WARNING: The next week will be held on 2/24/2025 A6:30 PM 6:30 PM.

2024-2025 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars

Last Date and Hour Played 2/10 6:30 PM Next Date to Play 2/24 6:30 PM
Weeks Played 20 Week to Play 13
Regular Bowlers Exist 48 Substitute Bowlers Exist 24
Scratch Average 179.71

Teams Standings - 3'rd Quarter

Standing 3'rd Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 13-C Hauser 28.0 15107 13431 552.00 2335 2619 632 701 28.0
2. 07-Fritz 23.0 14807 11395 463.00 2024 2624 557 709 23.0
3. 03-N Fast 23.0 14753 12529 526.00 2253 2629 628 722 23.0
4. 11-J Hauser 21.0 15204 12660 535.00 2269 2640 632 726 21.0
5. 12-Bernard 19.5 15147 14735 608.00 2604 2676 702 719 19.5
6. 14-Cuadra 19.0 14957 12525 543.00 2358 2686 614 704 19.0
7. 02-Howard 19.0 14920 13176 575.00 2497 2665 660 741 19.0
8. 09-Greve 18.0 14729 11825 481.00 2157 2517 593 699 18.0
9. 10-Ho 15.0 15002 13742 594.00 2353 2545 676 724 15.0
10. 05-R Garcia 15.0 14618 12705 534.00 2384 2708 632 699 15.0
11. 01-D'Souza 14.5 15076 13700 606.00 2413 2685 659 727 14.5
12. 08-Kruschel 13.0 14680 13224 564.00 2319 2643 663 744 13.0
13. 06-Dunn 12.0 14623 12723 533.00 2230 2566 654 738 12.0
14. 04-Bockman 12.0 14358 13098 579.00 2317 2525 660 700 12.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Teams Standings - 2'nd Quarter

Standing 2'nd Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 12-Bernard 30.0 18155 17415 608.00 2699 2843 719 755 30.0
2. 08-Kruschel 30.0 17849 16009 564.00 2426 2662 630 689 30.0
3. 03-N Fast 26.0 17947 15911 526.00 2373 2693 660 740 26.0
4. 07-Fritz 24.0 17625 13157 463.00 2013 2649 617 779 24.0
5. 11-J Hauser 23.0 17592 14428 535.00 2260 2667 594 725 23.0
6. 13-C Hauser 22.0 17705 15625 552.00 2328 2680 702 776 22.0
7. 06-Dunn 22.0 17550 15158 533.00 2287 2651 641 726 22.0
8. 04-Bockman 20.0 17422 16202 579.00 2468 2644 717 759 20.0
9. 05-R Garcia 18.0 17740 14456 534.00 2156 2674 628 763 18.0
10. 02-Howard 18.0 17693 16013 575.00 2451 2689 674 728 18.0
11. 01-D'Souza 17.0 17519 15827 606.00 2388 2633 656 719 17.0
12. 09-Greve 16.0 17318 13978 481.00 2361 2693 642 735 16.0
13. 10-Ho 15.0 17210 15698 594.00 2365 2545 635 704 15.0
14. 14-Cuadra 13.0 16919 14779 543.00 2234 2510 623 701 13.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Singles Standings - 2'nd Quarter

Last weeks indivdual games
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G. P1 P2 P3 P4
1. Angela Schultz 177.89 4981 28 787 242 129 163 188 158
2. Arantxa Garcia 179.79 5034 28 780 222 171 193 162 199
3. Augusta Bockman 191.43 5360 28 863 250 235 250 173 205
4. Austin Christianson 168.46 4043 24 769 220 169 158 176 152
5. Bob Puttick 191.00 2292 12 814 236 198 177 145 207
6. Chad Hauser 201.45 4029 20 883 247 204 149 168 247
7. Cheryl Mantik 184.92 4438 24 791 256 189 157 189 256
8. Colin Shott 216.83 5204 24 907 259 247 205 237 217
9. Colleen Scott 153.60 3072 20 667 195 167 137 155 123
10. Corey Clayton 197.43 5528 28 875 269 190 201 165 191
11. Danny Cheung 155.42 1865 12 646 202 149 137 159 155
12. Dave Williams 191.18 5353 28 840 245 223 212 202 172
13. Debbie Greve 158.65 3173 20 736 213 158 122 130 132
14. Demetrius Lloyd 168.64 4722 28 759 213 141 133 163 166
15. Evan Reid 193.90 3878 20 837 246 146 213 140 185
16. Faby Karam 142.00 426 3 426 153 137 136 153 141
17. Gary Reid 197.13 4731 24 831 268 182 177 196 268
18. Jace Hauser 197.83 4748 24 860 289 190 220 216 217
19. Jack Guay 223.06 3569 16 934 279 185 222 236 189
20. Jayson Stahlbaum 172.14 4820 28 780 266 165 188 202 138
21. Jenn Hawkins 155.55 3111 20 653 196 160 181 147 149
22. Johnny Ho 175.65 3513 20 766 210 154 184 202 189
23. Jonathan Berg 179.17 4300 24 810 224 223 174 145 147
24. Kari Fritz 124.33 1492 12 564 210 107 124 106 117
25. Kelly Kruschel 184.39 5163 28 799 212 209 181 197 212
26. Leticia Meinecke 117.50 940 8 472 137 134 104 115 115
27. Liz Wong 175.50 4212 24 745 214 174 190 168 189
28. Michelle McGregor 145.75 583 4 583 165 135 124 165 159
29. Mike Johnson 140.56 2249 16 653 168 167 116 168 154
30. Norton Fast 191.50 3064 16 805 245 163 205 196 193
31. Rayna Hauser 168.17 4036 24 778 204 147 184 176 202
32. Rick Reeves 200.05 4001 20 822 248 187 146 248 225
33. Roger D'Souza 193.64 5422 28 869 278 196 223 167 174
34. Ron Bernard 202.82 5679 28 871 236 163 224 233 204
35. Ruben Garcia 196.04 5489 28 818 245 210 200 212 181
36. Russ Dunn 198.25 3965 20 827 266 163 175 168 266
37. Santos Cuadra 187.04 5237 28 851 254 212 170 226 207
38. Shauna Kirouac 143.25 573 4 573 165 138 136 165 134
39. Sterling Street 140.21 3365 24 612 172 142 127 133 151
40. Ted Choi 207.83 4988 24 930 266 192 265 199 161
41. Terri-Ann Schmidt 194.57 5448 28 821 245 189 211 180 224
42. TJ Howard 193.75 5425 28 821 237 224 220 171 179
43. Tony Luu 186.63 1493 8 793 257 225 151 143 181
44. Vinh Luu 214.11 5995 28 1049 289 186 216 228 170
45. Walter Fritz 170.83 4100 24 729 200 171 161 188 165
46. Wes Fritz 165.75 4641 28 736 215 201 195 174 153
Standing sorted by last series - all games scratch+display hdp/bns 1.

Last weeks indivdual games - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G. P1 P2 P3 P4
1. Calleigh Tran 166.33 1996 12 682 222 188 150 179 155
2. Ciana Tran 165.75 3315 20 749 233 170 191 173 159
3. Danny Hawkins 187.50 3750 20 799 247 183 184 195 189
4. Dave Kist 205.00 820 4 820 224 216 186 224 194
5. Glen McIntosh 180.00 2160 12 748 204 172 204 199 155
6. James Clark 190.25 761 4 761 204 188 204 187 182
7. Jin Yeo 140.75 563 4 563 184 116 133 130 184
8. Katherine Hawkins 185.25 3705 20 788 238 212 174 159 224
9. Lauraine Fast 174.63 2794 16 743 212 177 168 193 205
10. Mike Schmidt 201.94 3231 16 856 267 202 212 203 226
11. Ryan Ridders 226.50 906 4 906 255 225 255 192 234
12. Sean Park 188.25 753 4 753 205 205 171 181 196
13. Sophia Clayton 141.75 567 4 567 175 142 175 104 146
14. Stephen Wong 174.25 3485 20 749 216 170 157 180 178
15. Ted Lam 230.75 923 4 923 245 227 245 216 235
16. Tim Williams 182.40 3648 20 814 237 183 168 158 167
Standing sorted by last series - all games scratch+display hdp/bns 1.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Men
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Jack Guay 214.69 6870 32 934 279
2. Colin Shott 213.75 10260 48 921 266
3. Ted Choi 205.77 9054 44 930 266
4. Ron Bernard 202.77 11355 56 871 258
5. Corey Clayton 201.54 11286 56 903 269
6. Roger D'Souza 200.50 11228 56 903 278
7. Jace Hauser 200.31 10416 52 892 289
8. Vinh Luu 199.46 11170 56 1049 289
9. Bob Puttick 198.46 4763 24 867 242
10. Chad Hauser 197.32 8682 44 883 256
11. Russ Dunn 195.25 9372 48 827 266
12. Dave Williams 194.70 10903 56 903 249
13. TJ Howard 194.59 8562 44 842 262
14. Rick Reeves 194.19 6991 36 822 248
15. Evan Reid 190.30 7612 40 837 246
16. Gary Reid 189.10 7564 40 831 268
17. Santos Cuadra 189.04 9074 48 851 254
18. Tony Luu 188.81 3021 16 834 257
19. Ruben Garcia 187.35 9742 52 818 245
20. Johnny Ho 185.75 8173 44 819 245
21. Norton Fast 181.27 7976 44 805 245
22. Walter Fritz 173.40 8323 48 808 223
23. Jayson Stahlbaum 172.43 9656 56 780 266
24. Jonathan Berg 171.75 8931 52 810 256
25. Austin Christianson 169.81 8830 52 798 232
26. Demetrius Lloyd 165.54 8608 52 759 215
27. Danny Cheung 165.33 5952 36 794 258
28. Wes Fritz 158.92 8264 52 736 215
29. Sterling Street 140.35 6737 48 646 187
30. Mike Johnson 129.03 4645 36 653 168
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Ted Lam 230.75 923 4 923 245
2. Ryan Ridders 226.50 906 4 906 255
3. Dave Kist 205.00 820 4 820 224
4. Mike Schmidt 199.55 3991 20 856 267
5. Danny Hawkins 194.67 7008 36 863 253
6. James Clark 194.00 1552 8 791 231
7. Tim Williams 189.81 6833 36 848 237
8. Sean Park 188.25 753 4 753 205
9. Glen McIntosh 179.95 3599 20 748 222
10. Stephen Wong 173.25 6237 36 749 226
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Women
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Augusta Bockman 194.61 10898 56 863 250
2. Terri-Ann Schmidt 190.75 9919 52 821 245
3. Liz Wong 178.04 8546 48 790 243
4. Kelly Kruschel 177.63 9947 56 799 226
5. Cheryl Mantik 177.43 7807 44 791 256
6. Angela Schultz 177.39 9934 56 787 242
7. Arantxa Garcia 175.94 9149 52 780 228
8. Debbie Greve 158.20 6961 44 736 213
9. Jenn Hawkins 157.82 5366 34 701 214
10. Faby Karam 155.89 4209 27 727 203
11. Rayna Hauser 155.08 7444 48 778 204
12. Colleen Scott 152.52 6711 44 667 195
13. Shauna Kirouac 149.40 2988 20 620 181
14. Michelle McGregor 135.31 4330 32 583 165
15. Kari Fritz 123.96 3471 28 564 210
16. Leticia Meinecke 113.27 2492 22 472 163
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Katherine Hawkins 185.25 3705 20 788 238
2. Lauraine Fast 184.63 5908 32 833 254
3. Ciana Tran 165.75 3315 20 749 233
4. Calleigh Tran 165.35 3307 20 693 222
5. Jin Yeo 153.88 1231 8 668 195
6. Sophia Clayton 139.00 1112 8 567 175
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Teams Standings - 1'st Quarter

Standing 1'st Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 01-D'Souza 29.0 17700 15748 606.00 2341 2637 653 736 29.0
2. 10-Ho 29.0 17586 16194 594.00 2448 2628 661 701 29.0
3. 12-Bernard 26.0 17828 16228 608.00 2477 2741 681 777 26.0
4. 03-N Fast 26.0 17513 14209 526.00 2157 2680 579 708 26.0
5. 11-J Hauser 26.0 17233 13873 535.00 2046 2541 594 708 26.0
6. 04-Bockman 25.0 17767 16263 579.00 2420 2716 654 728 25.0
7. 14-Cuadra 24.0 17731 14963 543.00 2333 2685 680 768 24.0
8. 08-Kruschel 23.5 17624 15744 564.00 2368 2721 634 741 23.5
9. 06-Dunn 20.0 17437 14825 533.00 2246 2626 627 725 20.0
10. 09-Greve 16.0 17482 13746 481.00 2138 2602 586 698 16.0
11. 07-Fritz 14.0 17077 12221 463.00 1915 2575 505 675 14.0
12. 02-Howard 14.0 17059 14711 575.00 2297 2537 659 712 14.0
13. 05-R Garcia 13.0 17066 13298 534.00 2279 2659 622 729 13.0
14. 13-C Hauser 8.5 16842 14710 552.00 2257 2561 627 703 8.5
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Overview of points - week 2/10 6:30 pm

Lane 1 Bockman 0 0 0 1 1 Lane 2 Dunn 1 1 1 0 5 2
Lane 3 N Fast 0 1 0 0 3 2 Lane 4 J Hauser 1 0 1 1 3
Lane 5 D'Souza 0 1 0 0 1 Lane 6 Cuadra 1 0 1 1 5 2
Lane 7 Kruschel 0 0 1 0 1 Lane 8 C Hauser 1 1 0 1 5 2
Lane 9 Ho 1 1 0 1 5 2 Lane 10 R Garcia 0 0 1 0 1
Lane 11 Bernard 1 1 0 0 4 2 Lane 12 Fritz 0 0 1 1 2
Lane 13 Howard 0 0 1 0 1 Lane 14 Greve 1 1 0 1 5 2

Positions of the teams next week - week position night

Lane 1 Bockman Lane 2 Fritz
Lane 3 Greve Lane 4 J Hauser
Lane 5 D'Souza Lane 6 R Garcia
Lane 7 Kruschel Lane 8 N Fast
Lane 9 C Hauser Lane 10 Bernard
Lane 11 Dunn Lane 12 Ho
Lane 13 Howard Lane 14 Cuadra

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
2024-2025 Chicken on the Way Calgary All 179.71 200.60 299 312 83 189 1049 1141 901 757 144
20 2/10 6:30 PM 177.45 201.88 259 266 95 465 878 938 38 30 8
19 2/3 6:30 PM 171.35 197.84 237 257 102 475 888 952 34 31 3

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 07-Fritz 11/11 779
2. 12-Bernard 9/23 777
3. 13-C Hauser 12/16 776
4. 14-Cuadra 9/30 768
5. 05-R Garcia 11/18 763
6. 04-Bockman 12/9 759
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 12-Bernard 11/4 2843
2. 08-Kruschel 9/23 2721
3. 04-Bockman 9/16 2716
4. 05-R Garcia 1/20 2708
5 03-N Fast 11/18 2693
5 09-Greve 11/11 2693
7. 02-Howard 11/4 2689
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 12-Bernard 11/4 719
2. 04-Bockman 12/9 717
3. 13-C Hauser 12/16 702
4. 14-Cuadra 9/30 680
5. 10-Ho 2/3 676
6. 02-Howard 11/18 674
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 12-Bernard 11/4 2699
2. 02-Howard 1/13 2497
3. 04-Bockman 11/11 2468
4. 10-Ho 10/28 2448
5. 08-Kruschel 12/16 2426
6. 01-D'Souza 1/27 2413
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Standing 2024-2025 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Men
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Jack Guay 213.25 8530 40 934 279
2. Colin Shott 210.25 13456 64 921 266
3. Ted Choi 206.51 14043 68 971 299
4. Ron Bernard 202.61 16209 80 876 258
5. Jace Hauser 201.08 14478 72 906 289
6. Vinh Luu 200.77 16062 80 1049 289
7. Corey Clayton 200.07 16006 80 903 269
8. Chad Hauser 199.93 13595 68 921 258
9. Roger D'Souza 197.91 15833 80 903 278
10. Dave Williams 194.63 15570 80 903 249
11. TJ Howard 194.59 8562 44 842 262
12. Rick Reeves 193.70 8523 44 822 248
13. Russ Dunn 192.43 13855 72 827 266
14. Evan Reid 192.42 11545 60 883 259
15. Bob Puttick 191.82 8440 44 867 242
16. Gary Reid 189.48 12127 64 913 268
17. Johnny Ho 188.86 12087 64 825 247
18. Santos Cuadra 188.60 13579 72 851 254
19. Tony Luu 187.64 5254 28 918 267
20. Ruben Garcia 186.18 12288 66 853 245
21. Norton Fast 181.27 7976 44 805 245
22. Walter Fritz 173.78 12512 72 831 234
23. Austin Christianson 171.01 12997 76 798 232
24. Jayson Stahlbaum 170.80 12981 76 780 266
25. Jonathan Berg 170.35 12265 72 810 256
26. Demetrius Lloyd 167.01 12025 72 759 215
27. Danny Cheung 164.90 9894 60 794 258
28. Wes Fritz 156.45 11890 76 736 215
29. Sterling Street 140.78 9010 64 646 187
30. Mike Johnson 134.55 7535 56 653 201
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing 2024-2025 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Ryan Ridders 219.00 1752 8 906 259
2. Dave Kist 205.00 820 4 820 224
3. Carlo Lantion 202.75 811 4 811 218
4. Ted Lam 200.94 3215 16 923 247
5. Curtis Kruschel 200.75 1606 8 841 238
6. Mike Schmidt 199.55 3991 20 856 267
7. Danny Hawkins 197.91 8708 44 863 253
8. Tim Williams 194.87 10133 52 923 264
9. Sean Park 194.63 1557 8 804 237
10. James Clark 193.92 2327 12 791 231
11. Derek Lien 187.25 749 4 749 211
12. Dylan Kho 185.50 1484 8 756 246
13. Glen McIntosh 178.88 7155 40 775 237
14. Stephen Wong 174.70 7687 44 749 226
15. Mike Bryant 173.25 693 4 693 195
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing 2024-2025 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Women
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Kellie Watson 197.88 3166 16 906 257
2. Augusta Bockman 190.25 14459 76 863 250
3. Terri-Ann Schmidt 188.88 13599 72 821 245
4. Kelly Kruschel 178.75 14300 80 806 234
5. Arantxa Garcia 178.24 12833 72 780 228
6. Liz Wong 176.39 12700 72 826 249
7. Angela Schultz 176.21 13392 76 787 242
8. Cheryl Mantik 175.41 11928 68 791 256
9. Debbie Greve 161.03 10306 64 736 228
10. Faby Karam 158.69 7776 49 727 211
11. Rayna Hauser 156.72 10657 68 778 214
12. Jenn Hawkins 156.66 7833 50 701 214
13. Colleen Scott 150.38 9023 60 667 195
14. Shauna Kirouac 147.33 5304 36 620 181
15. Holly Bartzis 141.50 566 4 566 151
16. Michelle McGregor 135.23 7573 56 615 187
17. Kari Fritz 123.96 3471 28 564 210
18. Leticia Meinecke 113.27 2492 22 472 163
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing 2024-2025 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Lauraine Fast 185.37 9639 52 842 254
2. Katherine Hawkins 185.25 3705 20 788 238
3. Ciana Tran 165.75 3315 20 749 233
4. Calleigh Tran 165.35 3307 20 693 222
5. Justine Bryant 158.50 634 4 634 193
6. Jin Yeo 153.88 1231 8 668 195
7. Sophia Clayton 141.58 1699 12 587 180
8. Jen Bryant 116.75 467 4 467 121
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Vinh Luu 11/4 312
2. Ted Choi 1/6 303
3 Jayson Stahlbaum 11/11 301
3 Jonathan Berg 10/7 301
5. Danny Cheung 10/21 299
6. Jace Hauser 11/25 297
7. Gary Reid 12/16 288
8. Tony Luu 1/20 286
9. Roger D'Souza 11/18 283
10 Jack Guay 12/9 279
10 Russ Dunn 12/2 279
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Vinh Luu 11/4 1141
2. Dave Williams 10/7 995
3. Tony Luu 1/20 994
4. Gary Reid 1/13 989
5. Ted Choi 1/6 987
6. Mike Johnson 11/18 977
7. Walter Fritz 1/27 967
8. Chad Hauser 1/13 961
9. Danny Cheung 10/21 958
10. Evan Reid 1/20 955
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Ted Choi 1/6 299
2 Jace Hauser 11/25 289
2 Vinh Luu 11/4 289
4. Jack Guay 12/9 279
5. Roger D'Souza 11/18 278
6. Corey Clayton 11/18 269
7. Gary Reid 12/16 268
8. Tony Luu 1/20 267
9 Colin Shott 9/9 266
9 Jayson Stahlbaum 11/11 266
9 Russ Dunn 12/2 266
12. TJ Howard 9/30 262
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Vinh Luu 11/4 1049
2. Ted Choi 1/6 971
3. Jack Guay 12/9 934
4 Chad Hauser 1/13 921
4 Colin Shott 9/9 921
6. Tony Luu 1/20 918
7. Gary Reid 1/13 913
8. Jace Hauser 1/27 906
9 Corey Clayton 9/23 903
9 Dave Williams 10/7 903
9 Roger D'Souza 10/7 903
12. Evan Reid 1/20 883
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Kari Fritz 11/11 288
2. Cheryl Mantik 12/16 287
3. Liz Wong 1/6 277
4. Debbie Greve 1/27 273
5. Angela Schultz 12/9 271
6. Kelly Kruschel 9/30 267
7 Augusta Bockman 12/16 266
7 Terri-Ann Schmidt 11/4 266
9. Rayna Hauser 11/11 264
10. Faby Karam 1/13 258
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Rayna Hauser 11/11 1018
2. Liz Wong 1/6 938
3. Augusta Bockman 12/16 927
4. Debbie Greve 12/2 924
5. Kelly Kruschel 9/30 923
6. Cheryl Mantik 12/16 915
7. Angela Schultz 11/4 907
8. Kellie Watson 1/13 906
9. Arantxa Garcia 11/25 904
10. Terri-Ann Schmidt 10/28 898
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Kellie Watson 1/13 257
2. Cheryl Mantik 12/16 256
3. Augusta Bockman 12/16 250
4. Liz Wong 1/6 249
5. Terri-Ann Schmidt 11/4 245
6. Angela Schultz 12/9 242
7. Kelly Kruschel 1/20 234
8 Arantxa Garcia 9/23 228
8 Debbie Greve 1/27 228
10 Jenn Hawkins 10/28 214
10 Rayna Hauser 1/20 214
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Kellie Watson 1/13 906
2. Augusta Bockman 12/16 863
3. Liz Wong 1/6 826
4. Terri-Ann Schmidt 12/2 821
5. Kelly Kruschel 1/20 806
6. Cheryl Mantik 12/16 791
7. Angela Schultz 11/4 787
8. Arantxa Garcia 11/25 780
9. Rayna Hauser 11/11 778
10. Debbie Greve 12/2 736
Standing sorted by high series.

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