Thursday 7pm 24-25

Last Date and Hour Played 1/30 7:00 PM Next Date to Play 2/6 7:00 PM
Weeks Played 20 Week to Play 13
Regular Bowlers Exist 59 Substitute Bowlers Exist 2
Scratch Average 158.68

Teams Standings - 3rd Qtr

Standing 3rd Qtr
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 10-FOR MY GIRL 75 51.0 17377 12379 774.00 1329 3792
2. 03-Split Ends 75 48.5 16920 10965 562.00 1269 3446
3. 12-R Soles 75 48.0 16818 13362 573.00 1235 3457
4. 02-Shut Up and Roll 75 42.5 16779 11121 577.00 1203 3484
5. 07-Shameless 75 37.0 16639 9499 476.00 1166 3421
6. 01-Dad Bod Squad 75 35.0 16665 13125 717.00 1235 3509
7. 08-The Strikers 75 34.0 16606 11662 470.00 1243 3477
8. 06-The Odd Ballls 75 33.0 16576 12340 516.00 1250 3390
9. 11-"OLD FOCKERS" 75 32.0 16512 11229 599.00 1236 3366
10. 05-Gunner Runners 75 31.0 16467 13587 758.00 1212 3553
11. 09-F N' 2 PINS 75 29.0 16533 10989 582.00 1203 3403
12. 04-Survivors 75 29.0 16316 11930 655.00 1225 3555
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total

Overview of points - week 1/30 7:00 pm

1 The Odd Ballls 1220 1106 1064 3390 9 2 Gunner Runners 1140 1094 1041 3275 6
3 Shut Up and Roll 1157 1152 1137 3446 12.5 4 Dad Bod Squad 1039 1126 1103 3268 5
5 R Soles 1108 1035 1156 3299 7 6 "OLD FOCKERS" 992 1192 1182 3366 8
7 Survivors 1014 1038 964 3016 2 8 Split Ends 1269 1094 1083 3446 12.5
9 The Strikers 1059 1064 1030 3153 3 10 Shameless 1110 1097 1047 3254 4
11 FOR MY GIRL 1108 1197 1131 3436 11 12 F N' 2 PINS 1127 1073 1203 3403 10

Positions of the teams next week - week 2/6 7:00 pm

Lane 1 Split Ends Lane 2 R Soles
Lane 3 Gunner Runners Lane 4 Survivors
Lane 5 The Strikers Lane 6 FOR MY GIRL
Lane 7 Shut Up and Roll Lane 8 The Odd Ballls
Lane 9 "OLD FOCKERS" Lane 10 F N' 2 PINS
Lane 11 Shameless Lane 12 Dad Bod Squad

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Thursday 7pm 24-25 158.68 158.68 325 325 56 127 844 844 393 342 51
21 1/30 7:00 PM 158.79 158.79 276 276 78 286 638 638 23 21 2
20 1/23 7:00 PM 160.69 160.69 244 244 88 331 664 664 26 24 2

Standing Thursday 7pm 24-25

Pos. Name Games Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Points Total Scratch High GH High.SH
1. 12-R Soles 300 72.0 55.5 48.0 175.5 66855 52269 1311 3636
2. 01-Dad Bod Squad 300 89.5 49.5 35.0 174.0 67283 51818 1249 3565
3. 10-FOR MY GIRL 300 58.0 57.0 51.0 166.0 67415 46553 1329 3792
4. 11-"OLD FOCKERS" 300 67.5 59.0 32.0 158.5 66451 44923 1249 3552
5. 02-Shut Up and Roll 300 59.0 55.0 42.5 156.5 66733 43717 1256 3532
6. 03-Split Ends 300 48.0 57.0 48.5 153.5 66552 43755 1269 3477
7. 09-F N' 2 PINS 300 66.5 54.5 29.0 150.0 66818 43823 1383 3721
8. 05-Gunner Runners 285 58.5 47.5 31.0 137.0 62912 51491 1287 3553
9. 04-Survivors 300 49.0 54.0 29.0 132.0 65698 47440 1225 3555
10. 08-The Strikers 300 37.0 51.0 34.0 122.0 65541 46113 1265 3477
11. 07-Shameless 285 41.0 42.0 37.0 120.0 62488 35587 1182 3480
12. 06-The Odd Ballls 300 36.5 44.0 33.0 113.5 65432 48869 1250 3479
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 09-F N' 2 PINS 10/3 1383
2. 10-FOR MY GIRL 1/2 1329
3. 12-R Soles 10/10 1311
4. 05-Gunner Runners 11/28 1287
5. 03-Split Ends 1/30 1269
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 10-FOR MY GIRL 1/2 3792
2. 09-F N' 2 PINS 10/3 3721
3. 12-R Soles 10/10 3636
4. 01-Dad Bod Squad 10/3 3565
5. 04-Survivors 1/9 3555
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

Main Standings

Standing Thursday 7pm 24-25 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Dean Anderson R Soles 51 208.65 10641 0 277 734
2. Ken Longmuir Gunner Runners 38 208.03 7905 16 281 681
3. Scott Longmuir Gunner Runners 54 202.22 10920 -9 288 718
4. Steven Dew FOR MY GIRL 60 202.10 12126 0 317 844
5. Anthony Rudolph Gunner Runners 57 200.44 11425 14 313 833
6. Matthew Arendt Dad Bod Squad 57 198.53 11316 0 325 759
7. Steve Dixon Survivors 56 193.59 10841 0 280 719
8. Kevin Arendt Dad Bod Squad 54 192.11 10374 0 298 668
9. Aaron Hall The Odd Ballls 54 190.26 10274 -5 308 698
10. Norm Anderson R Soles 54 186.06 10047 0 275 710
11. Vijay Lal R Soles 57 179.23 10216 0 255 644
12. Shawn Dooley The Odd Ballls 57 174.35 9938 0 264 636
13. Michal Krzyszczyk Dad Bod Squad 60 173.95 10437 4 270 605
14. James Anderson 9 170.22 1532 0 304 705
15. David Norman Shut Up and Roll 60 163.28 9797 10 258 599
16. Darwin Ryce "OLD FOCKERS" 57 162.26 9249 0 270 560
17. Chad Friesen The Strikers 54 160.65 8675 -2 242 659
18. Balraj Sanghera Dad Bod Squad 39 154.18 6013 14 263 638
19. Ray Sevilla Survivors 60 153.20 9192 1 220 559
20. Michael Testini The Odd Ballls 12 152.83 1834 0 247 487
21. Mike Richard "OLD FOCKERS" 57 152.23 8677 0 258 582
22. Don Giroux FOR MY GIRL 57 151.14 8615 0 229 603
23. Wayne Sample Gunner Runners 54 148.33 8010 -9 255 566
24. Kurt Linke 4 147.25 589 -16 157 444
25. Syl Giroux FOR MY GIRL 60 145.50 8730 0 221 544
26. Eric Straumfjord F N' 2 PINS 48 142.96 6862 0 210 492
27. Jim Featherstone FOR MY GIRL 60 139.90 8394 0 226 552
28. Ed Kellof Shameless 57 124.47 7095 -14 181 453
29. Dan Brown Survivors 24 118.88 2853 -7 181 432
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing Thursday 7pm 24-25 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Harry Boullett 6 143.50 861 0 163 455
2. Kyle Bouletto 3 141.00 423 0 176 423
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing Thursday 7pm 24-25 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. April Brown Survivors 21 191.67 4025 16 267 643
2. Anita Condon Split Ends 60 175.28 10517 -3 305 640
3. Kris Straumfjord F N' 2 PINS 54 162.43 8771 0 251 634
4. Shayla Lecuyer Shut Up and Roll 60 159.42 9565 -3 231 533
5. Melanie Kihn The Strikers 57 157.89 9000 0 274 603
6. Becky Tasaka 18 154.61 2783 5 219 483
7. Carol Ryce "OLD FOCKERS" 57 154.18 8788 0 236 543
8. Penny McIvor The Strikers 33 153.15 5054 -2 224 554
9. Ines Tonon F N' 2 PINS 54 150.17 8109 0 184 513
10. Vicky Mccue Split Ends 45 143.40 6453 0 232 520
11. Emily Giroux FOR MY GIRL 54 137.56 7428 0 190 504
12. Sheri Bolin Shut Up and Roll 60 135.90 8154 5 186 471
13. Sarene Richard "OLD FOCKERS" 54 131.26 7088 0 177 448
14. Leanne Cullen Shameless 48 130.02 6241 -11 184 469
15. Susan Mckay Split Ends 59 129.19 7622 0 222 483
16. Linda Leclerc F N' 2 PINS 57 128.67 7334 0 226 547
17. Dawn Dumas Shameless 51 125.39 6395 0 185 446
18. Judy Penner Shut Up and Roll 54 120.69 6517 6 238 476
19. Karen McDonald Split Ends 30 115.17 3455 -5 171 432
20. Sherry Chudley Shameless 54 97.57 5269 -1 146 399
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Matthew Arendt 11/14 325
2. Steven Dew 1/2 317
3. Anthony Rudolph 10/31 313
4. Aaron Hall 10/3 308
5. James Anderson 9/19 304
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Steven Dew 1/2 844
2. Anthony Rudolph 10/31 833
3. Matthew Arendt 11/7 759
4. Dean Anderson 9/5 734
5. Steve Dixon 12/5 719
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Anita Condon 1/9 305
2. Melanie Kihn 12/5 274
3. April Brown 1/16 267
4. Kris Straumfjord 11/14 251
5. Carol Ryce 9/26 236
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. April Brown 1/16 643
2. Anita Condon 1/9 640
3. Kris Straumfjord 10/3 634
4. Melanie Kihn 12/5 603
5. Penny McIvor 9/12 554
Standing sorted by high series

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