Bowler Maureen Stranagham
Friday 55 11am 2024-2025

Player Information and Statistics

Gender Men
Player Team Great Balls of Fire
Player Type Automatic Grade Automatic
Age Type Adult Number of Games 15
Number of Series 5 Total Scratch Pins 2645
Scratch Average 176.33 High Game Scratch (with Info.) 244 - L
Lowest Game Scratch (with Info.) 133 - L High Series 652
Lowest Series Scratch 424 Best Series by Lane Scratch 652
Series Standard Deviation 228 Game Amplitude 111
First Date/Hour Played 11/8 11:00 AM Last Date and Hour Played 1/10 11:00 AM
Position List 4
Lane List 1,19-20

Series Information

Pos. Date Lane 1 2 3 Avg. Cum. G. Cum. Pins Sum Avg. Scratch Total
1 11/8 11:00 AM 20 154 146 166 155.33 3 466 - 466 466
2 11/15 11:00 AM 19 223 244 185 217.33 6 1118 186.33 (+31) 652 652
3 12/6 11:00 AM 20 161 175 218 184.67 9 1672 185.78 (+0) 554 554
4 12/13 11:00 AM 1 194 173 182 183.00 12 2221 185.08 (+0) 549 549
5 1/10 11:00 AM 19 144 133 147 141.33 15 2645 176.33 (-8) 424 424

Lane Statistics and Positions

Lane Statistics
Lane Games Scratch Avg. Hdp Avg. Low High G. High Week Scratch Date/Hour
1 3 183.00 183.00 173 194 12/13 11:00 AM 12/13 11:00 AM
19 6 179.33 179.33 133 244 11/15 11:00 AM 11/15 11:00 AM
20 6 170.00 170.00 146 218 12/6 11:00 AM 12/6 11:00 AM
19-20 12 174.67 174.67 133 244 11/15 11:00 AM 11/15 11:00 AM
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