Standings After 15 Rounds
Ken-Lawr 2024
Last Date and Hour Played |
04-18 6:45 PM |
Next Date to Play |
04-25 6:45 PM |
Weeks Played |
30 |
Week to Play |
2 |
Regular Bowlers Exist |
45 |
Substitute Bowlers Exist |
2 |
Scratch Average |
145.79 |
Teams Standings - Series 2
Standing Series 2 - Division 2
Pos. |
Name |
Gms |
Points |
Total |
Scratch |
Avg. |
High G. |
High.S |
High GH |
High.SH |
1. |
13 - Strikes R Us |
45 |
84.0 |
29544 |
16167 |
359.27 |
430 |
1266 |
723 |
2145 |
2. |
7 - Big Time |
45 |
63.0 |
29206 |
20806 |
462.36 |
538 |
1469 |
733 |
2044 |
3. |
14 - Queen Pins LTD |
45 |
57.0 |
28944 |
16725 |
371.67 |
468 |
1194 |
739 |
2007 |
4. |
2 - Hot Shots |
45 |
56.0 |
28696 |
23746 |
527.69 |
632 |
1743 |
742 |
2073 |
5. |
6 - Gutters Edge |
45 |
56.0 |
28539 |
19830 |
440.67 |
560 |
1453 |
755 |
2035 |
6. |
10 - Alma Matters |
45 |
50.0 |
28345 |
19783 |
439.62 |
528 |
1478 |
719 |
2054 |
7. |
11 - Pin Busters |
45 |
46.0 |
28712 |
17120 |
380.44 |
470 |
1310 |
727 |
2081 |
Overview of points - week position round
Positions of the teams next week - week 04-25 6:45 pm
Comparative Statistics
Overview of points - week position round
Positions of the teams next week - week 04-25 6:45 pm
Comparative Statistics
Standing Ken-Lawr 2024
Team High Games and Series
Main Standings
Standing Ken-Lawr 2024 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. |
Name |
Games |
Scratch |
Avg. |
High G. |
High.S |
High GH |
High.SH |
Avg. |
1. |
Steve Rosen |
27 |
4973 |
184.19 |
233 |
596 |
249 |
683 |
184.19 |
Single High Games and Series - Men
Single High Games and Series - Women