55+ 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 09-05 12:45 PM Next Date to Play 09-12 12:45 PM
Weeks Played 1 Week to Play 31
Scratch Average 144.44

Teams Standings - Season

Standing Season
Pos. Name Points Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. 10-RITA 4.0 2767 153.72 978 2767
2. 04-MIKE 4.0 2364 157.60 801 2364
3. 11-IRENE 4.0 1947 129.80 693 1947
4. 01-MARY 4.0 1838 153.17 653 1838
5. 07-RHEAL 3.0 2781 154.50 999 2781
6. 06-RANDY 3.0 2352 156.80 868 2352
7. 14-KELLY 3.0 2122 141.47 740 2122
8. 13-DENNIS 1.0 2620 145.56 911 2620
9. 08-DAVE 1.0 2184 145.60 781 2184
10. 05-ELAINE 1.0 1724 143.67 591 1724
11. 09-CON 0.0 2552 141.78 889 2552
12. 12-CLAUDE 0.0 2318 128.78 805 2318
13. 02-GUY 0.0 1619 134.92 546 1619
14. 03-LINDA 0.0 1577 131.42 588 1577
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins

Overview of points - week 09-05 12:45 pm

Lane 3 MARY 1 1 1 4 1 Lane 4 GUY 0 0 0 0
Lane 5 LINDA 0 0 0 0 Lane 6 MIKE 1 1 1 4 1
Lane 7 ELAINE 1 0 0 1 Lane 8 RANDY 0 1 1 3 1
Lane 9 RHEAL 1 1 0 3 1 Lane 10 DAVE 0 0 1 1
Lane 11 CON 0 0 0 0 Lane 12 RITA 1 1 1 4 1
Lane 13 IRENE 1 1 1 4 1 Lane 14 CLAUDE 0 0 0 0
Lane 15 DENNIS 1 0 0 1 Lane 16 KELLY 0 1 1 3 1

Positions of the teams next week - week 09-12 12:45 pm

Lane 3 DAVE Lane 4 ELAINE
Lane 5 RHEAL Lane 6 RITA
Lane 7 GUY Lane 8 IRENE
Lane 9 LINDA Lane 10 MARY
Lane 11 KELLY Lane 12 MIKE
Lane 13 RANDY Lane 14 DENNIS
Lane 15 CON Lane 16 CLAUDE

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
55+ 2024-2025 144.44 144.44 286 286 58 214 680 680 0 0 0
01 09-05 12:45 PM 144.44 144.44 286 286 58 214 680 680 0 0 0

Main Standings

Standing 55+ 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. Name Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Mike Giroux 3 226.67 680 286 680
2. Hugh Rodgers 3 201.00 603 261 603
3. Victor Vien 3 196.33 589 218 589
4. Fred Boychuk 3 193.67 581 268 581
5. Claude Belanger 3 191.00 573 235 573
6. Randy Stojkiewicz 3 180.33 541 204 541
7. Con Raymond 3 172.67 518 177 518
8. Gerry Talon 3 172.00 516 238 516
9. Dan Boissonneault 3 171.00 513 202 513
10. Rheal Belanger 3 169.33 508 189 508
11. Peter Bernotas 3 166.00 498 211 498
12. Jim Young 3 165.33 496 194 496
13. Leo Brunet 3 153.00 459 190 459
14. Norm Laroche 3 152.00 456 164 456
15. Dennis Parisi 3 151.67 455 171 455
16. Norm Vien 3 151.00 453 179 453
17. Hans Toby 3 149.00 447 159 447
18. Ron Riley 3 148.67 446 177 446
19. Dave Bernotas 3 148.33 445 151 445
20. Tony Salomone 3 139.00 417 156 417
21. Roger Dubeau 3 136.67 410 147 410
22. Ernie Moulton 3 129.00 387 151 387
23. Bob Clermont 3 129.00 387 138 387
24. Moe Maltais 3 126.00 378 135 378
25. Mario Tambeau 3 122.67 368 145 368
26. Ron Moisan 3 121.33 364 139 364
27. Ray Vien 3 120.33 361 137 361
28. Denis Boucher 3 117.33 352 136 352
29. Norm Fleury 3 111.67 335 115 335
30. Bob Boisvert 3 111.67 335 137 335
31. Barry McCord 3 111.33 334 136 334
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing 55+ 2024-2025 - Women
Pos. Name Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Helene McCready 3 186.00 558 228 558
2. Elaine Giroux 3 185.00 555 208 555
3. Sue Rogers 3 180.00 540 220 540
4. Irene Caron 3 173.33 520 200 520
5. Kim McKenzie 3 172.67 518 206 518
6. Kelly Baker 3 172.33 517 196 517
7. Rita Vallier 3 170.67 512 198 512
8. Gina Cote 3 169.67 509 207 509
9. Linda Loader 3 169.00 507 216 507
10. Mary Stojkiewicz 3 158.67 476 179 476
11. Bonnie Boissonneault 3 155.67 467 172 467
12. Rhonda Laroche 3 153.33 460 184 460
13. Carol Barabas 3 153.00 459 179 459
14. Helene Belanger 3 152.67 458 179 458
15. Joce Paquette 3 150.67 452 171 452
16. Diane Rust 3 150.33 451 202 451
17. Yvette Dolbec 3 150.00 450 164 450
18. Denise Tambeau 3 149.67 449 157 449
19. Judy Cecconi 3 147.67 443 170 443
20. Monika Schuehlein 3 143.67 431 165 431
21. Arna Kirkman 3 142.67 428 148 428
22. Linda Langis 3 142.00 426 152 426
23. Diane Belanger 3 140.00 420 168 420
24. Mary Peters 3 128.67 386 138 386
25. Francine Lessard 3 127.33 382 137 382
26. Trudy Laxdal 3 126.33 379 150 379
27. Christine Adamson 3 124.33 373 137 373
28. Darlene Cyr 3 119.33 358 192 358
29. Carole Adams 3 118.67 356 142 356
30. Jacqueline Bernard 3 117.33 352 141 352
31. Jane Parisi 3 115.00 345 150 345
32. Denise Duchesne 3 112.67 338 125 338
33. Christine Cummings 3 108.33 325 121 325
34. Claire DeLuca 3 107.00 321 110 321
35. Joan Clermont 3 106.00 318 124 318
36. Judy Girard 3 106.00 318 120 318
37. Denise Auclair 3 103.00 309 109 309
38. Rosa Venture 3 83.00 249 125 249
39. Susan Raymond 3 77.00 231 80 231
40. Denise Bertrand 3 71.33 214 79 214
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Mike Giroux 09-05 286
2. Fred Boychuk 09-05 268
3. Hugh Rodgers 09-05 261
4. Gerry Talon 09-05 238
5. Claude Belanger 09-05 235
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Mike Giroux 09-05 680
2. Hugh Rodgers 09-05 603
3. Victor Vien 09-05 589
4. Fred Boychuk 09-05 581
5. Claude Belanger 09-05 573
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Helene McCready 09-05 228
2. Sue Rogers 09-05 220
3. Linda Loader 09-05 216
4. Elaine Giroux 09-05 208
5. Gina Cote 09-05 207
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Helene McCready 09-05 558
2. Elaine Giroux 09-05 555
3. Sue Rogers 09-05 540
4. Irene Caron 09-05 520
5. Kim McKenzie 09-05 518
Standing sorted by high series

Highest POA Game - Women
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Mary Stojkiewicz 83
2. Helene McCready 72
3. Sue Rogers 66
4. Rita Vallier 62
5. Monika Schuehlein 29
6. Elaine Giroux 27
7. Diane Rust 25
8. Irene Caron 22
9. Yvette Dolbec 21
10 Bonnie Boissonneault 20
10 Gina Cote 20
Standing sorted by diff.

Highest POA Game - Men
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Gerry Talon 93
2. Mike Giroux 86
3. Peter Bernotas 72
4. Hugh Rodgers 63
5. Bob Clermont 57
6. Fred Boychuk 50
7. Victor Vien 37
8. Norm Vien 36
9. Leo Brunet 24
10. Dan Boissonneault 15
Standing sorted by diff.

Daily Press Report - High Single - Women
Pos. Name High G.
1. Helene McCready 228
2. Sue Rogers 220
3. Linda Loader 216
4. Elaine Giroux 208
5. Gina Cote 207
6. Kim McKenzie 206
7. Diane Rust 202
8. Irene Caron 200
9. Rita Vallier 198
10. Kelly Baker 196
Standing sorted by high g.

Daily Press Report - High Single - Men
Pos. Name High G.
1. Mike Giroux 286
2. Fred Boychuk 268
3. Hugh Rodgers 261
4. Gerry Talon 238
5. Claude Belanger 235
6. Victor Vien 218
7. Peter Bernotas 211
8. Randy Stojkiewicz 204
9. Dan Boissonneault 202
10. Jim Young 194
Standing sorted by high g.

Daily Press Report - High Series - Women
Pos. Name High.S
1. Helene McCready 558
2. Elaine Giroux 555
3. Sue Rogers 540
4. Irene Caron 520
5. Kim McKenzie 518
6. Kelly Baker 517
7. Rita Vallier 512
8. Gina Cote 509
9. Linda Loader 507
10. Mary Stojkiewicz 476
Standing sorted by high.s

Daily Press Report - High Series - Men
Pos. Name High.S
1. Mike Giroux 680
2. Hugh Rodgers 603
3. Victor Vien 589
4. Fred Boychuk 581
5. Claude Belanger 573
6. Randy Stojkiewicz 541
7. Con Raymond 518
8. Gerry Talon 516
9. Dan Boissonneault 513
10. Rheal Belanger 508
Standing sorted by high.s

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