Results Week 15 

Monday Village Bowlers 24-25

Last Date and Hour Played 1/6 1:00 PM Next Date to Play 1/13 1:00 PM
Weeks Played 15 Week to Play 17
Regular Bowlers Exist 27 Substitute Bowlers Exist 21
Scratch Average 120.66

Teams Standings - Season 2

Standing Season 2
Pos. Name Points Lost Pts Avg. Hdp/Bns Total
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 7.0 0.0 424.33 543 1816
2. 05-05 Melon Balls 5.0 2.0 373.33 657 1777
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 5.0 2.0 363.00 654 1743
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 5.0 2.0 350.00 660 1710
5. 06-06 Foul Balls 2.0 5.0 350.33 660 1711
6. 01-01 PUff Balls 2.0 5.0 335.33 699 1705
7. 04-04 Odd Balls 2.0 5.0 323.33 609 1579
8. 08-08 High Balls 0.0 7.0 272.67 876 1694
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Team High Games and Series - Season 2

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 640
2. 08-08 High Balls 1/6 607
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 605
4. 01-01 PUff Balls 1/6 604
5. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 602
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 1816
2. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 1777
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 1743
4. 06-06 Foul Balls 1/6 1711
5. 02-02 Rubber Balls 1/6 1710
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 459
2. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 387
3. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 383
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 1/6 379
5. 01-01 PUff Balls 1/6 371
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 1273
2. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 1120
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 1089
4. 06-06 Foul Balls 1/6 1051
5. 02-02 Rubber Balls 1/6 1050
Standing sorted by high series.

Singles Standings - Season 2

Standing Season 2 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S High GH High.SH P1 P2 P3 Total
1. David Reid 07 Butter Balls 3 159.00 477 173 477 227 639 159 145 173 639
2. Bill Harding 05 Melon Balls 3 152.67 458 167 458 221 620 137 154 167 620
3. John Goodfellow 05 Melon Balls 3 125.00 375 139 375 211 591 139 113 123 591
4. Gord Deska 03 Bouncy Balls 3 141.33 424 151 424 202 577 151 134 139 577
5. Gary Parsons 07 Butter Balls 3 136.33 409 144 409 200 577 144 133 132 577
6. Chuck Daniels 02 Rubber Balls 3 133.67 401 146 401 203 572 120 135 146 572
7. Norm Davidson 01 PUff Balls 3 122.00 366 148 366 216 570 148 94 124 570
8. Dennis Hicks 08 High Balls 3 87.00 261 112 261 213 564 67 82 112 564
9. Peter Liddy 06 Foul Balls 3 128.00 384 131 384 185 546 131 126 127 546
10. Bill Johnson 04 Odd Balls 3 104.00 312 119 312 192 531 95 119 98 531
11. Jim Squire 04 Odd Balls 3 117.00 351 131 351 188 522 131 118 102 522
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 2 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S High GH High.SH P1 P2 P3 Total
1. Rosemary Jones 06 Foul Balls 3 112.33 337 129 337 220 610 116 92 129 610
2. Mary Dunsmore 07 Butter Balls 3 129.00 387 154 387 225 600 108 125 154 600
3. Carol Lanfranchi 03 Bouncy Balls 3 126.33 379 148 379 218 589 135 96 148 589
4. Marlene Streppel 01 PUff Balls 3 93.67 281 99 281 201 587 99 90 92 587
5. Diane West 03 Bouncy Balls 3 95.33 286 100 286 197 577 91 95 100 577
6. Marg Gillies 02 Rubber Balls 3 92.67 278 102 278 201 575 77 99 102 575
7. Linda Jacques 08 High Balls 3 118.00 354 124 354 196 570 115 115 124 570
8. Marg Gruber 05 Melon Balls 3 95.67 287 102 287 195 566 92 102 93 566
9. Susan Johnson 02 Rubber Balls 3 123.67 371 145 371 209 563 109 145 117 563
10. Margaret Hicks 08 High Balls 3 67.67 203 79 203 198 560 49 75 79 560
11. Yvonne Parent 06 Foul Balls 3 110.00 330 122 330 197 555 122 97 111 555
12. Susan Davidson 01 PUff Balls 3 119.67 359 124 359 187 548 124 121 114 548
13. Mira Reid 04 Odd Balls 3 102.33 307 113 307 186 526 92 113 102 526
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

High Average - Men
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. David Reid 7 159.00
2. Bill Harding 5 152.67
3. Gord Deska 3 141.33
4. Gary Parsons 7 136.33
5. Chuck Daniels 2 133.67
Standing sorted by avg..

High Average - Women
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. Mary Dunsmore 7 129.00
2. Carol Lanfranchi 3 126.33
3. Susan Johnson 2 123.67
4. Susan Davidson 1 119.67
5. Linda Jacques 8 118.00
Standing sorted by avg..

High Game - Men
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. David Reid 7 173
2. Bill Harding 5 167
3. Gord Deska 3 151
4. Norm Davidson 1 148
5. Chuck Daniels 2 146
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game - Women
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. Mary Dunsmore 7 154
2. Carol Lanfranchi 3 148
3. Susan Johnson 2 145
4. Rosemary Jones 6 129
5 Linda Jacques 8 124
5 Susan Davidson 1 124
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. David Reid 7 227
2. Bill Harding 5 221
3. Norm Davidson 1 216
4. Dennis Hicks 8 213
5. John Goodfellow 5 211
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. Mary Dunsmore 7 225
2. Rosemary Jones 6 220
3. Carol Lanfranchi 3 218
4. Susan Johnson 2 209
5 Marg Gillies 2 201
5 Marlene Streppel 1 201
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Series - Men
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. David Reid 7 477
2. Bill Harding 5 458
3. Gord Deska 3 424
4. Gary Parsons 7 409
5. Chuck Daniels 2 401
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Game Series - Women
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. Mary Dunsmore 7 387
2. Carol Lanfranchi 3 379
3. Susan Johnson 2 371
4. Susan Davidson 1 359
5. Linda Jacques 8 354
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Series Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. David Reid 7 639
2. Bill Harding 5 620
3. John Goodfellow 5 591
4 Gord Deska 3 577
4 Gary Parsons 7 577
6. Chuck Daniels 2 572
Standing sorted by

High Series Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Rosemary Jones 6 610
2. Mary Dunsmore 7 600
3. Carol Lanfranchi 3 589
4. Marlene Streppel 1 587
5. Diane West 3 577
Standing sorted by

Single High Games and Series - Season 2 - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. David Reid 1/6 227
2. Bill Harding 1/6 221
3. Norm Davidson 1/6 216
4. Dennis Hicks 1/6 213
5. John Goodfellow 1/6 211
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. David Reid 1/6 639
2. Bill Harding 1/6 620
3. John Goodfellow 1/6 591
4 Gord Deska 1/6 577
4 Gary Parsons 1/6 577
6. Chuck Daniels 1/6 572
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. David Reid 1/6 173
2. Bill Harding 1/6 167
3. Gord Deska 1/6 151
4. Norm Davidson 1/6 148
5. Chuck Daniels 1/6 146
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. David Reid 1/6 477
2. Bill Harding 1/6 458
3. Gord Deska 1/6 424
4. Gary Parsons 1/6 409
5. Chuck Daniels 1/6 401
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Season 2 - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 225
2. Rosemary Jones 1/6 220
3. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 218
4. Susan Johnson 1/6 209
5 Marg Gillies 1/6 201
5 Marlene Streppel 1/6 201
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Rosemary Jones 1/6 610
2. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 600
3. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 589
4. Marlene Streppel 1/6 587
5. Diane West 1/6 577
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 154
2. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 148
3. Susan Johnson 1/6 145
4. Rosemary Jones 1/6 129
5 Linda Jacques 1/6 124
5 Susan Davidson 1/6 124
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 387
2. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 379
3. Susan Johnson 1/6 371
4. Susan Davidson 1/6 359
5. Linda Jacques 1/6 354
Standing sorted by high series.

Teams Standings - Season  1

Standing Season 1
Pos. Name Points Lost Pts Avg. Hdp/Bns Total
1. 08-08 High Balls 67.0 31.0 374.19 8670 24386
2. 05-05 Melon Balls 66.0 32.0 355.02 9249 24160
3. 06-06 Foul Balls 63.5 34.5 362.31 9159 24376
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 59.0 39.0 358.38 9282 24334
5. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 58.0 40.0 354.62 9375 24269
6. 04-04 Odd Balls 57.5 40.5 373.95 8694 24400
7. 01-01 PUff Balls 57.0 41.0 334.31 9876 23917
8. 07-07 Butter Balls 48.0 50.0 380.36 7956 23931
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Team High Games and Series - Season  1

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 06-06 Foul Balls 12/16 689
2. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 686
3. 04-04 Odd Balls 12/2 658
4. 01-01 PUff Balls 11/25 648
5. 07-07 Butter Balls 9/16 639
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 1879
2. 07-07 Butter Balls 12/16 1860
3. 06-06 Foul Balls 11/11 1849
4. 01-01 PUff Balls 11/25 1834
5. 08-08 High Balls 9/9 1831
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 06-06 Foul Balls 12/16 472
2. 07-07 Butter Balls 9/16 471
3. 04-04 Odd Balls 12/2 456
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 454
5. 08-08 High Balls 11/11 422
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 12/16 1266
2. 04-04 Odd Balls 11/25 1210
3. 08-08 High Balls 9/9 1189
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 1183
5. 06-06 Foul Balls 12/16 1179
Standing sorted by high series.

Singles Standings - Season  1

Standing Season 1 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S High GH High.SH P1 P2 P3 Total
1. Gord Deska 03 Bouncy Balls 42 143.79 6039 191 503 248 674 117 143 148 8376
2. Jim Squire 04 Odd Balls 42 136.26 5723 202 525 261 702 141 140 109 8237
3. Gary Parsons 07 Butter Balls 42 137.12 5759 181 477 240 654 138 132 132 8144
4. David Reid 07 Butter Balls 42 140.12 5885 174 477 228 639 156 150 165 8090
5. Bill Johnson 04 Odd Balls 42 118.83 4991 165 405 240 627 116 83 128 8054
6. Chuck Daniels 02 Rubber Balls 39 136.08 5307 247 565 310 754 132 139 141 7560
7. Peter Liddy 06 Foul Balls 36 139.36 5017 179 452 235 620 118 155 147 7027
8. Bill Harding 05 Melon Balls 36 140.00 5040 183 483 237 645 136 166 142 7023
9. John Goodfellow 05 Melon Balls 36 120.42 4335 160 413 232 632 152 113 129 6930
10. Norm Davidson 01 PUff Balls 33 124.61 4112 183 445 251 649 121 175 121 6287
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 1 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S High GH High.SH P1 P2 P3 Total
1. Barry McCrae 42 146.93 6171 201 493 246 632 158 143 159 8277
2. Dave Kristoff 36 122.28 4402 162 426 233 642 162 144 102 7105
3. Bob Jacques 36 126.28 4546 156 439 216 619 122 140 98 6796
4. Jack van Kesteren 30 118.40 3552 169 440 243 674 107 100 124 5535
5. John Szymanski 9 138.67 1248 190 432 260 642 104 190 126 1878
6. Mike Diamond 6 131.17 787 149 429 221 645 145 149 135 1219
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 1 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S High GH High.SH P1 P2 P3 Total
1. Yvonne Parent 06 Foul Balls 42 116.95 4912 177 437 257 677 105 97 123 8212
2. Susan Johnson 02 Rubber Balls 42 128.05 5378 179 453 248 645 142 121 140 8120
3. Mira Reid 04 Odd Balls 42 118.86 4992 161 407 232 636 154 111 142 8109
4. Carol Lanfranchi 03 Bouncy Balls 42 122.19 5132 155 441 227 657 148 155 138 8075
5. Marlene Streppel 01 PUff Balls 42 86.98 3653 122 296 227 607 112 87 97 8069
6. Linda Jacques 08 High Balls 42 120.12 5045 155 404 229 626 122 124 120 8030
7. Mary Dunsmore 07 Butter Balls 42 121.55 5105 169 424 239 636 108 125 154 8018
8. Diane West 03 Bouncy Balls 42 92.81 3898 126 347 224 632 75 91 81 7921
9. Marg Gruber 05 Melon Balls 36 96.56 3476 151 339 245 621 125 110 95 6752
10. Marg Gillies 02 Rubber Balls 33 89.30 2947 114 295 215 595 85 92 89 6112
11. Rosemary Jones 06 Foul Balls 24 98.71 2369 127 339 221 618 108 127 104 4442
12. Susan Davidson 01 PUff Balls 15 130.00 1950 178 450 255 681 125 114 114 3000
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 1 - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S High GH High.SH P1 P2 P3 Total
1. Roz McCrae 42 124.17 5215 171 448 245 664 113 130 129 8230
2. Marjorie McColm 42 88.64 3723 131 333 235 645 97 80 72 7818
3. Pat Silverthorn 27 102.96 2780 131 337 213 583 97 93 81 5009
4. Rita O'Driscoll 9 123.56 1112 147 416 226 653 109 104 100 1823
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

High Average - Men
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. Gord Deska 3 143.79
2. David Reid 7 140.12
3. Bill Harding 5 140.00
4. Peter Liddy 6 139.36
5. Gary Parsons 7 137.12
Standing sorted by avg..

High Average - Women
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. Susan Davidson 1 130.00
2. Susan Johnson 2 128.05
3. Carol Lanfranchi 3 122.19
4. Mary Dunsmore 7 121.55
5. Linda Jacques 8 120.12
Standing sorted by avg..

High Game - Men
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. Chuck Daniels 2 247
2. Jim Squire 4 202
3. Gord Deska 3 191
4 Bill Harding 5 183
4 Norm Davidson 1 183
6. Gary Parsons 7 181
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game - Women
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. Susan Johnson 2 179
2. Susan Davidson 1 178
3. Yvonne Parent 6 177
4. Mary Dunsmore 7 169
5. Mira Reid 4 161
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. Chuck Daniels 2 310
2. Jim Squire 4 261
3. Norm Davidson 1 251
4. Gord Deska 3 248
5 Bill Johnson 4 240
5 Gary Parsons 7 240
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. Yvonne Parent 6 257
2. Susan Davidson 1 255
3. Susan Johnson 2 248
4. Marg Gruber 5 245
5. Mary Dunsmore 7 239
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Series - Men
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. Chuck Daniels 2 565
2. Jim Squire 4 525
3. Gord Deska 3 503
4. Bill Harding 5 483
5 David Reid 7 477
5 Gary Parsons 7 477
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Game Series - Women
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. Susan Johnson 2 453
2. Susan Davidson 1 450
3. Carol Lanfranchi 3 441
4. Yvonne Parent 6 437
5. Mary Dunsmore 7 424
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Series Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Chuck Daniels 2 754
2. Jim Squire 4 702
3. Gord Deska 3 674
4. Gary Parsons 7 654
5. Norm Davidson 1 649
Standing sorted by

High Series Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Susan Davidson 1 681
2. Yvonne Parent 6 677
3. Carol Lanfranchi 3 657
4. Susan Johnson 2 645
5 Mary Dunsmore 7 636
5 Mira Reid 4 636
Standing sorted by

Single High Games and Series - Season  1 - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 310
2. Jim Squire 11/25 261
3. John Szymanski 12/16 260
4. Norm Davidson 11/25 251
5. Gord Deska 11/4 248
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 754
2. Jim Squire 11/25 702
3 Gord Deska 11/4 674
3 Jack van Kesteren 9/30 674
5. Gary Parsons 11/11 654
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 247
2. Jim Squire 11/25 202
3. Barry McCrae 10/28 201
4. Gord Deska 11/4 191
5. John Szymanski 12/16 190
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 565
2. Jim Squire 11/25 525
3. Gord Deska 11/4 503
4. Barry McCrae 10/28 493
5. Bill Harding 11/11 483
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Season  1 - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Yvonne Parent 10/21 257
2. Susan Davidson 9/30 255
3. Susan Johnson 11/11 248
4 Marg Gruber 11/18 245
4 Roz McCrae 10/21 245
6. Mary Dunsmore 11/11 239
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Susan Davidson 9/30 681
2. Yvonne Parent 10/21 677
3. Roz McCrae 11/11 664
4. Carol Lanfranchi 12/16 657
5. Rita O'Driscoll 9/16 653
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Susan Johnson 11/11 179
2. Susan Davidson 9/30 178
3. Yvonne Parent 10/21 177
4. Roz McCrae 10/21 171
5. Mary Dunsmore 11/11 169
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Susan Johnson 9/9 453
2. Susan Davidson 9/30 450
3. Roz McCrae 11/11 448
4. Carol Lanfranchi 12/16 441
5. Yvonne Parent 10/21 437
Standing sorted by high series.

Overview of points - week 1/6 1:00 pm

Lane 25 01 PUff Balls 2 0 0 2 Lane 26 02 Rubber Balls 0 2 2 5 1
Lane 27 03 Bouncy Balls 2 0 2 5 1 Lane 28 04 Odd Balls 0 2 0 2
Lane 29 05 Melon Balls 0 2 2 5 1 Lane 30 06 Foul Balls 2 0 0 2
Lane 31 07 Butter Balls 2 2 2 7 1 Lane 32 08 High Balls 0 0 0 0

Positions of the teams next week - week 1/13 1:00 pm

Lane 25 06 Foul Balls Lane 26 08 High Balls
Lane 27 05 Melon Balls Lane 28 07 Butter Balls
Lane 29 02 Rubber Balls Lane 30 04 Odd Balls
Lane 31 01 PUff Balls Lane 32 03 Bouncy Balls

High Game Handicap - 1/6 1:00 PM
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 640
2. 08-08 High Balls 1/6 607
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 605
4. 01-01 PUff Balls 1/6 604
5. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 602
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap - 1/6 1:00 PM
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 1816
2. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 1777
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 1743
4. 06-06 Foul Balls 1/6 1711
5. 02-02 Rubber Balls 1/6 1710
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch - 1/6 1:00 PM
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 459
2. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 387
3. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 383
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 1/6 379
5. 01-01 PUff Balls 1/6 371
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - 1/6 1:00 PM
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 1273
2. 05-05 Melon Balls 1/6 1120
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 1/6 1089
4. 06-06 Foul Balls 1/6 1051
5. 02-02 Rubber Balls 1/6 1050
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - 1/6 1:00 PM - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. David Reid 1/6 227
2. Bill Harding 1/6 221
3. Norm Davidson 1/6 216
4. Dennis Hicks 1/6 213
5. John Goodfellow 1/6 211
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. David Reid 1/6 639
2. Bill Harding 1/6 620
3. John Goodfellow 1/6 591
4 Gord Deska 1/6 577
4 Gary Parsons 1/6 577
6. Chuck Daniels 1/6 572
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. David Reid 1/6 173
2. Bill Harding 1/6 167
3. Gord Deska 1/6 151
4. Norm Davidson 1/6 148
5. Chuck Daniels 1/6 146
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. David Reid 1/6 477
2. Bill Harding 1/6 458
3. Gord Deska 1/6 424
4. Gary Parsons 1/6 409
5. Chuck Daniels 1/6 401
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - 1/6 1:00 PM - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 225
2. Rosemary Jones 1/6 220
3. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 218
4. Susan Johnson 1/6 209
5 Marg Gillies 1/6 201
5 Marlene Streppel 1/6 201
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Rosemary Jones 1/6 610
2. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 600
3. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 589
4. Marlene Streppel 1/6 587
5. Diane West 1/6 577
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 154
2. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 148
3. Susan Johnson 1/6 145
4. Rosemary Jones 1/6 129
5 Linda Jacques 1/6 124
5 Susan Davidson 1/6 124
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Mary Dunsmore 1/6 387
2. Carol Lanfranchi 1/6 379
3. Susan Johnson 1/6 371
4. Susan Davidson 1/6 359
5. Linda Jacques 1/6 354
Standing sorted by high series.

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Monday Village Bowlers 24-25 120.66 192.42 247 310 49 193 565 754 3 3 0
15 1/6 1:00 PM 116.35 190.76 173 227 49 203 477 639 0 0 0
14 12/16 1:00 PM 125.36 196.69 190 260 72 247 471 657 0 0 0

Present Statistiques

Standing Monday Village Bowlers 24-25

Team Rosters
Pos. Name Scratch Games Avg. Hdp
1. 01-01 PUff Balls 15047 135 111.46 233
1. Susan Davidson 2309 18 128.28 64
2. Marlene Streppel 3934 45 87.42 101
3. Norm Davidson 4478 36 124.39 68
2. 02-02 Rubber Balls 16102 135 119.27 222
1. Chuck Daniels 5708 42 135.90 58
2. Susan Johnson 5749 45 127.76 65
3. Marg Gillies 3225 36 89.58 99
3. 03-03 Bouncy Balls 15983 135 118.39 218
1. Gord Deska 6463 45 143.62 51
2. Carol Lanfranchi 5511 45 122.47 70
3. Diane West 4184 45 92.98 97
4. 04-04 Odd Balls 16676 135 123.53 207
1. Jim Squire 6074 45 134.98 59
2. Mira Reid 5299 45 117.76 74
3. Bill Johnson 5303 45 117.84 74

Pos. Name Scratch Games Avg. Hdp
5. 05-05 Melon Balls 16031 135 118.75 219
1. Bill Harding 5498 39 140.97 54
2. John Goodfellow 4710 39 120.77 72
3. Marg Gruber 3763 39 96.49 93
6. 06-06 Foul Balls 16268 135 120.50 220
1. Yvonne Parent 5242 45 116.49 75
2. Peter Liddy 5401 39 138.49 55
3. Rosemary Jones 2706 27 100.22 90
7. 07-07 Butter Balls 17248 135 127.76 179
1. David Reid 6362 45 141.38 53
2. Gary Parsons 6168 45 137.07 56
3. Mary Dunsmore 5492 45 122.04 70
8. 08-08 High Balls 16534 135 122.47 292
1. Linda Jacques 5399 45 119.98 72
2. Dennis Hicks 261 3 87.00 0
3. Margaret Hicks 203 3 67.67 0
Standing sorted by name.

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 06-06 Foul Balls 12/16 689
2. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 686
3. 04-04 Odd Balls 12/2 658
4. 01-01 PUff Balls 11/25 648
5. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 640
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 1879
2. 07-07 Butter Balls 12/16 1860
3. 06-06 Foul Balls 11/11 1849
4. 01-01 PUff Balls 11/25 1834
5. 08-08 High Balls 9/9 1831
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 06-06 Foul Balls 12/16 472
2. 07-07 Butter Balls 9/16 471
3. 04-04 Odd Balls 12/2 456
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 454
5. 08-08 High Balls 11/11 422
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 07-07 Butter Balls 1/6 1273
2. 04-04 Odd Balls 11/25 1210
3. 08-08 High Balls 9/9 1189
4. 02-02 Rubber Balls 12/2 1183
5. 06-06 Foul Balls 12/16 1179
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Individual Standings - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 P3 T. Series
1. Gord Deska 03 Bouncy Balls 143.62 6463 45 143.62 191 503 151 134 139 577
2. David Reid 07 Butter Balls 141.38 6362 45 141.38 174 477 159 145 173 639
3. Bill Harding 05 Melon Balls 140.97 5498 39 140.97 183 483 137 154 167 620
4. Peter Liddy 06 Foul Balls 138.49 5401 39 138.49 179 452 131 126 127 546
5. Gary Parsons 07 Butter Balls 137.07 6168 45 137.07 181 477 144 133 132 577
6. Chuck Daniels 02 Rubber Balls 135.90 5708 42 135.90 247 565 120 135 146 572
7. Jim Squire 04 Odd Balls 134.98 6074 45 134.98 202 525 131 118 102 522
8. Norm Davidson 01 PUff Balls 124.39 4478 36 124.39 183 445 148 94 124 570
9. John Goodfellow 05 Melon Balls 120.77 4710 39 120.77 160 413 139 113 123 591
10. Bill Johnson 04 Odd Balls 117.84 5303 45 117.84 165 405 95 119 98 531
11. Dennis Hicks 08 High Balls 87.00 261 3 87.00 112 261 67 82 112 564
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual Standings - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 P3 T. Series
1. Barry McCrae 146.93 6171 42 146.93 201 493 158 143 159 604
2. John Szymanski 138.67 1248 9 138.67 190 432 104 190 126 630
3. Mike Diamond 131.17 787 6 131.17 149 429 145 149 135 645
4. Bob Jacques 126.28 4546 36 126.28 156 439 122 140 98 558
5. Dave Kristoff 122.28 4402 36 122.28 162 426 162 144 102 621
6. Jack van Kesteren 118.40 3552 30 118.40 169 440 107 100 124 547
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual Standings - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 P3 T. Series
1. Susan Davidson 01 PUff Balls 128.28 2309 18 128.28 178 450 124 121 114 548
2. Susan Johnson 02 Rubber Balls 127.76 5749 45 127.76 179 453 109 145 117 563
3. Carol Lanfranchi 03 Bouncy Balls 122.47 5511 45 122.47 155 441 135 96 148 589
4. Mary Dunsmore 07 Butter Balls 122.04 5492 45 122.04 169 424 108 125 154 600
5. Linda Jacques 08 High Balls 119.98 5399 45 119.98 155 404 115 115 124 570
6. Mira Reid 04 Odd Balls 117.76 5299 45 117.76 161 407 92 113 102 526
7. Yvonne Parent 06 Foul Balls 116.49 5242 45 116.49 177 437 122 97 111 555
8. Rosemary Jones 06 Foul Balls 100.22 2706 27 100.22 129 339 116 92 129 610
9. Marg Gruber 05 Melon Balls 96.49 3763 39 96.49 151 339 92 102 93 566
10. Diane West 03 Bouncy Balls 92.98 4184 45 92.98 126 347 91 95 100 577
11. Marg Gillies 02 Rubber Balls 89.58 3225 36 89.58 114 295 77 99 102 575
12. Marlene Streppel 01 PUff Balls 87.42 3934 45 87.42 122 296 99 90 92 587
13. Margaret Hicks 08 High Balls 67.67 203 3 67.67 79 203 49 75 79 560
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual Standings - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 P3 T. Series
1. Roz McCrae 124.17 5215 42 124.17 171 448 113 130 129 576
2. Rita O'Driscoll 123.56 1112 9 123.56 147 416 109 104 100 550
3. Pat Silverthorn 102.96 2780 27 102.96 131 337 97 93 81 529
4. Marjorie McColm 88.64 3723 42 88.64 131 333 97 80 72 546
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual High Averages
Pos. Name Player Team Avg.
1. Gord Deska 03 Bouncy Balls 143.62
2. David Reid 07 Butter Balls 141.38
3. Bill Harding 05 Melon Balls 140.97
4. Peter Liddy 06 Foul Balls 138.49
5. Gary Parsons 07 Butter Balls 137.07
Standing sorted by scratch average.

Most Improved Average - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Progress Entered Avg. Avg.
1. Gord Deska 03 Bouncy Balls 14.62 129.00 143.62
2. Bill Harding 05 Melon Balls 5.97 135.00 140.97
3. Jim Squire 04 Odd Balls 3.98 131.00 134.98
4. John Goodfellow 05 Melon Balls 2.77 118.00 120.77
Standing sorted by average increase (on average hdp).

Most Improved Average - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Progress Entered Avg. Avg.
1. Yvonne Parent 06 Foul Balls 17.49 99.00 116.49
2. Susan Davidson 01 PUff Balls 14.28 114.00 128.28
3. Marlene Streppel 01 PUff Balls 10.42 0.00 87.42
4. Mira Reid 04 Odd Balls 9.76 108.00 117.76
Standing sorted by average increase (on average hdp).

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 310
2. Jim Squire 11/25 261
3. John Szymanski 12/16 260
4. Norm Davidson 11/25 251
5. Gord Deska 11/4 248
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 754
2. Jim Squire 11/25 702
3 Gord Deska 11/4 674
3 Jack van Kesteren 9/30 674
5. Gary Parsons 11/11 654
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 247
2. Jim Squire 11/25 202
3. Barry McCrae 10/28 201
4. Gord Deska 11/4 191
5. John Szymanski 12/16 190
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Chuck Daniels 12/2 565
2. Jim Squire 11/25 525
3. Gord Deska 11/4 503
4. Barry McCrae 10/28 493
5. Bill Harding 11/11 483
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Yvonne Parent 10/21 257
2. Susan Davidson 9/30 255
3. Susan Johnson 11/11 248
4 Marg Gruber 11/18 245
4 Roz McCrae 10/21 245
6. Mary Dunsmore 11/11 239
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Susan Davidson 9/30 681
2. Yvonne Parent 10/21 677
3. Roz McCrae 11/11 664
4. Carol Lanfranchi 12/16 657
5. Rita O'Driscoll 9/16 653
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Susan Johnson 11/11 179
2. Susan Davidson 9/30 178
3. Yvonne Parent 10/21 177
4. Roz McCrae 10/21 171
5. Mary Dunsmore 11/11 169
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Susan Johnson 9/9 453
2. Susan Davidson 9/30 450
3. Roz McCrae 11/11 448
4. Carol Lanfranchi 12/16 441
5. Yvonne Parent 10/21 437
Standing sorted by high series.

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