Standings After 15 Rounds
Ken-Lawr 2024

Last Date and Hour Played 04-18 6:45 PM Next Date to Play 04-25 6:45 PM
Weeks Played 30 Week to Play 2
Regular Bowlers Exist 45 Substitute Bowlers Exist 2
Scratch Average 145.79

Teams Standings - Series 2

Standing Series 2 - Division 1
Pos. Name Gms Points Total Scratch Avg. High G. High.S High GH High.SH
1. 5 - Leafs Suck 45 61.0 29306 21815 484.78 544 1546 710 2047
2. 9 - Rat Pack 45 56.0 28763 19859 441.31 541 1466 744 2069
3. 3 - Triple Threat 45 52.0 28792 21178 470.62 552 1544 728 2060
4. 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 45 48.0 28264 20788 461.96 520 1461 687 1962
5. 1 - Team 16 45 37.0 28093 24322 540.49 631 1867 695 2059
6. 12 - Sweet Soul Sisters 45 36.0 28173 16140 358.67 423 1186 690 1987
7. 8 - The 3 Amigos 45 33.0 27985 19030 422.89 508 1462 711 2062
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total

Standing Series 2 - Division 2
Pos. Name Gms Points Total Scratch Avg. High G. High.S High GH High.SH
1. 13 - Strikes R Us 45 84.0 29544 16167 359.27 430 1266 723 2145
2. 7 - Big Time 45 63.0 29206 20806 462.36 538 1469 733 2044
3. 14 - Queen Pins LTD 45 57.0 28944 16725 371.67 468 1194 739 2007
4. 2 - Hot Shots 45 56.0 28696 23746 527.69 632 1743 742 2073
5. 6 - Gutters Edge 45 56.0 28539 19830 440.67 560 1453 755 2035
6. 10 - Alma Matters 45 50.0 28345 19783 439.62 528 1478 719 2054
7. 11 - Pin Busters 45 46.0 28712 17120 380.44 470 1310 727 2081
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total

Overview of points - week position round

Lane 19 5 - Leafs Suck 0 0 0 0 Lane 20 9 - Rat Pack 2 2 2 7 1
Lane 21 3 - Triple Threat 0 2 2 5 1 Lane 22 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 2 0 0 2
Lane 23 1 - Team 16 0 0 2 2 Lane 24 12 - Sweet Soul Sisters 2 2 0 5 1
Lane 25 13 - Strikes R Us 2 2 2 7 1 Lane 26 14 - Queen Pins LTD 0 0 0 0
Lane 27 7 - Big Time 0 2 2 5 1 Lane 28 6 - Gutters Edge 2 0 0 2
Lane 29 2 - Hot Shots 2 0 2 5 1 Lane 30 10 - Alma Matters 0 2 0 2
Lane 31 8 - The 3 Amigos 0 2 0 2 Lane 32 11 - Pin Busters 2 0 2 5 1

Positions of the teams next week - week 04-25 6:45 pm

Lane 19 13 - Strikes R Us Lane 20 5 - Leafs Suck
Lane 21 1 - Team 16 Lane 22 11 - Pin Busters
Lane 23 12 - Sweet Soul Sisters Lane 24 2 - Hot Shots
Lane 25 6 - Gutters Edge Lane 26 8 - The 3 Amigos
Lane 27 9 - Rat Pack Lane 28 7 - Big Time
Lane 29 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus Lane 30 10 - Alma Matters
Lane 31 3 - Triple Threat Lane 32 14 - Queen Pins LTD

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Ken-Lawr 2024 145.79 212.06 290 292 62 108 788 791 231 226 5
30 04-18 6:45 PM Position Round 147.20 213.82 290 290 87 284 788 788 7 6 1
29 04-11 6:45 PM 145.14 211.01 217 255 79 283 575 681 2 2 0

Overview of points - week position round

Lane 19 5 - Leafs Suck 0 0 0 0 Lane 20 9 - Rat Pack 2 2 2 7 1
Lane 21 3 - Triple Threat 0 2 2 5 1 Lane 22 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 2 0 0 2
Lane 23 1 - Team 16 0 0 2 2 Lane 24 12 - Sweet Soul Sisters 2 2 0 5 1
Lane 25 13 - Strikes R Us 2 2 2 7 1 Lane 26 14 - Queen Pins LTD 0 0 0 0
Lane 27 7 - Big Time 0 2 2 5 1 Lane 28 6 - Gutters Edge 2 0 0 2
Lane 29 2 - Hot Shots 2 0 2 5 1 Lane 30 10 - Alma Matters 0 2 0 2
Lane 31 8 - The 3 Amigos 0 2 0 2 Lane 32 11 - Pin Busters 2 0 2 5 1

Positions of the teams next week - week 04-25 6:45 pm

Lane 19 13 - Strikes R Us Lane 20 5 - Leafs Suck
Lane 21 1 - Team 16 Lane 22 11 - Pin Busters
Lane 23 12 - Sweet Soul Sisters Lane 24 2 - Hot Shots
Lane 25 6 - Gutters Edge Lane 26 8 - The 3 Amigos
Lane 27 9 - Rat Pack Lane 28 7 - Big Time
Lane 29 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus Lane 30 10 - Alma Matters
Lane 31 3 - Triple Threat Lane 32 14 - Queen Pins LTD

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Ken-Lawr 2024 145.79 212.06 290 292 62 108 788 791 231 226 5
30 04-18 6:45 PM Position Round 147.20 213.82 290 290 87 284 788 788 7 6 1
29 04-11 6:45 PM 145.14 211.01 217 255 79 283 575 681 2 2 0

Standing Ken-Lawr 2024

Pos. Name Gms Points Total Scratch Avg. High G. High.S High GH High.SH
1. 5 - Leafs Suck 90 123.0 57830 42323 470.26 544 1546 710 2059
2. 13 - Strikes R Us 90 120.0 57790 30604 340.04 430 1266 723 2145
3. 7 - Big Time 90 117.0 57601 40396 448.84 590 1469 789 2066
4. 2 - Hot Shots 90 111.0 57713 47651 529.46 632 1743 742 2073
5. 3 - Triple Threat 90 109.0 57356 41687 463.19 552 1544 728 2060
6. 6 - Gutters Edge 90 108.0 56869 39460 438.44 560 1478 755 2126
7. 14 - Queen Pins LTD 90 106.0 57353 32531 361.46 468 1194 739 2007
8. 9 - Rat Pack 90 106.0 57036 39147 434.97 543 1483 753 2113
9. 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 90 104.0 56845 41683 463.14 574 1546 749 2062
10. 1 - Team 16 90 98.0 56530 48184 535.38 678 1867 728 2059
11. 12 - Sweet Soul Sisters 90 96.0 56543 32543 361.59 430 1186 699 1987
12. 10 - Alma Matters 90 95.0 56364 39459 438.43 528 1478 719 2054
13. 11 - Pin Busters 90 94.0 56634 33597 373.30 470 1310 727 2081
14. 8 - The 3 Amigos 90 83.0 56229 38538 428.20 511 1462 711 2062
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total A 100.00% of the previous pins is kept.

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 7 - Big Time 12-14 789
2. 6 - Gutters Edge 01-18 755
3. 9 - Rat Pack 09-28 753
4. 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 11-30 749
5. 2 - Hot Shots 04-18 742
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 13 - Strikes R Us 04-04 2145
2. 6 - Gutters Edge 10-05 2126
3. 9 - Rat Pack 09-28 2113
4. 11 - Pin Busters 04-04 2081
5. 2 - Hot Shots 04-18 2073
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 1 - Team 16 09-28 678
2. 2 - Hot Shots 04-18 632
3. 7 - Big Time 12-14 590
4. 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 11-30 574
5. 6 - Gutters Edge 01-18 560
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 1 - Team 16 02-22 1867
2. 2 - Hot Shots 04-18 1743
3 4 - Strikes, Spares, & Missus 12-14 1546
3 5 - Leafs Suck 02-22 1546
5. 3 - Triple Threat 01-25 1544
Standing sorted by high series

Main Standings

Standing Ken-Lawr 2024 - Men
Pos. Name Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S High GH High.SH Avg.
1. Joe Daniels 84 18384 218.86 290 788 290 791 218.86
2. David A. Stermole 72 15262 211.97 279 718 279 718 211.97
3. David F. Stermole 81 14286 176.37 236 602 272 707 176.37
4. Wilson Lavadan 81 14275 176.23 244 657 281 789 176.23
5. Gary Robinson 81 14004 172.89 246 586 289 712 172.89
6. Cliff Redman 90 15192 168.80 233 583 280 715 168.80
7. Jerome Drummond 90 15165 168.50 244 636 292 774 168.50
8. Norm Speares 84 13935 165.89 232 615 276 750 165.89
9. Chris Johnson 72 11863 164.76 224 573 265 702 164.76
10. Glen Barks 90 14758 163.98 227 600 273 744 163.98
11. Gary Clute 90 14709 163.43 225 583 272 721 163.43
12. Nathan Roet 84 13661 162.63 214 616 268 778 162.63
13. Lee Hebert 90 14210 157.89 217 551 270 716 157.89
14 Ed Ranada 90 14087 156.52 216 555 276 729 156.52
14 Terry Collett 90 14087 156.52 231 542 286 707 156.52
16. Andrew Spencer 90 14060 156.22 231 575 285 737 156.22
17. Gord Mori 84 12697 151.15 194 533 254 713 151.15
18. Dennis Daniels 90 13301 147.79 208 508 273 707 147.79
19. Matt Bemelen 90 12966 144.07 212 494 281 704 144.07
20. Steve James 90 12954 143.93 202 535 272 754 143.93
21. Thom Morrissey 66 8743 132.47 176 453 254 687 132.47
22. Sam Ayson 87 10388 119.40 184 451 284 738 119.40
23. Gary Temple 87 10096 116.05 167 445 260 730 116.05
24. Harry Flashchacker 81 8836 109.09 147 380 254 692 109.09
25. Dave Dean 66 6916 104.79 147 382 255 706 104.79
Standing sorted by scratch average (real)

Standing Ken-Lawr 2024 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S High GH High.SH Avg.
1. Steve Rosen 27 4973 184.19 233 596 249 683 184.19
Standing sorted by scratch average (real)

Standing Ken-Lawr 2024 - Women
Pos. Name Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S High GH High.SH Avg.
1. Cher Kennedy 84 12686 151.02 214 573 272 753 151.02
2. Gilda Salvatin 81 12214 150.79 197 539 264 722 150.79
3. Aida Deleon 87 12994 149.36 210 528 274 714 149.36
4. Brenda Dingwall 84 12040 143.33 198 516 270 732 143.33
5. Alma Callender 90 12899 143.32 196 504 266 711 143.32
6. Nadine Stermole 48 6725 140.10 170 462 240 687 140.10
7. Linda Coombes 85 11611 136.60 177 477 251 705 136.60
8. Linda Robinson 90 12173 135.26 180 482 257 713 135.26
9. Susan Maturine 90 11817 131.30 199 479 278 716 131.30
10. Judy Flashchacker 72 9087 126.21 176 443 261 701 126.21
11. Diane Dean 87 10680 122.76 189 440 278 710 122.76
12. Deanna Ferreira 90 10937 121.52 178 418 268 688 121.52
13. Colleen Erskine 89 10472 117.66 175 470 270 755 117.66
14. Julia Daniel 73 8369 114.64 159 387 255 675 114.64
15. Simone Maturine 90 9595 106.61 166 381 274 702 106.61
16. Tamar Daniel 81 8525 105.25 145 390 261 717 105.25
17. Imelda Ayson 84 8282 98.60 148 392 265 743 98.60
Standing sorted by scratch average (real)

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Jerome Drummond 09-28 292
2. Joe Daniels 04-18 290
3. Gary Robinson 10-19 289
4. Terry Collett 01-04 286
5. Andrew Spencer 12-14 285
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Joe Daniels 09-28 791
2. Wilson Lavadan 10-05 789
3. Nathan Roet 01-11 778
4. Jerome Drummond 01-11 774
5. Steve James 01-25 754
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Joe Daniels 04-18 290
2. David A. Stermole 09-28 279
3. Gary Robinson 10-19 246
4 Jerome Drummond 09-28 244
4 Wilson Lavadan 02-29 244
6. David F. Stermole 01-11 236
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Joe Daniels 04-18 788
2. David A. Stermole 01-04 718
3. Wilson Lavadan 10-05 657
4. Jerome Drummond 01-11 636
5. Nathan Roet 01-11 616
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1 Diane Dean 03-21 278
1 Susan Maturine 01-25 278
3 Aida Deleon 10-19 274
3 Simone Maturine 01-11 274
5. Cher Kennedy 09-21 272
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Colleen Erskine 12-21 755
2. Cher Kennedy 01-18 753
3. Imelda Ayson 02-22 743
4. Brenda Dingwall 10-12 732
5. Gilda Salvatin 03-28 722
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Cher Kennedy 09-21 214
2. Aida Deleon 04-18 210
3. Susan Maturine 01-25 199
4. Brenda Dingwall 10-12 198
5. Gilda Salvatin 12-14 197
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Cher Kennedy 01-18 573
2. Gilda Salvatin 03-28 539
3. Aida Deleon 04-18 528
4. Brenda Dingwall 10-12 516
5. Alma Callender 01-11 504
Standing sorted by high series

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