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Connor Luu 128 104 96 328 333 661
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Men - Bantam
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. James Rothbauer 157 142 135 434 183 617
2. Hunter Rowsell 75 77 72 224 375 599
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Men - Junior
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Riley Dickinson 175 154 203 532 183 715
2. Joshwa Cox 157 138 183 478 195 673
3. Adam Bounds 59 72 75 206 399 605
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Men - Intermediaire
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Lance Cayco 199 261 179 639 42 681
2. Ethan Bryant 158 152 202 512 105 617
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Women - Bantam
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Calleigh Tran 98 104 112 314 333 647
2. Ciana Tran 118 108 132 358 285 643
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Women - Junior
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Justine Bryant 170 138 157 465 201 666
2. Lillian Colborne 152 120 166 438 141 579
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Women - Intermediaire
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Augusta Bockman 192 158 169 519 78 597
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Stage Four - Women - Intermediaire Senior
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Rachelle Ward 163 212 188 563 93 656
2. Julie Bernier 156 153 150 459 135 594
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Lance Cayco 3/14 261
2. Riley Dickinson 3/14 203
3. Ethan Bryant 3/14 202
4. Joshwa Cox 3/14 183
5. James Rothbauer 3/14 157
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Lance Cayco 3/14 639
2. Riley Dickinson 3/14 532
3. Ethan Bryant 3/14 512
4. Joshwa Cox 3/14 478
5. James Rothbauer 3/14 434
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Rachelle Ward 3/14 212
2. Augusta Bockman 3/14 192
3. Justine Bryant 3/14 170
4. Lillian Colborne 3/14 166
5. Julie Bernier 3/14 156
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Rachelle Ward 3/14 563
2. Augusta Bockman 3/14 519
3. Justine Bryant 3/14 465
4. Julie Bernier 3/14 459
5. Lillian Colborne 3/14 438
Standing sorted by high series.