
Last Date and Hour Played 10/02 20:30 Next Date to Play 17/02 20:30
Weeks Played 22 Week to Play 11
Scratch Average 178.47

Teams Standings - Period 1

Standing Period 1
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 09-Blauwe Bowlers 132 109.0 28984 27742 210.17 537 1503
2. 02-Storm 126 96.0 27685 26731 212.15 527 1461
3. 08-The Shadows 132 90.0 28162 25108 190.21 515 1432
4. 07-ITN Techniek 132 89.0 28139 25901 196.22 498 1382
5. 06-Dubbele Impact 132 88.0 28488 26514 200.86 507 1447
6. 05-Boogie Team 132 76.0 27422 23024 174.42 499 1364
7. 04-Topshot 132 75.0 27773 23843 180.63 507 1400
8. 03-Beauty Smart 132 69.0 27726 23265 176.25 521 1428
9. 01-Nolties 132 64.0 26991 20736 157.09 524 1365
10. 10-King Pin 132 61.0 26842 20263 153.51 473 1335
11. 12-Beauty and the Beast 132 61.0 26638 20629 156.28 527 1403
12. 11-The Pin Down Club 132 46.0 25491 17862 135.32 462 1324
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Overview of points - 10/02/2025 20:30 - week 22

Lane 1 Boogie Team 0 0 2 2 Lane 2 Storm 2 2 0 5 1
Lane 3 Dubbele Impact 0 0 0 0 Lane 4 Blauwe Bowlers 2 2 2 7 1
Lane 5 Beauty and the Beast 0 0 0 0 Lane 6 Nolties 2 2 2 7 1
Lane 7 The Shadows 2 0 0 2.5 0.5 Lane 8 Topshot 0 2 2 4.5 0.5
Lane 9 ITN Techniek 0 0 0 0 Lane 10 Beauty Smart 2 2 2 7 1
Lane 11 The Pin Down Club 0 2 0 2 Lane 12 King Pin 2 0 2 5 1

Positions of the teams next week - 17/02/2025 20:30 - week 23

Lane 1 Nolties Lane 2 Storm
Lane 3 Beauty Smart Lane 4 Topshot
Lane 5 Boogie Team Lane 6 Dubbele Impact
Lane 7 ITN Techniek Lane 8 The Shadows
Lane 9 Blauwe Bowlers Lane 10 King Pin
Lane 11 The Pin Down Club Lane 12 Beauty and the Beast

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
MDL24-25 178.47 209.34 279 295 80 275 764 789 444 417 27
22 10/02 20:30 185.54 212.54 267 277 113 405 733 752 25 23 2
21 03/02 20:30 183.88 217.75 249 281 85 335 688 729 27 24 3

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 09-Blauwe Bowlers 07/10 537
2 02-Storm 14/10 527
2 12-Beauty and the Beast 03/02 527
4. 01-Nolties 03/02 524
5. 03-Beauty Smart 03/02 521
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 09-Blauwe Bowlers 10/02 1503
2. 02-Storm 13/01 1461
3. 06-Dubbele Impact 21/10 1447
4. 08-The Shadows 20/01 1432
5. 03-Beauty Smart 03/02 1428
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

Main Standings

Standing MDL24-25 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Hdp Avg. Scratch Avg. Hdp High G. High.S
1. Cor van 't Hoog Topshot 12 224.33 2680 223.33 0 278 709
2. Marco Landman Storm 60 222.32 13282 221.37 6 279 764
3. Jitse Schultinga Blauwe Bowlers 63 221.25 13303 211.16 0 269 733
4. Terry Hendriks Blauwe Bowlers 57 221.14 12035 211.14 1 268 722
5. Menno Holleman The Shadows 54 220.44 11532 213.56 0 279 750
6. Mario Otte Storm 51 220.22 10907 213.86 14 279 741
7. Melvin Bouwman Dubbele Impact 66 217.08 13427 203.44 10 268 713
8. Richard van den Burgh ITN Techniek 63 216.00 12585 199.76 16 245 696
9. Wesley Bouwman Dubbele Impact 66 214.56 13087 198.29 22 257 688
10. Peter van der Heijden ITN Techniek 51 213.84 9892 193.96 25 255 635
11. Rob Rothengatter Blauwe Bowlers 9 213.33 1884 209.33 9 242 643
12. Erik van Ede Topshot 12 212.33 2368 197.33 18 227 623
13. John Gieling Topshot 45 212.04 8099 179.98 26 247 626
14. Ties Koopmans The Shadows 60 210.53 10244 170.73 26 233 621
15. Jason Nolten Nolties 60 210.43 10052 167.53 24 242 599
16. Leendert Hofmann Boogie Team 66 210.30 11807 178.89 34 234 615
17. Hemco Berentsen Topshot 57 209.56 9650 169.30 33 233 640
18. Marcel Giesbers Beauty Smart 42 208.02 7123 169.60 42 231 565
19. Pim van 't Hoog ITN Techniek 6 207.83 1181 196.83 19 237 603
20. Iwan Kersten Storm 15 207.67 2542 169.47 36 221 561
21. Robin Wijers King Pin 45 207.31 7472 166.04 42 215 553
22. Danny Heister The Shadows 12 206.17 2231 185.92 28 214 591
23. Harro Wiersema The Pin Down Club 66 205.02 10177 154.20 51 222 523
24. Nick Meijer Beauty and the Beast 60 204.78 9572 159.53 58 245 605
25. Vincent Nolten Nolties 57 204.16 8547 149.95 52 205 496
26. Peter van de Lugt King Pin 66 203.09 9570 145.00 57 193 481
27. Theo Spee ITN Techniek 12 198.17 2243 186.92 27 225 635
28. Maurice Jager King Pin 18 196.44 2648 147.11 58 180 494
29. Wil Holla Beauty and the Beast 6 193.67 1090 181.67 31 201 572
30. Martijn Kiezenberg The Shadows 6 192.00 1101 183.50 30 209 598
31. Dick Veldhuizen King Pin 3 191.00 573 191.00 23 216 573
32. Sandra Jellema Nolties 6 184.33 962 160.33 48 181 482
33. Desmond Nolten Nolties 9 180.22 1175 130.56 72 172 407
34. Bruno Wegeling Beauty and the Beast 6 179.83 965 160.83 48 190 517
35. Wouter vd Bunt 3 172.33 517 172.33 38 178 517
Standing sorted by average with handicap then handicap total only.

Standing MDL24-25 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Hdp Avg. Scratch Avg. Hdp High G. High.S
1. Marja van Dijk Beauty Smart 45 212.44 8357 185.71 29 248 620
2. Yolanda Schouten Beauty Smart 45 209.53 7785 173.00 37 224 578
3. Peggy Jellema Boogie Team 57 208.12 9649 169.28 45 259 633
4. Femke Meijer Beauty and the Beast 60 201.83 9002 150.03 65 205 513
5. Ingrid Mulderij Boogie Team 9 186.56 1568 174.22 37 246 612
6. Cindy Punt The Pin Down Club 60 183.18 6716 111.93 75 186 438
7. Lisanne van 't Hoog Topshot 3 178.00 534 178.00 34 193 534
8. Joyce Monch Blauwe Bowlers 3 173.33 520 173.33 38 188 520
9. Angela van 't Hoog Topshot 3 170.67 512 170.67 40 196 512
10. Marjan Versluis The Pin Down Club 3 150.67 452 150.67 56 159 452
Standing sorted by average with handicap then handicap total only.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1 Mario Otte 16/09 279
1 Marco Landman 25/11 279
1 Menno Holleman 21/10 279
4. Cor van 't Hoog 04/11 278
5. Jitse Schultinga 30/09 269
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Marco Landman 25/11 764
2. Menno Holleman 20/01 750
3. Mario Otte 16/09 741
4. Jitse Schultinga 10/02 733
5. Terry Hendriks 10/02 722
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Peggy Jellema 18/11 259
2. Marja van Dijk 11/11 248
3. Ingrid Mulderij 09/12 246
4. Yolanda Schouten 09/12 224
5. Femke Meijer 07/10 205
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Peggy Jellema 28/10 633
2. Marja van Dijk 11/11 620
3. Ingrid Mulderij 09/12 612
4. Yolanda Schouten 03/02 578
5. Lisanne van 't Hoog 09/09 534
Standing sorted by high series.

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