04/09 20:30 - Week 1

Teams Standings

Standing Period 1
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 02-Storm 6 7.0 1334 1334 222.33 455 1334
2. 06-Dubbele Impact 6 7.0 1290 1290 215.00 471 1290
3. 07-ITN Techniek 6 7.0 1255 1255 209.17 438 1255
4. 09-Blauwe Bowlers 6 7.0 1120 1120 186.67 381 1120
5. 03-Beauty Smart 6 7.0 1059 1059 176.50 369 1059
6. 12-Elitias 6 7.0 912 912 152.00 363 912
7. 08-The Shadows 6 0.0 1081 1081 180.17 370 1081
8. 05-Boogie Team 6 0.0 1056 1056 176.00 374 1056
9. 10-King Pin 6 0.0 987 987 164.50 349 987
10. 01-Nolties 6 0.0 932 932 155.33 350 932
11. 04-Topshot 6 0.0 867 867 144.50 299 867
12. 11-The Pin Down Club 6 0.0 759 759 126.50 276 759
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 06-Dubbele Impact 04/09 471
2. 02-Storm 04/09 455
3. 07-ITN Techniek 04/09 438
4. 09-Blauwe Bowlers 04/09 381
5. 05-Boogie Team 04/09 374
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 02-Storm 04/09 1334
2. 06-Dubbele Impact 04/09 1290
3. 07-ITN Techniek 04/09 1255
4. 09-Blauwe Bowlers 04/09 1120
5. 08-The Shadows 04/09 1081
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

Singles Standings

Standing Period 1 - Men
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Mario Otte 225 235 268 728 0 728
2. Wesley Bouwman 249 168 245 662 0 662
3. Peter van der Heiden 192 183 256 631 0 631
4. Melvin Bouwman 222 195 211 628 0 628
5. Richard van den Burgh 204 238 182 624 0 624
6. Iwan Kersten 225 220 161 606 0 606
7. Jitse Schultinga 199 191 195 585 0 585
8. Ties Koopmans 190 179 196 565 0 565
9. Cees van der Weijde 199 171 192 562 0 562
10. Terry Hendriks 182 189 187 558 0 558
11. Robin Wijers 192 154 176 522 0 522
12. Vincent Nolten 130 199 192 521 0 521
13. Martijn Kiezenberg 174 168 174 516 0 516
14 John Gieling 147 176 153 476 0 476
14 Jason Nolten 216 122 138 476 0 476
16. Leendert Hofmann 133 159 179 471 0 471
17. Peter van de Lugt 143 149 173 465 0 465
18. Marcel Giesbers 139 146 163 448 0 448
19. Nick Meijer 147 174 115 436 0 436
20. Harro Wiersema 116 158 119 393 0 393
21. Hemco Berentsen 137 108 146 391 0 391
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Standing Period 1 - Women
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Scratch Hdp Total
1. Yolanda Schouten 205 200 206 611 0 611
2. Femke Meijer 112 141 158 411 0 411
3. Cindy Punt 123 118 125 366 0 366
Standing sorted by scratch+hdp+bonus total then handicap total only.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Mario Otte 04/09 268
2. Peter van der Heiden 04/09 256
3. Wesley Bouwman 04/09 249
4. Richard van den Burgh 04/09 238
5. Iwan Kersten 04/09 225
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Mario Otte 04/09 728
2. Wesley Bouwman 04/09 662
3. Peter van der Heiden 04/09 631
4. Melvin Bouwman 04/09 628
5. Richard van den Burgh 04/09 624
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Yolanda Schouten 04/09 206
2. Femke Meijer 04/09 158
3. Cindy Punt 04/09 125
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Yolanda Schouten 04/09 611
2. Femke Meijer 04/09 411
3. Cindy Punt 04/09 366
Standing sorted by high series.

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