Season 2 Week 29 Results 

Monday Special Olympics 23-24

Last Date and Hour Played 4/29 6:30 PM Next Date to Play 5/6 6:30 PM
Weeks Played 29 Week to Play 1
Regular Bowlers Exist 50 Substitute Bowlers Exist 15
Scratch Average 102.64

Teams Standings - Season 2

Standing Season 2
Pos. Name Points Lost Pts Avg. Hdp/Bns Total
1. 06-06 Birch 53.0 22.0 543.77 12782 29095
2. 03-03 Maple 47.0 28.0 500.97 14010 29039
3. 01-01 Cedar 45.0 30.0 503.63 13598 28707
4. 02-02 Blue Spruce 44.5 30.5 487.33 13710 28330
5. 10-10 Juniper 42.0 33.0 613.30 10176 28575
6. 09-09 Beech 35.0 40.0 575.23 11672 28929
7. 07-07 Magnolia 32.5 42.5 484.53 14050 28586
8. 05-05 Willow 31.0 44.0 535.47 12292 28356
9. 08-08 Alder 25.0 50.0 489.27 14060 28738
10. 04-04 Aspen 20.0 55.0 372.00 16996 28156
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Team High Games and Series - Season 2

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 06-06 Birch 4/8 1123
2. 07-07 Magnolia 4/22 1119
3. 03-03 Maple 3/18 1074
4. 08-08 Alder 2/26 1073
5. 09-09 Beech 4/22 1059
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 07-07 Magnolia 4/22 2138
2. 08-08 Alder 4/22 2116
3. 03-03 Maple 3/18 2113
4. 06-06 Birch 4/8 2083
5. 09-09 Beech 4/22 2079
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 10-10 Juniper 4/22 703
2. 06-06 Birch 4/8 697
3. 09-09 Beech 4/22 672
4. 03-03 Maple 3/18 607
5. 08-08 Alder 2/26 602
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 10-10 Juniper 2/5 1361
2. 09-09 Beech 4/22 1305
3. 06-06 Birch 4/8 1231
4. 08-08 Alder 4/22 1182
5. 03-03 Maple 3/18 1179
Standing sorted by high series.

Singles Standings - Season 2

Standing Season 2 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Lucas Stuart 03 Maple 30 6118 2560 85.33 113 247 475
2. Marc Richardson 06 Birch 30 5982 4382 146.07 51 248 479
3. Khaden Nowack 07 Magnolia 30 5877 4155 138.50 56 235 439
4. Tom Coad 08 Alder 30 5870 3180 106.00 89 232 440
5. Matt Severinski 01 Cedar 30 5860 3092 103.07 90 236 441
6. Vincent Bassman 10 Juniper 30 5746 3792 126.40 65 247 431
7. Evan Pringle 01 Cedar 30 5736 3992 133.07 59 248 466
8. Brandon Reeves 08 Alder 30 5728 2990 99.67 90 231 431
9. Mike Farley 06 Birch 30 5722 3374 112.47 78 222 435
10. David Ellis 05 Willow 28 5648 4996 178.43 22 234 459
11. Curtis Connelly 01 Cedar 30 5595 2851 95.03 93 243 433
12. James Asselstine 03 Maple 28 5552 2330 83.21 111 223 428
13. Zachary Harrod 10 Juniper 28 5511 3641 130.04 65 240 449
14. Austin Norton 06 Birch 28 5502 3242 115.79 79 253 455
15. Mike Dapont 02 Blue Spruce 28 5473 3693 131.89 63 250 472
16. Leslie Stainton 09 Beech 28 5430 3732 133.29 61 232 447
17. Matthew Guillen 01 Cedar 28 5396 2822 100.79 91 271 460
18. Mike Harris 03 Maple 28 5382 3852 137.57 55 232 417
19. Max Hess 02 Blue Spruce 28 5329 2735 97.68 92 228 435
20. Oliver Bottoni 05 Willow 28 5326 1630 58.21 130 220 409
21. Matt Cumming 10 Juniper 28 5259 2725 97.32 91 246 427
22. Lucas Nini 05 Willow 28 5245 2399 85.68 103 215 405
23. Kyle Jedan 03 Maple 28 5200 2470 88.21 98 245 445
24. Jack Ireland 01 Cedar 26 5024 1802 69.31 117 225 422
25. Ryan Magro 06 Birch 26 5015 2923 112.42 80 222 420
26. Jack Ellery 09 Beech 26 5003 2607 100.27 90 251 449
27. Beck Hutchison 10 Juniper 26 4800 3030 116.54 72 232 436
28. Stanley Moffitt 04 Aspen 24 4719 2077 86.54 108 226 436
29. Justin Cremasco 04 Aspen 24 4715 3023 125.96 69 232 445
30. Jordan Bryenton 02 Blue Spruce 24 4646 2660 110.83 82 224 411
31. Sherri Burton 07 Magnolia 24 4418 1612 67.17 118 219 392
32. Patrick Alderton 05 Willow 21 3935 2316 110.29 79 219 425
33. Brian Warmington 02 Blue Spruce 20 3718 1898 94.90 92 216 395
34. Dylan Reid 05 Willow 20 3633 2131 106.55 78 215 407
35. Lestat Husnik 04 Aspen 16 3125 1113 69.56 123 233 434
36. Daniel Philpotts 08 Alder 12 2425 1355 112.92 85 270 488
37. Vacant 006 07 Magnolia 2 384 240 120.00 72 192 384
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 2 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Jake Brandsma 2 387 271 135.50 58 204 387
2. Vacant 009 2 368 80 40.00 144 184 368
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 2 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Ashley Morrison 09 Beech 30 5825 3205 106.83 86 245 437
2. Cathy Lemon 09 Beech 30 5812 3198 106.60 85 234 455
3. Monika Dimoska 06 Birch 30 5788 1786 59.53 131 234 423
4. Miriam Miller 09 Beech 30 5777 3925 130.83 62 228 420
5. Amy Storton 08 Alder 30 5768 3316 110.53 81 230 456
6. Fiona Allen 07 Magnolia 30 5549 2189 72.97 113 219 428
7. Jaime Armas 07 Magnolia 28 5387 2579 92.11 99 219 428
8. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 03 Maple 26 4967 2857 109.88 82 225 428
9. Taylor Shier 08 Alder 26 4951 1923 73.96 115 234 415
10. Grace Quirk 02 Blue Spruce 26 4872 1564 60.15 127 207 407
11. Anna Labonte 04 Aspen 22 4231 1353 61.50 129 222 410
12. Jennifer Allen 10 Juniper 20 3979 2997 149.85 48 245 467
13. Jaislyn Hahn 04 Aspen 20 3606 1030 51.50 130 203 388
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 2 - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Jennifer Scott 10 1903 1059 105.90 84 221 403
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

High Average - Men
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. David Ellis 5 178.43
2. Marc Richardson 6 146.07
3. Khaden Nowack 7 138.50
4. Mike Harris 3 137.57
5. Leslie Stainton 9 133.29
Standing sorted by avg..

High Average - Women
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. Jennifer Allen 10 149.85
2. Miriam Miller 9 130.83
3. Amy Storton 8 110.53
4. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3 109.88
5. Ashley Morrison 9 106.83
Standing sorted by avg..

High Game - Men
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. David Ellis 5 211
2. Marc Richardson 6 194
3. Evan Pringle 1 189
4. Mike Dapont 2 184
5. Vincent Bassman 10 181
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game - Women
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. Jennifer Allen 10 194
2. Miriam Miller 9 166
3. Ashley Morrison 9 156
4 Amy Storton 8 147
4 Cathy Lemon 9 147
6. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3 142
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. Matthew Guillen 1 271
2. Daniel Philpotts 8 270
3. Austin Norton 6 253
4. Jack Ellery 9 251
5. Mike Dapont 2 250
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High GH
1 Ashley Morrison 9 245
1 Jennifer Allen 10 245
3 Cathy Lemon 9 234
3 Taylor Shier 8 234
3 Monika Dimoska 6 234
6. Amy Storton 8 230
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Series - Men
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. David Ellis 5 413
2. Marc Richardson 6 371
3. Evan Pringle 1 348
4. Mike Dapont 2 340
5 Khaden Nowack 7 325
5 Leslie Stainton 9 325
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Game Series - Women
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. Jennifer Allen 10 365
2. Miriam Miller 9 296
3. Amy Storton 8 290
4. Cathy Lemon 9 281
5. Ashley Morrison 9 263
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Series Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Daniel Philpotts 8 488
2. Marc Richardson 6 479
3. Lucas Stuart 3 475
4. Mike Dapont 2 472
5. Evan Pringle 1 466
Standing sorted by

High Series Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Jennifer Allen 10 467
2. Amy Storton 8 456
3. Cathy Lemon 9 455
4. Ashley Morrison 9 437
5 Jaime Armas 7 428
5 Fiona Allen 7 428
5 Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3 428
Standing sorted by

Single High Games and Series - Season 2 - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Matthew Guillen 1/29 271
2. Daniel Philpotts 4/22 270
3. Austin Norton 4/8 253
4. Jack Ellery 3/25 251
5. Mike Dapont 1/15 250
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Daniel Philpotts 4/22 488
2. Marc Richardson 4/8 479
3. Lucas Stuart 3/18 475
4. Mike Dapont 1/15 472
5. Evan Pringle 3/18 466
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. David Ellis 3/4 211
2. Marc Richardson 4/8 194
3. Evan Pringle 1/22 189
4. Mike Dapont 1/15 184
5. Vincent Bassman 2/5 181
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. David Ellis 3/4 413
2. Marc Richardson 4/8 371
3. Evan Pringle 3/18 348
4. Mike Dapont 1/15 340
5 Khaden Nowack 4/29 325
5 Leslie Stainton 4/22 325
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Season 2 - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1 Ashley Morrison 1/8 245
1 Jennifer Allen 1/22 245
3 Cathy Lemon 4/15 234
3 Taylor Shier 2/26 234
3 Monika Dimoska 1/15 234
6. Amy Storton 2/26 230
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Jennifer Allen 2/5 467
2. Amy Storton 2/26 456
3. Cathy Lemon 4/15 455
4. Ashley Morrison 4/22 437
5 Jaime Armas 3/4 428
5 Fiona Allen 1/29 428
5 Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 4/22 428
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Jennifer Allen 1/22 194
2. Miriam Miller 2/26 166
3. Ashley Morrison 1/8 156
4 Amy Storton 2/26 147
4 Cathy Lemon 4/15 147
6. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 4/22 142
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jennifer Allen 2/5 365
2. Miriam Miller 4/8 296
3. Amy Storton 2/26 290
4. Cathy Lemon 4/15 281
5. Ashley Morrison 4/22 263
Standing sorted by high series.

Teams Standings - Season 1

Standing Season 1
Pos. Name Points Lost Pts Avg. Hdp/Bns Total
1. 03-03 Maple 46.0 24.0 466.96 13406 26481
2. 09-09 Beech 41.0 29.0 568.21 10818 26728
3. 05-05 Willow 39.0 31.0 538.21 11674 26744
4. 07-07 Magnolia 37.0 33.0 488.50 12704 26382
5. 01-01 Cedar 36.0 34.0 503.00 12790 26874
6. 02-02 Blue Spruce 34.0 36.0 482.18 12876 26377
7. 04-04 Aspen 33.0 37.0 361.50 15878 26000
8. 10-10 Juniper 31.5 38.5 620.54 9488 26863
9. 06-06 Birch 30.5 39.5 530.36 11636 26486
10. 08-08 Alder 22.0 48.0 473.11 12688 25935
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Team High Games and Series - Season 1

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 10-10 Juniper 12/18 1072
2. 07-07 Magnolia 9/11 1060
3. 05-05 Willow 11/20 1059
4. 06-06 Birch 11/13 1040
5. 04-04 Aspen 12/18 1036
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 10-10 Juniper 9/11 2129
2. 07-07 Magnolia 9/11 2095
3. 08-08 Alder 9/11 2062
4. 09-09 Beech 9/18 2009
5. 04-04 Aspen 12/18 2007
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 10-10 Juniper 12/18 728
2. 05-05 Willow 11/20 650
3. 06-06 Birch 9/18 643
4. 09-09 Beech 12/4 612
5 01-01 Cedar 11/13 579
5 07-07 Magnolia 9/11 579
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 10-10 Juniper 12/18 1358
2. 06-06 Birch 9/18 1249
3. 09-09 Beech 9/18 1221
4. 05-05 Willow 11/20 1188
5. 07-07 Magnolia 9/11 1133
Standing sorted by high series.

Singles Standings - Season 1

Standing Season 1 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Matthew Guillen 01 Cedar 28 5519 2681 95.75 91 246 439
2. Marc Richardson 06 Birch 28 5461 3921 140.04 51 236 424
3. Zachary Harrod 10 Juniper 28 5438 3476 124.14 65 236 439
4 Khaden Nowack 07 Magnolia 28 5423 3811 136.11 56 228 429
4 Evan Pringle 01 Cedar 28 5423 3811 136.11 59 239 415
6. Patrick Alderton 05 Willow 28 5411 3215 114.82 79 256 445
7. Leslie Stainton 09 Beech 28 5361 3693 131.89 61 232 429
8. Mike Dapont 02 Blue Spruce 28 5333 3549 126.75 63 239 430
9. Matt Cumming 10 Juniper 28 5313 2789 99.61 91 227 426
10. Mike Farley 06 Birch 28 5299 3217 114.89 78 218 411
11. Austin Norton 06 Birch 28 5284 3048 108.86 79 235 460
12. Matt Severinski 01 Cedar 28 5281 2677 95.61 90 235 432
13. Kyle Jedan 03 Maple 28 5236 2656 94.86 98 224 421
14. Tom Coad 08 Alder 28 5228 2734 97.64 89 226 412
15. Curtis Connelly 01 Cedar 26 5116 2552 98.15 93 250 439
16. Oliver Bottoni 05 Willow 28 5110 1472 52.57 130 208 398
17. Mike Harris 03 Maple 26 5107 3603 138.58 55 255 455
18. Stanley Moffitt 04 Aspen 26 5007 1905 73.27 108 222 428
19. Max Hess 02 Blue Spruce 26 4966 2520 96.92 92 230 426
20. Beck Hutchison 10 Juniper 26 4954 3258 125.31 72 281 540
21. Ryan Magro 06 Birch 26 4938 2866 110.23 80 217 427
22. Jack Ellery 09 Beech 26 4917 2613 100.50 90 226 424
23. Jordan Bryenton 02 Blue Spruce 26 4907 2759 106.12 82 213 416
24. David Ellis 05 Willow 24 4863 4123 171.79 22 232 438
25. Brandon Reeves 08 Alder 26 4850 2596 99.85 90 217 409
26. Lucas Nini 05 Willow 26 4837 2239 86.12 103 208 399
27. Justin Cremasco 04 Aspen 26 4818 3156 121.38 69 265 481
28. Lestat Husnik 04 Aspen 24 4730 1414 58.92 123 234 437
29. Dylan Reid 05 Willow 24 4703 2863 119.29 78 239 434
30. Vincent Bassman 10 Juniper 24 4680 3094 128.92 65 229 443
31. Lucas Stuart 03 Maple 24 4626 1462 60.92 113 216 419
32. James Asselstine 03 Maple 24 4444 1624 67.67 111 216 415
33. Brian Warmington 02 Blue Spruce 22 4178 2188 99.45 92 230 423
34. Daniel Philpotts 08 Alder 18 3369 1795 99.72 85 226 405
35. Sherri Burton 07 Magnolia 18 3338 1284 71.33 118 216 401
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 1 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Matthew Paonne 28 5179 2213 79.04 108 219 406
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 1 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Jennifer Allen 10 Juniper 28 5386 4058 144.93 48 226 435
2. Ashley Morrison 09 Beech 28 5363 2851 101.82 86 222 421
3. Jaime Armas 07 Magnolia 28 5323 2415 86.25 99 225 432
4. Cathy Lemon 09 Beech 28 5273 2897 103.46 85 218 421
5. Grace Quirk 02 Blue Spruce 28 5201 1601 57.18 127 215 419
6. Miriam Miller 09 Beech 26 5090 3442 132.38 62 264 469
7. Fiona Allen 07 Magnolia 26 4763 1971 75.81 113 234 459
8. Amy Storton 08 Alder 24 4581 2653 110.54 81 239 441
9. Jaislyn Hahn 04 Aspen 26 4384 1520 58.46 130 212 382
10. Taylor Shier 08 Alder 24 4315 1681 70.04 115 237 458
11. Anna Labonte 04 Aspen 22 4215 1133 51.50 129 215 411
12. Monika Dimoska 06 Birch 22 4049 1061 48.23 131 204 403
13. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 03 Maple 10 1920 1062 106.20 82 220 419
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Season 1 - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Total Scratch Avg. Hdp High GH High.SH
1. Jennifer Scott 26 4931 2773 106.65 84 220 429
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

High Average - Men
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. David Ellis 5 171.79
2. Marc Richardson 6 140.04
3. Mike Harris 3 138.58
4 Khaden Nowack 7 136.11
4 Evan Pringle 1 136.11
6. Leslie Stainton 9 131.89
Standing sorted by avg..

High Average - Women
Pos. Name Team Avg.
1. Jennifer Allen 10 144.93
2. Miriam Miller 9 132.38
3. Amy Storton 8 110.54
4. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3 106.20
5. Cathy Lemon 9 103.46
Standing sorted by avg..

High Game - Men
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. David Ellis 5 205
2. Mike Harris 3 200
3. Beck Hutchison 10 199
4. Justin Cremasco 4 191
5. Evan Pringle 1 181
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game - Women
Pos. Name Team High G.
1. Miriam Miller 9 200
2. Jennifer Allen 10 179
3. Amy Storton 8 160
4. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3 132
5 Ashley Morrison 9 131
5 Cathy Lemon 9 131
Standing sorted by high g..

High Game Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. Beck Hutchison 10 281
2. Justin Cremasco 4 265
3. Patrick Alderton 5 256
4. Mike Harris 3 255
5. Curtis Connelly 1 250
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High GH
1. Miriam Miller 9 264
2. Amy Storton 8 239
3. Taylor Shier 8 237
4. Fiona Allen 7 234
5. Jennifer Allen 10 226
Standing sorted by high gh.

High Game Series - Men
Pos. Name Team High.S
1. David Ellis 5 378
2. Justin Cremasco 4 333
3. Mike Harris 3 326
4. Beck Hutchison 10 324
5. Khaden Nowack 7 315
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Game Series - Women
Pos. Name Team High.S
1 Miriam Miller 9 341
1 Jennifer Allen 10 341
3. Amy Storton 8 279
4. Cathy Lemon 9 249
5. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3 243
Standing sorted by high.s.

High Series Handicap - Men
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Beck Hutchison 10 540
2. Justin Cremasco 4 481
3. Austin Norton 6 460
4. Mike Harris 3 455
5. Patrick Alderton 5 445
Standing sorted by

High Series Handicap - Women
Pos. Name Team High.SH
1. Miriam Miller 9 469
2. Fiona Allen 7 459
3. Taylor Shier 8 458
4. Amy Storton 8 441
5. Jennifer Allen 10 435
Standing sorted by

Single High Games and Series - Season 1 - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Beck Hutchison 9/11 281
2. Justin Cremasco 9/11 265
3. Patrick Alderton 12/18 256
4. Mike Harris 12/4 255
5. Curtis Connelly 11/27 250
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Beck Hutchison 9/11 540
2. Justin Cremasco 9/11 481
3. Austin Norton 9/18 460
4. Mike Harris 9/25 455
5. Patrick Alderton 11/20 445
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. David Ellis 11/20 205
2. Mike Harris 12/4 200
3. Beck Hutchison 11/20 199
4. Justin Cremasco 9/11 191
5. Evan Pringle 10/16 181
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. David Ellis 12/18 378
2. Justin Cremasco 9/11 333
3. Mike Harris 11/20 326
4. Beck Hutchison 9/11 324
5. Khaden Nowack 12/4 315
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Season 1 - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Miriam Miller 12/4 264
2. Amy Storton 11/13 239
3. Taylor Shier 9/11 237
4. Fiona Allen 9/11 234
5. Jennifer Allen 11/20 226
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Miriam Miller 12/4 469
2. Fiona Allen 9/11 459
3. Taylor Shier 9/11 458
4. Amy Storton 10/23 441
5. Jennifer Allen 11/20 435
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Miriam Miller 12/4 200
2. Jennifer Allen 9/11 179
3. Amy Storton 11/13 160
4. Jennifer Scott 11/13 136
5. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 12/11 132
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1 Miriam Miller 12/4 341
1 Jennifer Allen 9/11 341
3. Amy Storton 10/23 279
4. Cathy Lemon 9/18 249
5. Jennifer Scott 9/11 245
Standing sorted by high series.

Overview of points - week 4/29 6:30 pm

Lane 11 01 Cedar 2 0 3 1 Lane 12 03 Maple 0 2 2
Lane 13 06 Birch 2 2 5 1 Lane 14 08 Alder 0 0 0
Lane 15 09 Beech 0 2 3 1 Lane 16 02 Blue Spruce 2 0 2
Lane 17 10 Juniper 2 0 2 Lane 18 07 Magnolia 0 2 3 1
Lane 19 04 Aspen 0 0 0 Lane 20 05 Willow 2 2 5 1

Positions of the teams next week - week 5/6 6:30 pm

Lane 11 04 Aspen Lane 12 08 Alder
Lane 13 10 Juniper Lane 14 03 Maple
Lane 15 05 Willow Lane 16 07 Magnolia
Lane 17 09 Beech Lane 18 01 Cedar
Lane 19 06 Birch Lane 20 02 Blue Spruce

High Game Handicap - 4/29 6:30 PM
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 06-06 Birch 4/29 1032
2. 08-08 Alder 4/29 1016
3. 07-07 Magnolia 4/29 1008
4. 03-03 Maple 4/29 985
5. 05-05 Willow 4/29 980
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap - 4/29 6:30 PM
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 06-06 Birch 4/29 2056
2. 08-08 Alder 4/29 2014
3. 05-05 Willow 4/29 1952
4 01-01 Cedar 4/29 1939
4 07-07 Magnolia 4/29 1939
6 09-09 Beech 4/29 1917
6 10-10 Juniper 4/29 1917
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch - 4/29 6:30 PM
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 10-10 Juniper 4/29 625
2. 06-06 Birch 4/29 610
3. 09-09 Beech 4/29 585
4. 05-05 Willow 4/29 566
5. 08-08 Alder 4/29 556
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - 4/29 6:30 PM
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 10-10 Juniper 4/29 1237
2. 06-06 Birch 4/29 1212
3. 09-09 Beech 4/29 1151
4. 05-05 Willow 4/29 1124
5. 08-08 Alder 4/29 1094
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - 4/29 6:30 PM - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Vincent Bassman 4/29 239
2. Khaden Nowack 4/29 235
3. Marc Richardson 4/29 230
4. David Ellis 4/29 228
5. Jack Ellery 4/29 226
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Marc Richardson 4/29 459
2. Jack Ellery 4/29 449
3. Khaden Nowack 4/29 439
4. Mike Farley 4/29 435
5. Vincent Bassman 4/29 431
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. David Ellis 4/29 205
2. Khaden Nowack 4/29 178
3. Marc Richardson 4/29 177
4. Vincent Bassman 4/29 173
5. Evan Pringle 4/29 146
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. David Ellis 4/29 379
2. Marc Richardson 4/29 353
3. Khaden Nowack 4/29 325
4. Vincent Bassman 4/29 299
5. Mike Farley 4/29 277
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - 4/29 6:30 PM - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Amy Storton 4/29 214
2 Miriam Miller 4/29 209
2 Monika Dimoska 4/29 209
4. Ashley Morrison 4/29 208
5. Jaime Armas 4/29 201
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Amy Storton 4/29 422
2. Monika Dimoska 4/29 403
3. Jaime Armas 4/29 394
4. Jennifer Allen 4/29 386
5. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 4/29 385
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Jennifer Allen 4/29 152
2. Miriam Miller 4/29 147
3. Amy Storton 4/29 133
4. Ashley Morrison 4/29 122
5. Cathy Lemon 4/29 114
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jennifer Allen 4/29 292
2. Amy Storton 4/29 260
3. Miriam Miller 4/29 257
4. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 4/29 221
5. Ashley Morrison 4/29 210
Standing sorted by high series.

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Monday Special Olympics 23-24 102.64 191.10 211 281 22 62 413 540 11 10 1
29 4/29 6:30 PM 106.39 194.43 205 239 41 96 379 459 1 1 0
28 4/22 6:30 PM 106.18 195.01 180 270 40 80 326 488 0 0 0

Present Statistiques

Standing Monday Special Olympics 23-24

Team Rosters
Pos. Name Scratch Games Avg. Hdp
1. 01-01 Cedar 29193 290 100.67 450
1. Matthew Guillen 5503 56 98.27 91
2. Jack Ireland 1802 26 69.31 117
3. Evan Pringle 7803 58 134.53 59
4. Matt Severinski 5769 58 99.47 90
5. Curtis Connelly 5403 56 96.48 93
2. 02-02 Blue Spruce 28121 290 96.97 456
1. Mike Dapont 7242 56 129.32 63
2. Jordan Bryenton 5419 50 108.38 82
3. Max Hess 5255 54 97.31 92
4. Brian Warmington 4086 42 97.29 92
5. Grace Quirk 3165 54 58.61 127
3. 03-03 Maple 28104 290 96.91 459
1. Lucas Stuart 4022 54 74.48 113
2. Mike Harris 7455 54 138.06 55
3. James Asselstine 3954 52 76.04 111
4. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 3919 36 108.86 82
5. Kyle Jedan 5126 56 91.54 98
4. 04-04 Aspen 21282 290 73.39 559
1. Lestat Husnik 2527 40 63.17 123
2. Stanley Moffitt 3982 50 79.64 108
3. Anna Labonte 2486 44 56.50 129
4. Justin Cremasco 6179 50 123.58 69
5. Jaislyn Hahn 2550 46 55.43 130
5. 05-05 Willow 31134 290 107.36 412
1. David Ellis 9119 52 175.37 22
2. Patrick Alderton 5531 49 112.88 79
3. Dylan Reid 4994 44 113.50 78
4. Lucas Nini 4638 54 85.89 103
5. Oliver Bottoni 3102 56 55.39 130

Pos. Name Scratch Games Avg. Hdp
6. 06-06 Birch 31163 290 107.46 419
1. Marc Richardson 8303 58 143.16 51
2. Austin Norton 6290 56 112.32 79
3. Ryan Magro 5789 52 111.33 80
4. Mike Farley 6591 58 113.64 78
5. Monika Dimoska 2847 52 54.75 131
7. 07-07 Magnolia 28214 292 96.62 470
1. Khaden Nowack 7966 58 137.34 56
2. Vacant 006 240 2 120.00 72
3. Jaime Armas 4994 56 89.18 99
4. Sherri Burton 2896 42 68.95 118
5. Fiona Allen 4160 56 74.29 113
8. 08-08 Alder 27925 290 96.29 460
1. Daniel Philpotts 3150 30 105.00 85
2. Amy Storton 5969 54 110.54 81
3. Tom Coad 5914 58 101.97 89
4. Brandon Reeves 5586 56 99.75 90
5. Taylor Shier 3604 50 72.08 115
9. 09-09 Beech 33167 290 114.37 384
1. Miriam Miller 7367 56 131.55 62
2. Ashley Morrison 6056 58 104.41 86
3. Leslie Stainton 7425 56 132.59 61
4. Cathy Lemon 6095 58 105.09 85
5. Jack Ellery 5220 52 100.38 90
10. 10-10 Juniper 35774 290 123.36 341
1. Zachary Harrod 7117 56 127.09 65
2. Jennifer Allen 7055 48 146.98 48
3. Vincent Bassman 6886 54 127.52 65
4. Matt Cumming 5514 56 98.46 91
5. Beck Hutchison 6288 52 120.92 72
Standing sorted by name.

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 06-06 Birch 4/8 1123
2. 07-07 Magnolia 4/22 1119
3. 03-03 Maple 3/18 1074
4. 08-08 Alder 2/26 1073
5. 10-10 Juniper 12/18 1072
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 07-07 Magnolia 4/22 2138
2. 10-10 Juniper 9/11 2129
3. 08-08 Alder 4/22 2116
4. 03-03 Maple 3/18 2113
5. 06-06 Birch 4/8 2083
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 10-10 Juniper 12/18 728
2. 06-06 Birch 4/8 697
3. 09-09 Beech 4/22 672
4. 05-05 Willow 11/20 650
5. 03-03 Maple 3/18 607
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 10-10 Juniper 2/5 1361
2. 09-09 Beech 4/22 1305
3. 06-06 Birch 9/18 1249
4. 05-05 Willow 11/20 1188
5. 08-08 Alder 4/22 1182
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Individual Standings - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 T. Series
1. David Ellis 05 Willow 175.37 9119 52 175.37 211 413 174 205 425
2. Marc Richardson 06 Birch 143.16 8303 58 143.16 194 371 176 177 459
3. Mike Harris 03 Maple 138.06 7455 54 138.06 200 326 142 114 366
4. Khaden Nowack 07 Magnolia 137.34 7966 58 137.34 178 325 147 178 439
5. Evan Pringle 01 Cedar 134.53 7803 58 134.53 189 348 146 128 392
6. Leslie Stainton 09 Beech 132.59 7425 56 132.59 170 325 119 100 339
7. Mike Dapont 02 Blue Spruce 129.32 7242 56 129.32 184 340 127 100 353
8. Vincent Bassman 10 Juniper 127.52 6886 54 127.52 181 307 173 126 431
9. Zachary Harrod 10 Juniper 127.09 7117 56 127.09 174 317 112 118 360
10. Justin Cremasco 04 Aspen 123.58 6179 50 123.58 191 333 119 99 354
11. Beck Hutchison 10 Juniper 120.92 6288 52 120.92 199 324 89 126 357
12. Vacant 006 07 Magnolia 120.00 240 2 120.00 120 240 120 120 384
13. Mike Farley 06 Birch 113.64 6591 58 113.64 143 277 143 134 435
14. Dylan Reid 05 Willow 113.50 4994 44 113.50 163 286 96 127 379
15. Patrick Alderton 05 Willow 112.88 5531 49 112.88 178 287 80 96 332
16. Austin Norton 06 Birch 112.32 6290 56 112.32 173 296 142 108 410
17. Ryan Magro 06 Birch 111.33 5789 52 111.33 141 263 126 111 397
18. Jordan Bryenton 02 Blue Spruce 108.38 5419 50 108.38 141 250 129 79 372
19. Daniel Philpotts 08 Alder 105.00 3150 30 105.00 180 308 113 118 403
20. Tom Coad 08 Alder 101.97 5914 58 101.97 142 260 85 112 373
21. Jack Ellery 09 Beech 100.38 5220 52 100.38 158 269 133 136 449
22. Brandon Reeves 08 Alder 99.75 5586 56 99.75 138 247 117 109 406
23. Matt Severinski 01 Cedar 99.47 5769 58 99.47 143 255 123 99 402
24. Matt Cumming 10 Juniper 98.46 5514 56 98.46 156 248 98 103 383
25. Matthew Guillen 01 Cedar 98.27 5503 56 98.27 177 272 104 89 375
26. Max Hess 02 Blue Spruce 97.31 5255 54 97.31 135 249 97 116 399
27. Brian Warmington 02 Blue Spruce 97.29 4086 42 97.29 139 238 99 88 371
28. Curtis Connelly 01 Cedar 96.48 5403 56 96.48 155 251 58 124 368
29. Kyle Jedan 03 Maple 91.54 5126 56 91.54 146 247 86 117 399
30. Lucas Nini 05 Willow 85.89 4638 54 85.89 113 201 109 89 404
31. Stanley Moffitt 04 Aspen 79.64 3982 50 79.64 115 214 76 69 361
32. James Asselstine 03 Maple 76.04 3954 52 76.04 106 200 68 89 381
33. Lucas Stuart 03 Maple 74.48 4022 54 74.48 129 239 64 93 383
34. Jack Ireland 01 Cedar 69.31 1802 26 69.31 102 176 84 82 402
35. Sherri Burton 07 Magnolia 68.95 2896 42 68.95 102 173 70 75 381
36. Lestat Husnik 04 Aspen 63.17 2527 40 63.17 107 182 87 66 401
37. Oliver Bottoni 05 Willow 55.39 3102 56 55.39 89 147 78 59 399
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual Standings - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 T. Series
1. Jake Brandsma 135.50 271 2 135.50 146 271 125 146 387
2. Matthew Paonne 79.04 2213 28 79.04 110 188 90 68 374
3. Vacant 009 40.00 80 2 40.00 40 80 40 40 368
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual Standings - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 T. Series
1. Jennifer Allen 10 Juniper 146.98 7055 48 146.98 194 365 140 152 386
2. Miriam Miller 09 Beech 131.55 7367 56 131.55 200 341 110 147 381
3. Amy Storton 08 Alder 110.54 5969 54 110.54 160 290 133 127 422
4. Jasmine Lemieux-Chan 03 Maple 108.86 3919 36 108.86 142 262 109 112 385
5. Cathy Lemon 09 Beech 105.09 6095 58 105.09 147 281 82 114 366
6. Ashley Morrison 09 Beech 104.41 6056 58 104.41 156 263 122 88 382
7. Jaime Armas 07 Magnolia 89.18 4994 56 89.18 122 226 93 101 394
8. Fiona Allen 07 Magnolia 74.29 4160 56 74.29 107 203 48 78 352
9. Taylor Shier 08 Alder 72.08 3604 50 72.08 117 198 90 82 404
10. Grace Quirk 02 Blue Spruce 58.61 3165 54 58.61 85 159 55 41 348
11. Anna Labonte 04 Aspen 56.50 2486 44 56.50 91 150 43 70 371
12. Jaislyn Hahn 04 Aspen 55.43 2550 46 55.43 120 228 61 62 383
13. Monika Dimoska 06 Birch 54.75 2847 52 54.75 99 153 63 78 403
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual Standings - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Avg. Scratch Games Avg. High G. High.S P1 P2 T. Series
1. Jennifer Scott 106.44 3832 36 106.44 136 245 101 104 373
Standing sorted by scratch average then handicap total only.

Individual High Averages
Pos. Name Player Team Avg.
1. David Ellis 05 Willow 175.37
2. Jennifer Allen 10 Juniper 146.98
3. Marc Richardson 06 Birch 143.16
4. Mike Harris 03 Maple 138.06
5. Khaden Nowack 07 Magnolia 137.34
Standing sorted by scratch average.

Most Improved Average - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Progress Entered Avg. Avg.
1. Beck Hutchison 10 Juniper 41.92 79.00 120.92
2. Matthew Guillen 01 Cedar 36.27 62.00 98.27
3. Lucas Stuart 03 Maple 30.48 0.00 74.48
4. Lestat Husnik 04 Aspen 30.17 0.00 63.17
Standing sorted by average increase (on average hdp).

Most Improved Average - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Progress Entered Avg. Avg.
1. Jaime Armas 07 Magnolia 29.18 60.00 89.18
2. Amy Storton 08 Alder 17.54 93.00 110.54
3. Fiona Allen 07 Magnolia 17.29 57.00 74.29
4. Taylor Shier 08 Alder 17.08 55.00 72.08
Standing sorted by average increase (on average hdp).

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Beck Hutchison 9/11 281
2. Matthew Guillen 1/29 271
3. Daniel Philpotts 4/22 270
4. Justin Cremasco 9/11 265
5. Patrick Alderton 12/18 256
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Beck Hutchison 9/11 540
2. Daniel Philpotts 4/22 488
3. Justin Cremasco 9/11 481
4. Marc Richardson 4/8 479
5. Lucas Stuart 3/18 475
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. David Ellis 3/4 211
2. Mike Harris 12/4 200
3. Beck Hutchison 11/20 199
4. Marc Richardson 4/8 194
5. Justin Cremasco 9/11 191
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. David Ellis 3/4 413
2. Marc Richardson 4/8 371
3. Evan Pringle 3/18 348
4. Mike Dapont 1/15 340
5. Justin Cremasco 9/11 333
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Miriam Miller 12/4 264
2 Ashley Morrison 1/8 245
2 Jennifer Allen 1/22 245
4. Amy Storton 11/13 239
5. Taylor Shier 9/11 237
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Miriam Miller 12/4 469
2. Jennifer Allen 2/5 467
3. Fiona Allen 9/11 459
4. Taylor Shier 9/11 458
5. Amy Storton 2/26 456
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Miriam Miller 12/4 200
2. Jennifer Allen 1/22 194
3. Amy Storton 11/13 160
4. Ashley Morrison 1/8 156
5. Cathy Lemon 4/15 147
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jennifer Allen 2/5 365
2. Miriam Miller 12/4 341
3. Amy Storton 2/26 290
4. Cathy Lemon 4/15 281
5. Ashley Morrison 4/22 263
Standing sorted by high series.

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