Keilaaja Peura Timo
Pankkarin Kesän Kuukausikisa 1

Player Information and Statistics

Gender Mies
Seura HutuKe
Age Category Veteran ages 60+ SKL-numero 11-001-007
Age Type Senior # of games 12
# of series 2 Puhdas tulos yhteensä 2020
Puhdas keskiarvo 168,33 High Game - Scratch (with info.) 195 - L
Lowest Scratch Game (with Info.) 139 - L High Series - Scratch 1029
Lowest Scratch Series 991 Best Scratch Series by Lane 195
Series range 56 Game range 56
First Date/Hour Played 29.6 17.00 Last Date and Hour Played 13.7 17.00
List of positions 1-2
List of lanes 1-8

All series

Sija Päivä Rata 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ka Sum Avg. Puhdas Yhteensä
1 29.6 17.00 7 173 1538 1555 1606 194 1568 165,17 - 991 991
2 13.7 17.00 1 170 1762 1653 1394 184 1952 171,50 168,33(+3) 1029 1029

Lane Statistics and Positions

Lane Statistics
Rata Sarj Puhdas ka Tas ka -Game +Game High squad Scratch Date/Hour
1 2 177.00 177.00 170 184 Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
2 2 185.50 185.50 176 195 Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
1-2 4 181.25 181.25 170 195 Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
3 1 165.00 165.00 - - Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
4 1 139.00 139.00 - - Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
3-4 2 152.00 152.00 139 165 Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
5 1 155.00 155.00 - - Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00
6 1 160.00 160.00 - - Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00
5-6 2 157.50 157.50 155 160 Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00
7 2 183.50 183.50 173 194 Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00
8 2 154.50 154.50 153 156 Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00
7-8 4 169.00 169.00 153 194 Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00

Statistics by Position
Position Sarj Puhdas ka Tas ka -Game +Game High squad Scratch Date/Hour
1 6 171.50 171.50 139 195 Torstai 13.7.2023 13.7 17.00
2 6 165.17 165.17 153 194 Torstai 29.6.2023 29.6 17.00