Wednesday 55 9am 2024-2025
Last Date and Hour Played |
9/4 9:00 AM |
Next Date to Play |
9/11 9:00 AM |
Weeks Played |
1 |
Week to Play |
28 |
Regular Bowlers Exist |
18 |
Substitute Bowlers Exist |
0 |
Scratch Average |
138.93 |
Teams Standings - Regular
Standing Regular
Pos. |
Name |
Games |
Points |
Total |
Scratch |
Avg. |
High GH |
High.SH |
1. |
04-Queen Bees |
9 |
15.0 |
2403 |
1554 |
324.00 |
814 |
2403 |
2. |
01-Bowling Beauties |
9 |
13.5 |
2403 |
1266 |
421.00 |
803 |
2403 |
3. |
03-Jokers |
3 |
13.5 |
2401 |
319 |
106.00 |
813 |
2401 |
4. |
02-Sweet Peas |
9 |
12.0 |
2403 |
1029 |
342.00 |
858 |
2403 |
Overview of points - week 9/4 9:00 am
Positions of the teams next week - week 9/11 9:00 am
Comparative Statistics
Squad |
Avg. |
Hdp Avg. |
High G. |
High GH |
Low |
Low Series |
High.S |
High.SH |
#> |
#> M |
#> W |
Wednesday 55 9am 2024-2025 |
138.93 |
138.93 |
216 |
216 |
79 |
304 |
581 |
581 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
01 9/4 9:00 AM |
138.93 |
138.93 |
216 |
216 |
79 |
304 |
581 |
581 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Team High Games and Series
Main Standings
Standing Wednesday 55 9am 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. |
Name |
Games |
Avg. |
Scratch |
High G. |
High.S |
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
T. Series |
1. |
Heather Ede |
3 |
193.67 |
581 |
216 |
581 |
176 |
216 |
189 |
581 |
Weekly High Games - Men
Pos. |
Name |
High G. |
1. |
Heather Ede |
216 |
Weekly High Series - Men
Pos. |
Name |
High.S |
1. |
Heather Ede |
581 |
Single High Games and Series - Men
Single High Games and Series - Women