2023-2024 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars

Last Date and Hour Played 4/29 6:30 PM Next Date to Play 4/22 6:30 PM
Weeks Played 30 Week to Play 3
Regular Bowlers Exist 50 Substitute Bowlers Exist 30
Scratch Average 174.15

Teams Standings - Playoff "A" Division

Standing Playoff "A" Division
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 15-D'Souza 127.0 75402 65464 584.00 2507 2855 681 746 127.0
2. 03-Cuadra 104.5 74298 66534 577.00 2555 2759 688 747 104.5
3. 04-Ho 104.0 74227 65761 543.00 2412 2715 697 778 104.0
4. 10-Schultz 101.0 74885 66214 563.00 2448 2727 699 762 101.0
5. 05-Lyttle 100.0 74810 68133 574.00 2675 2843 735 786 100.0
6. 02-Hauser 96.0 74347 59473 495.00 2311 2671 637 754 96.0
7. 12-Fast 95.5 75348 68013 578.00 2581 2857 702 749 95.5
8. 16-Hawkins 90.0 73582 60859 549.00 2415 2719 666 742 90.0
9. 01-Kho 88.5 73410 63810 540.00 2353 2729 680 762 88.5
10. 13-Fritz 86.5 73431 53829 448.00 2231 2691 624 725 86.5
11. 09-Quiring 81.0 73159 53399 506.00 2440 2626 646 703 81.0
12. 07-Dunn 77.5 73169 61692 513.00 2252 2656 629 733 77.5
13. 08-Garcia 76.0 72613 60694 550.00 2386 2686 689 761 76.0
14. 14-Kruschel 72.5 73633 64545 559.00 2404 2721 698 779 72.5
15. 11-Robert 64.0 72093 48303 404.00 1874 2648 608 710 64.0
16. 06-Greve 60.0 72977 56651 476.00 2244 2792 614 751 60.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Teams Standings - 4'th Quarter

Standing 4'th Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 15-D'Souza 28.0 18099 16143 584.00 2448 2764 667 746 28.0
2. 03-Cuadra 27.0 18126 16678 577.00 2555 2759 688 739 27.0
3. 05-Lyttle 26.0 18293 16721 574.00 2675 2843 735 777 26.0
4. 01-Kho 24.5 17608 15244 540.00 2290 2614 680 761 24.5
5. 10-Schultz 22.0 18383 16515 563.00 2448 2708 699 762 22.0
6. 16-Hawkins 22.0 17864 15412 549.00 2415 2719 666 742 22.0
7. 12-Fast 21.5 17991 16527 578.00 2548 2736 702 749 21.5
8. 14-Kruschel 21.0 18024 16000 559.00 2397 2721 698 779 21.0
9. 02-Hauser 20.0 17719 14227 495.00 2142 2634 593 717 20.0
10. 08-Garcia 20.0 17513 15017 550.00 2386 2674 689 761 20.0
11. 04-Ho 19.0 17614 15902 543.00 2412 2700 640 697 19.0
12. 11-Robert 19.0 17431 11815 404.00 1823 2648 506 710 19.0
13. 09-Quiring 18.0 17410 12686 506.00 1928 2626 543 703 18.0
14. 07-Dunn 17.0 17916 15132 513.00 2252 2656 629 728 17.0
15. 13-Fritz 17.0 17343 12619 448.00 2017 2569 552 705 17.0
16. 06-Greve 14.0 17649 13725 476.00 2244 2792 614 751 14.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Teams Standings - 3'rd Quarter

Standing 3'rd Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 15-D'Souza 37.0 18768 16340 584.00 2507 2855 660 746 37.0
2. 16-Hawkins 31.0 18069 14769 549.00 2256 2650 627 708 31.0
3. 02-Hauser 29.0 18111 14583 495.00 2184 2670 637 754 29.0
4. 13-Fritz 25.0 17866 13322 448.00 2231 2691 624 725 25.0
5. 03-Cuadra 24.5 17685 15889 577.00 2493 2738 672 747 24.5
6. 12-Fast 24.0 18262 16442 578.00 2513 2753 687 747 24.0
7. 05-Lyttle 23.0 17782 16042 574.00 2559 2803 725 786 23.0
8. 04-Ho 21.0 17745 15341 543.00 2359 2715 651 723 21.0
9. 10-Schultz 20.0 17707 15639 563.00 2378 2689 644 724 20.0
10. 01-Kho 18.0 17521 15149 540.00 2353 2693 671 756 18.0
11. 07-Dunn 17.0 17594 14626 513.00 2224 2648 627 733 17.0
12. 14-Kruschel 16.5 17672 15488 559.00 2371 2659 620 689 16.5
13. 09-Quiring 16.0 17580 12956 506.00 1968 2615 523 703 16.0
14. 08-Garcia 16.0 17118 14262 550.00 2236 2686 611 713 16.0
15. 11-Robert 12.0 17291 11775 404.00 1809 2549 504 688 12.0
16. 06-Greve 6.0 17257 13549 476.00 2091 2540 591 717 6.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Teams Standings - 2'nd Quarter

Standing 2'nd Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 15-D'Souza 34.0 17866 15010 584.00 2257 2649 593 694 34.0
2. 10-Schultz 27.0 17726 15286 563.00 2403 2727 625 706 27.0
3. 01-Kho 27.0 17531 15155 540.00 2313 2665 625 713 27.0
4. 12-Fast 25.0 18199 16223 578.00 2581 2857 674 743 25.0
5. 06-Greve 25.0 17573 13409 476.00 2068 2660 572 722 25.0
6. 04-Ho 25.0 17294 15242 543.00 2325 2636 634 718 25.0
7. 07-Dunn 23.0 17297 14281 513.00 2157 2589 622 731 23.0
8. 05-Lyttle 22.0 17495 15795 574.00 2412 2652 667 727 22.0
9. 08-Garcia 21.0 17555 15095 550.00 2304 2652 622 756 21.0
10. 02-Hauser 21.0 17416 13904 495.00 2311 2671 627 717 21.0
11. 03-Cuadra 20.0 17495 15279 577.00 2380 2720 642 721 20.0
12. 13-Fritz 20.0 17343 12555 448.00 1888 2574 512 682 20.0
13. 09-Quiring 16.0 17466 12726 506.00 2030 2626 532 681 16.0
14. 11-Robert 12.0 17072 11176 404.00 1717 2549 474 685 12.0
15. 14-Kruschel 12.0 16981 14561 559.00 2231 2531 586 664 12.0
16. 16-Hawkins 6.0 16941 13429 549.00 2255 2579 619 700 6.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Singles Standings - 2'nd Quarter

Last weeks indivdual games
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G. P1 P2 P3 P4
1. Andres Soto 135.96 3807 28 582 177 148 137 149 121
2. Angela Schultz 163.93 4590 28 742 213 213 169 190 170
3. Augusta Bockman 179.86 5036 28 779 208 186 202 186 204
4. Austin Christianson 155.68 4359 28 715 194 161 194 171 189
5. Brad Morse 168.50 4044 24 789 222 192 213 146 165
6. Brian Lo 178.88 2862 16 798 224 162 211 191 160
7. Chad Hauser 206.95 4139 20 876 256 208 179 181 247
8. Colin Shott 232.25 929 4 929 265 192 265 239 233
9. Cory Williams 211.93 5934 28 919 278 236 190 189 213
10. Danny Cheung 160.15 3203 20 697 202 162 162 148 150
11. Danny Hawkins 181.25 5075 28 794 222 193 201 170 213
12. Dave Williams 185.61 5197 28 889 246 246 225 159 172
13. Deb Quiring 131.14 3672 28 571 164 142 155 144 130
14. Debbie Greve 156.96 4395 28 683 196 161 145 136 180
15. Demetrius Lloyd 156.89 4393 28 708 190 190 140 189 189
16. Dylan Kho 186.21 5214 28 911 245 245 216 237 213
17. Evan Reid 176.79 4243 24 812 267 169 223 178 145
18. Faby Karam 154.00 3696 24 672 187 179 156 169 159
19. Gary Reid 183.39 5135 28 837 254 206 156 171 225
20. Hope Tsang 175.50 4212 24 738 235 165 184 197 132
21. Jace Hauser 192.07 5378 28 855 247 186 158 234 172
22. Jack Guay 224.88 1799 8 916 279 226 247 200 210
23. Jayson Stahlbaum 155.29 3727 24 650 195 175 144 158 154
24. Jenn Hawkins 143.13 1145 8 589 191 123 128 191 147
25. Johnny Ho 187.95 3759 20 810 236 183 223 156 181
26. Jonathan Berg 157.25 4403 28 670 209 133 181 170 135
27. Kari Fritz 132.25 2645 20 563 179 154 143 142 98
28. Kathy Zawada 117.17 1406 12 479 145 126 99 139 113
29. Kelly Kruschel 174.75 4893 28 767 225 155 172 203 153
30. Liz Wong 156.75 1881 12 690 200 190 197 128 175
31. Michael Boehme 188.88 4533 24 810 232 213 200 166 195
32. Murdoch Lyttle 200.94 3215 16 867 262 151 262 198 222
33. Norton Fast 181.86 5092 28 773 236 178 200 166 181
34. Rayna Street 147.25 4123 28 655 182 154 160 148 154
35. Roger D'Souza 182.79 5118 28 772 221 180 186 213 173
36. Ron Bernard 196.39 5499 28 855 255 210 204 191 192
37. Ruben Garcia 183.90 3678 20 807 223 223 161 223 200
38. Russ Dunn 197.11 5519 28 844 267 202 215 169 208
39. Santos Cuadra 175.64 4918 28 781 235 184 171 145 180
40. Shauna Kirouac 153.90 3078 20 667 218 173 157 140 134
41. Stacey Soto 116.11 3251 28 507 152 99 126 135 120
42. Stephen Wong 150.50 602 4 602 167 167 167 123 145
43. Sterling Street 141.60 2832 20 618 203 148 149 129 177
44. Terri-Ann Schmidt 179.00 2148 12 749 216 169 191 177 167
45. TJ Howard 204.82 5735 28 913 300 300 189 191 233
46. Tony Luu 180.69 2891 16 753 235 155 200 193 162
47. Walter Fritz 168.17 4036 24 757 217 179 184 192 143
48. Wes Fritz 147.07 4118 28 634 182 163 134 151 144
Standing sorted by last series - all games scratch+display hdp/bns 1.

Last weeks indivdual games - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G. P1 P2 P3 P4
1. Alex Terakita 185.38 1483 8 787 212 181 193 116 206
2. Bob Puttick 193.05 3861 20 794 236 191 182 236 185
3. Carey Zawada 188.50 1508 8 778 244 214 182 178 156
4. Ciana Luu 151.25 2420 16 621 185 162 148 144 165
5. Corey Clayton 196.11 3530 18 898 263 156 188 188 191
6. Elmer Kari 161.38 1291 8 649 177 138 177 161 166
7. Glen Mcintosh 164.63 2634 16 693 195 172 147 178 167
8. Jean-Guy Robert 130.00 1040 8 577 174 147 93 113 110
9. Kevin Leung 179.75 719 4 719 229 172 144 229 174
10. Lauraine Fast 176.00 704 4 704 191 149 174 191 190
11. Matthew Ho 169.75 679 4 679 181 175 181 153 170
12. Michelle McGregor 135.75 2715 20 579 171 110 171 130 168
13. Mike Johnson 112.13 897 8 468 132 115 120 101 132
14. Miranda Machesney 174.75 1398 8 716 246 158 174 198 152
15. Pacer 192.50 770 4 770 211 211 158 209 192
16. Rick Terakita 140.50 562 4 562 164 114 161 123 164
17. Rick Reeves 187.83 2254 12 832 222 164 147 191 188
18. Russ Quiring 170.36 4770 28 819 224 190 193 161 137
19. Tim Williams 195.25 5467 28 868 257 219 257 179 213
20. Tommy Ho 212.25 1698 8 877 243 208 231 217 221
21. Vinh Luu 179.00 2148 12 785 225 196 135 225 169
Standing sorted by last series - all games scratch+display hdp/bns 1.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Men
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Colin Shott 215.38 5169 24 964 265
2. Cory Williams 205.08 10664 52 919 278
3. Jack Guay 202.44 6478 32 927 279
4. TJ Howard 201.48 10477 52 913 300
5. Chad Hauser 200.92 4822 24 876 256
6. Murdoch Lyttle 199.95 7998 40 874 290
7. Jace Hauser 196.45 11001 56 902 259
8. Russ Dunn 196.13 10983 56 844 267
9. Johnny Ho 191.70 8435 44 836 242
10. Ron Bernard 191.61 10730 56 855 255
11. Michael Boehme 188.14 7902 42 810 232
12. Danny Hawkins 186.52 9699 52 836 257
13. Gary Reid 183.83 9559 52 837 254
14. Dave Williams 183.07 10252 56 889 246
15. Dylan Kho 182.87 9509 52 911 269
16. Evan Reid 178.35 9274 52 812 267
17. Roger D'Souza 177.59 9945 56 784 236
18. Brian Lo 177.43 7807 44 798 224
19. Tony Luu 177.16 7795 44 792 237
20. Norton Fast 175.38 9821 56 773 236
21. Santos Cuadra 174.46 8374 48 781 235
22. Ruben Garcia 173.68 8163 47 807 223
23. Walter Fritz 171.21 8903 52 777 223
24. Brad Morse 165.81 7959 48 789 222
25. Danny Cheung 162.36 4546 28 697 202
26. Austin Christianson 158.93 8900 56 715 222
27. Demetrius Lloyd 155.79 8724 56 708 222
28. Jayson Stahlbaum 155.58 8090 52 678 200
29. Jonathan Berg 155.55 6844 44 670 209
30. Stephen Wong 152.00 1824 12 632 174
31. Wes Fritz 147.38 7664 52 666 207
32. Sterling Street 139.82 6152 44 618 203
33. Andres Soto 135.54 7590 56 582 177
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Tommy Ho 212.25 1698 8 877 243
2. Corey Clayton 199.12 6770 34 898 279
3. Tim Williams 197.91 8708 44 993 278
4. Alex Terakita 192.63 4623 24 834 234
5. Bob Puttick 192.04 5377 28 794 236
6. Pacer 189.25 1514 8 770 221
7. Carey Zawada 188.50 1508 8 778 244
8. Rick Reeves 181.44 5806 32 832 229
9. Vinh Luu 181.33 4352 24 801 225
10. Matthew Ho 181.08 2173 12 773 255
11. Kevin Leung 179.75 719 4 719 229
12. Glen Mcintosh 166.25 5320 32 693 210
13. Russ Quiring 165.52 9269 56 819 224
14. Elmer Kari 161.38 1291 8 649 177
15. Rick Terakita 140.50 562 4 562 164
16. Jean-Guy Robert 138.08 3314 24 634 192
17. Mike Johnson 116.08 1393 12 496 141
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Women
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Augusta Bockman 179.44 8613 48 779 208
2. Terri-Ann Schmidt 176.36 4938 28 749 216
3. Hope Tsang 176.04 8450 48 777 235
4. Kelly Kruschel 175.77 9140 52 792 225
5. Angela Schultz 164.25 7884 48 742 213
6. Liz Wong 162.22 5840 36 710 203
7. Faby Karam 156.06 5618 36 691 208
8. Shauna Kirouac 152.17 5478 36 667 218
9. Debbie Greve 151.25 8470 56 683 196
10. Rayna Street 144.35 7506 52 655 182
11. Jenn Hawkins 142.16 4549 32 672 192
12. Deb Quiring 131.50 7364 56 572 178
13. Kari Fritz 125.30 5513 44 563 179
14. Stacey Soto 115.29 5995 52 507 152
15. Kathy Zawada 114.46 2747 24 479 145
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Standing 2'nd Quarter - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Miranda Machesney 179.20 3584 20 768 246
2. Lauraine Fast 172.67 4144 24 732 208
3. Ciana Luu 157.46 3779 24 683 200
4. Michelle McGregor 135.75 2715 20 579 171
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1. A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Teams Standings - 1'st Quarter

Standing 1'st Quarter
Pos. Name Pts Total Scratch Avg. High.S High.SH High G. High GH Points
1. 04-Ho 29.0 17403 15579 543.00 2287 2607 669 716 29.0
2. 16-Hawkins 29.0 17090 14306 549.00 2145 2554 598 691 29.0
3. 10-Schultz 26.0 17150 15218 563.00 2394 2670 619 688 26.0
4. 09-Quiring 26.0 17034 12322 506.00 2440 2508 646 689 26.0
5. 03-Cuadra 25.0 17050 14998 577.00 2253 2561 618 733 25.0
6. 05-Lyttle 24.0 17376 16008 574.00 2536 2800 726 786 24.0
7. 14-Kruschel 21.0 17165 15089 559.00 2404 2716 639 717 21.0
8. 15-D'Souza 21.0 16745 14389 584.00 2230 2598 598 706 21.0
9. 11-Robert 19.5 16748 11201 404.00 1874 2507 608 660 19.5
10. 02-Hauser 19.0 17316 13700 495.00 2174 2654 585 705 19.0
11. 13-Fritz 19.0 17080 12488 448.00 2024 2608 552 689 19.0
12. 12-Fast 19.0 16934 15138 578.00 2291 2611 630 710 19.0
13. 07-Dunn 18.5 16790 14666 513.00 2216 2514 599 671 18.5
14. 08-Garcia 15.0 16623 13095 550.00 2036 2558 567 680 15.0
15. 01-Kho 14.0 16945 14889 540.00 2325 2729 661 762 14.0
16. 06-Greve 11.0 16680 12984 476.00 1955 2519 533 654 11.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Overview of points - week 4/29 6:30 pm

Lane 1 Lyttle 1 0 1 4 2 Lane 2 Kruschel 0 1 0 1
Lane 3 Kho 1 0 0 1 Lane 4 Cuadra 0 1 1 4 2
Lane 5 D'Souza 0 0 1 3 2 Lane 6 Fast 1 1 0 2
Lane 7 Fritz 1 1 0.5 4.5 2 Lane 8 Robert 0 0 0.5 0.5
Lane 9 Garcia 1 1 0 4 2 Lane 10 Hawkins 0 0 1 1
Lane 11 Dunn 0 1 0 1 Lane 12 Quiring 1 0 1 4 2
Lane 13 Greve 0 0 0 0 Lane 14 Ho 1 1 1 5 2
Lane 15 Hauser 0 0 1 3 2 Lane 16 Schultz 1 1 0 2

Positions of the teams next week - week 4/22 6:30 pm

Lane 1 Kho Lane 2 Hauser
Lane 3 Cuadra Lane 4 Ho
Lane 5 Lyttle Lane 6 Greve
Lane 7 Dunn Lane 8 Garcia
Lane 9 Quiring Lane 10 Schultz
Lane 11 Robert Lane 12 Fast
Lane 13 Fritz Lane 14 Kruschel
Lane 15 D'Souza Lane 16 Hawkins

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
2023-2024 Chicken on the Way Calgary All 174.15 203.86 300 309 79 126 1022 1047 1296 1178 118
30 4/29 6:30 PM 177.38 210.36 280 300 96 347 723 750 38 36 2
29 4/22 6:30 PM 181.87 213.29 279 303 101 142 764 768 45 41 4

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 05-Lyttle 10/16 786
2. 14-Kruschel 4/8 779
3. 04-Ho 4/22 778
4 01-Kho 10/9 762
4 10-Schultz 4/8 762
6. 08-Garcia 3/11 761
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 12-Fast 12/4 2857
2. 15-D'Souza 1/22 2855
3. 05-Lyttle 4/1 2843
4. 06-Greve 4/8 2792
5. 03-Cuadra 4/1 2759
6. 01-Kho 10/9 2729
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 05-Lyttle 4/1 735
2. 12-Fast 4/8 702
3. 10-Schultz 4/8 699
4. 14-Kruschel 4/8 698
5. 04-Ho 4/22 697
6. 08-Garcia 3/11 689
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 05-Lyttle 4/1 2675
2. 12-Fast 12/4 2581
3. 03-Cuadra 4/1 2555
4. 15-D'Souza 1/22 2507
5. 10-Schultz 4/1 2448
6. 09-Quiring 10/16 2440
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Standing 2023-2024 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Men
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Colin Shott 219.64 16253 74 1022 279
2. Chad Hauser 211.83 17370 82 930 288
3. Cory Williams 209.35 23029 110 986 279
4. Jack Guay 207.58 17852 86 928 280
5. Murdoch Lyttle 204.39 15125 74 917 290
6. Jace Hauser 200.81 23696 118 902 289
7. TJ Howard 200.16 18014 90 914 300
8. Johnny Ho 196.87 16537 84 906 267
9. Danny Hawkins 196.72 22426 114 896 275
10. Ron Bernard 196.00 23128 118 888 279
11. Dave Williams 192.68 21966 114 889 270
12. Michael Boehme 192.56 17138 89 918 269
13. Roger D'Souza 192.42 22706 118 941 265
14. Russ Dunn 190.25 20927 110 844 267
15. Justin Picard 190.00 760 4 760 210
16. Evan Reid 187.76 21405 114 885 280
17. Tony Luu 185.77 16719 90 885 279
18. Gary Reid 184.65 20312 110 879 254
19. Dylan Kho 184.39 20283 110 911 269
20. Brian Lo 179.01 18975 106 798 244
21. Norton Fast 178.14 17814 100 810 236
22. Ruben Garcia 177.90 18502 104 807 239
23. Santos Cuadra 175.09 19260 110 783 257
24. Walter Fritz 173.61 17708 102 777 225
25. Jonathan Berg 166.54 16987 102 761 215
26. Austin Christianson 165.22 19496 118 768 229
27. Jayson Stahlbaum 164.01 18041 110 862 253
28. Demetrius Lloyd 163.67 14403 88 867 246
29. Danny Cheung 162.82 12700 78 737 212
30. Stephen Wong 162.63 6180 38 725 224
31. Brad Morse 160.23 16343 102 789 222
32. Wes Fritz 153.21 17466 114 700 212
33. Sterling Street 143.61 14074 98 658 203
34. Andres Soto 139.29 15322 110 651 212
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing 2023-2024 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Tommy Ho 213.00 3408 16 877 243
2. Ted Choi 205.06 6357 31 881 268
3. Corey Clayton 197.81 14242 72 898 279
4. Tim Williams 197.59 17981 91 993 278
5. Alex Terakita 192.63 4623 24 834 234
6. Bob Puttick 190.18 7607 40 819 237
7. Carey Zawada 189.42 2273 12 778 244
8. Pacer 189.25 1514 8 770 221
9. Vinh Luu 188.28 10920 58 848 269
10. Rick Reeves 182.42 9486 52 832 242
11. Billy Boudreau 182.25 1458 8 767 218
12. Kevin Leung 179.75 719 4 719 229
13. Matthew Ho 172.75 4146 24 773 255
14. Glen Mcintosh 171.73 10304 60 795 236
15. Russ Quiring 166.03 9962 60 819 224
16. Elmer Kari 161.38 1291 8 649 177
17. Brandon Bartzis 157.75 631 4 631 168
18. Jean-Guy Robert 147.73 7091 48 772 240
19. Rick Terakita 140.50 562 4 562 164
20. Mike Johnson 122.83 4422 36 539 167
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing 2023-2024 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Women
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Augusta Bockman 188.16 19192 102 909 285
2. Terri-Ann Schmidt 183.76 15068 82 818 256
3. Kelly Kruschel 178.45 18916 106 792 244
4. Hope Tsang 178.16 17103 96 836 278
5. Arantxa Garcia 175.36 8242 47 746 223
6. Angela Schultz 169.44 17961 106 805 236
7. Liz Wong 161.93 12954 80 727 203
8. Faby Karam 158.55 12208 77 706 208
9. Debbie Greve 153.19 16851 110 688 198
10. Rayna Street 152.69 17101 112 756 252
11. Shauna Kirouac 150.76 12965 86 667 218
12. Jenn Hawkins 149.26 11642 78 673 200
13. Deb Quiring 133.64 15770 118 628 187
14. Kari Fritz 128.83 11079 86 630 198
15. Kathy Zawada 120.23 5771 48 557 175
16. Stacey Soto 114.99 12189 106 536 170
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing 2023-2024 Chicken on the Way Calgary Allstars - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Avg. Scratch Games High.S High G.
1. Miranda Machesney 179.20 3584 20 768 246
2. Jin Yeo 173.13 1385 8 695 205
3. Lauraine Fast 172.67 7252 42 732 212
4. Ciana Luu 162.75 9114 56 749 225
5. Calleigh Luu 146.75 587 4 587 158
6. Michelle McGregor 135.59 7322 54 614 171
7. Leticia Meinecke 119.33 3580 30 593 163
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. TJ Howard 12/11 309
2. Dylan Kho 10/9 307
3. Tony Luu 4/22 303
4. Jace Hauser 12/18 301
5. Evan Reid 4/29 300
6. Jayson Stahlbaum 2/26 298
7. Murdoch Lyttle 1/8 296
8. Ron Bernard 3/18 294
9. Jack Guay 12/4 293
10. Demetrius Lloyd 1/22 291
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Demetrius Lloyd 1/22 1047
2. Dylan Kho 10/9 1037
3. Jayson Stahlbaum 4/8 1034
4. Jack Guay 10/9 1023
5. Colin Shott 4/15 1022
6. Roger D'Souza 4/1 1013
7. Cory Williams 12/18 1002
8. Dave Williams 12/4 1001
9. Tony Luu 1/29 993
10. Michael Boehme 4/1 990
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. TJ Howard 12/11 300
2. Murdoch Lyttle 9/11 290
3. Jace Hauser 12/18 289
4. Chad Hauser 3/11 288
5 Evan Reid 4/29 280
5 Jack Guay 1/8 280
7 Colin Shott 4/15 279
7 Cory Williams 4/22 279
7 Ron Bernard 3/18 279
7 Tony Luu 4/22 279
11. Danny Hawkins 4/8 275
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Colin Shott 4/15 1022
2. Cory Williams 12/18 986
3. Roger D'Souza 4/1 941
4. Chad Hauser 2/26 930
5. Jack Guay 1/8 928
6. Michael Boehme 4/1 918
7. Murdoch Lyttle 4/1 917
8. TJ Howard 3/11 914
9. Dylan Kho 12/11 911
10. Johnny Ho 4/8 906
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High GH
1 Augusta Bockman 4/8 307
1 Hope Tsang 2/5 307
3. Rayna Street 4/8 305
4. Terri-Ann Schmidt 3/4 279
5. Angela Schultz 2/12 276
6. Kari Fritz 12/18 274
7. Shauna Kirouac 11/20 273
8. Kelly Kruschel 4/1 272
9 Deb Quiring 2/26 257
9 Kathy Zawada 4/15 257
11 Arantxa Garcia 3/4 256
11 Jenn Hawkins 4/15 256
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Augusta Bockman 3/18 1005
2. Rayna Street 2/5 980
3. Angela Schultz 4/1 957
4. Hope Tsang 2/5 952
5. Kari Fritz 12/18 934
6. Terri-Ann Schmidt 1/22 929
7. Kelly Kruschel 10/16 920
8. Deb Quiring 1/8 916
9. Debbie Greve 10/30 915
10. Liz Wong 3/18 907
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Augusta Bockman 4/8 285
2. Hope Tsang 2/5 278
3. Terri-Ann Schmidt 3/4 256
4. Rayna Street 4/8 252
5. Kelly Kruschel 4/1 244
6. Angela Schultz 2/12 236
7. Arantxa Garcia 4/1 223
8. Shauna Kirouac 11/20 218
9. Faby Karam 9/11 208
10. Liz Wong 9/25 203
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Augusta Bockman 3/18 909
2. Hope Tsang 2/5 836
3. Terri-Ann Schmidt 3/4 818
4. Angela Schultz 4/1 805
5. Kelly Kruschel 10/16 792
6. Rayna Street 2/5 756
7. Arantxa Garcia 3/4 746
8. Liz Wong 3/18 727
9. Faby Karam 2/12 706
10. Debbie Greve 1/22 688
Standing sorted by high series.

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