9/27 11:00 AM
Friday 55 11am 2024-2025

Teams Standings

Standing Regular
Pos. Name Games Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 02-Bi Polar Rollers 9 2307 1374 469.00 818 2307
2. 01-Great Balls of Fire 9 2282 1415 691.00 781 2282
Standing sorted by scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 02-Bi Polar Rollers 9/27 818
2. 01-Great Balls of Fire 9/27 781
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 02-Bi Polar Rollers 9/27 2307
2. 01-Great Balls of Fire 9/27 2282
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

Singles Standings

Standing Regular - Men
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Total Scratch
1. Stan Woynarski 193 213 172 578 578
Standing sorted by total scratch+bonus then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing Regular - Women
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Total Scratch
1. Janet Bouvier 126 233 187 546 546
2. Susan Livingstone 128 151 180 459 459
Standing sorted by total scratch+bonus then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Stan Woynarski 9/27 213
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Stan Woynarski 9/27 578
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Janet Bouvier 9/27 233
2. Susan Livingstone 9/27 180
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Janet Bouvier 9/27 546
2. Susan Livingstone 9/27 459
Standing sorted by high series

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