Wednesday Afternoon Ladies
Last Date and Hour Played |
9/04 1:00 PM |
Next Date to Play |
9/11 1:00 PM |
Weeks Played |
1 |
Week to Play |
32 |
Present Men |
0 |
Women Present |
21 |
Regular Bowlers Exist |
20 |
Substitute Bowlers Exist |
1 |
Scratch Average |
117.67 |
Teams Standings - Average Weeks
Overview of points - week 9/04 1:00 pm
Positions of the teams next week - week 9/11 1:00 pm
Comparative Statistics
Squad |
Avg. |
Hdp Avg. |
High G. |
High GH |
Low |
Low Series |
High.S |
High.SH |
#> |
#> M |
#> W |
Wednesday Afternoon Ladies |
117.67 |
187.79 |
204 |
247 |
74 |
246 |
502 |
688 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
01 9/04 1:00 PM |
117.67 |
187.79 |
204 |
247 |
74 |
246 |
502 |
688 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Present Statistiques
Main Standings
Single High Games and Series - Women