Tuesday Probus Club 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 2/4 10:00 AM Next Date to Play 2/11 10:00 AM
Weeks Played 19 Week to Play 11
Regular Bowlers Exist 39 Substitute Bowlers Exist 0
Scratch Average 118.76

Teams Standings - Season

Standing Season
Pos. Name Games Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 02-2 100 12505 12505 125.05 682 1347
2. 01-1 103 12259 12259 119.02 620 1218
3. 04-4 104 12241 12241 117.70 597 1178
4. 06-Team - Lane 006 100 11716 11716 117.16 608 1142
5. 03-3 86 10121 10121 117.69 633 1263
6. 05-5 85 9900 9900 116.47 652 1272
Standing sorted by total scratch+bonus then last game scratch then lst g -1

Positions of the teams next week - week 2/11 10:00 am

Lane 1 1 Lane 2 3
Lane 3 Team - Lane 006 Lane 4 4
Lane 5 5 Lane 6 2

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Tuesday Probus Club 2024-2025 118.76 118.76 234 234 45 70 415 415 7 5 2
19 2/4 10:00 AM 125.63 125.63 193 193 84 181 344 344 0 0 0
18 1/28 10:00 AM 117.03 117.03 178 178 61 179 304 304 0 0 0

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. 02-2 10/1 682
2. 05-5 11/12 652
3. 03-3 11/26 633
4. 01-1 1/21 620
5. 06-Team - Lane 006 1/21 608
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. 02-2 10/1 1347
2. 05-5 11/12 1272
3. 03-3 11/26 1263
4. 01-1 1/21 1218
5. 04-4 1/14 1178
Standing sorted by high series

Main Standings

Standing Tuesday Probus Club 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. John Stephenson 25 156.88 3922 0 234 415
2. Larry Taranger 32 139.41 4461 0 219 350
3. Cliff Kowbel 28 133.75 3745 0 219 344
4. Ken Smith 32 124.56 3986 0 189 314
5. Nancy hill 6 122.33 734 0 147 293
6. Brian Eckl 25 120.52 3013 0 152 287
7. Gunther Fandrich 30 118.13 3544 0 155 264
8. Ross Harwood 22 115.55 2542 0 155 267
9. Tom Crerar 29 115.03 3336 0 184 276
10. Don Hanson 16 114.69 1835 0 142 276
11. Ds 8 110.25 882 0 161 253
12. Janice Unich 2 104.50 209 0 164 209
13. Dh 10 102.10 1021 -97 126 226
14. Don Sawatzky 17 98.00 1666 0 116 211
15. Ka ren 1 96.00 96 0 96 96
16. Blake 4 72.75 291 0 86 156
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing Tuesday Probus Club 2024-2025 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Ineke Knight 26 134.23 3490 0 191 315
2. Della Nykyforak 18 134.06 2413 0 169 308
3. Anne Stephenson 31 133.19 4129 0 215 384
4. Gina Fandrich 28 127.57 3572 0 178 299
5. Lin Whitworth 10 121.90 1219 0 200 293
6. Bonnie Sawatzky 15 119.93 1799 0 178 304
7. Carol Terhorst 1 117.00 117 0 117 117
8. Gwen Nedila 28 114.82 3215 0 158 278
9. Karen Smith 26 113.08 2940 0 159 270
10. Pat Scopic 21 107.05 2248 0 143 278
11. Lee Bristow 33 105.00 3465 0 166 257
12. Louisa Walshaw 18 97.61 1757 0 129 230
13. Stella Kruger 6 94.67 568 0 134 215
14. Jackie Mcknight 34 85.32 2901 0 147 249
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. John Stephenson 10/1 234
2 Cliff Kowbel 10/1 219
2 Larry Taranger 11/19 219
4. Ken Smith 11/19 189
5. Tom Crerar 10/15 184
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. John Stephenson 10/1 415
2. Larry Taranger 11/19 350
3. Cliff Kowbel 10/1 344
4. Ken Smith 11/19 314
5. Nancy hill 1/21 293
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Anne Stephenson 12/10 215
2. Lin Whitworth 11/5 200
3. Ineke Knight 12/17 191
4 Bonnie Sawatzky 1/28 178
4 Gina Fandrich 2/4 178
6. Della Nykyforak 9/17 169
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Anne Stephenson 12/10 384
2. Ineke Knight 12/17 315
3. Della Nykyforak 9/17 308
4. Bonnie Sawatzky 1/28 304
5. Gina Fandrich 2/4 299
Standing sorted by high series

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