Bowler Stan Woynarski
Friday 55 11am 2024-2025

Player Information and Statistics

Gender Men
Player Team Great Balls of Fire
Player Type Automatic Grade Automatic
Age Type Adult Number of Games 57
Number of Series 19 Total Scratch Pins 10723
Scratch Average 188.12 High Game Scratch (with Info.) 307 - L
Lowest Game Scratch (with Info.) 124 - L High Series 649
Lowest Series Scratch 468 Best Series by Lane Scratch 649
Series Standard Deviation 181 Game Amplitude 183
First Date/Hour Played 9/6 11:00 AM Last Date and Hour Played 1/24 11:00 AM
Position List 2
Lane List 1,17-20

Series Information

Pos. Date Lane 1 2 3 Avg. Cum. G. Cum. Pins Sum Avg. Scratch Total
1 9/6 11:00 AM 18 220 169 202 197.00 3 591 - 591 591
2 9/13 11:00 AM 18 198 218 172 196.00 6 1179 196.50 (+0) 588 588
3 9/20 11:00 AM 17 307 127 179 204.33 9 1792 199.11 (+3) 613 613
4 9/27 11:00 AM 18 193 213 172 192.67 12 2370 197.50 (-1) 578 578
5 10/4 11:00 AM 17 204 124 161 163.00 15 2859 190.60 (-6) 489 489
6 10/11 11:00 AM 20 240 162 215 205.67 18 3476 193.11 (+3) 617 617
7 10/18 11:00 AM 19 167 152 206 175.00 21 4001 190.52 (-2) 525 525
8 10/25 11:00 AM 20 232 152 216 200.00 24 4601 191.71 (+1) 600 600
9 11/1 11:00 AM 19 180 159 169 169.33 27 5109 189.22 (-2) 508 508
10 11/8 11:00 AM 20 196 167 172 178.33 30 5644 188.13 (-1) 535 535
11 11/15 11:00 AM 19 167 158 143 156.00 33 6112 185.21 (-2) 468 468
12 11/22 11:00 AM 20 248 143 252 214.33 36 6755 187.64 (+2) 643 643
13 11/29 11:00 AM 1 146 206 160 170.67 39 7267 186.33 (-1) 512 512
14 12/6 11:00 AM 20 157 230 208 198.33 42 7862 187.19 (+1) 595 595
15 12/13 11:00 AM 1 138 173 157 156.00 45 8330 185.11 (-2) 468 468
16 12/20 11:00 AM 20 257 147 178 194.00 48 8912 185.67 (+1) 582 582
17 1/10 11:00 AM 19 155 213 177 181.67 51 9457 185.43 (+0) 545 545
18 1/17 11:00 AM 20 170 236 211 205.67 54 10074 186.56 (+1) 617 617
19 1/24 11:00 AM 1 207 236 206 216.33 57 10723 188.12 (+2) 649 649

Lane Statistics and Positions

Lane Statistics
Lane Games Scratch Avg. Hdp Avg. Low High G. High Week Scratch Date/Hour
1 9 181.00 181.00 138 236 1/24 11:00 AM 1/24 11:00 AM
17 6 183.67 183.67 124 307 9/20 11:00 AM 9/20 11:00 AM
18 9 195.22 195.22 169 220 9/6 11:00 AM 9/6 11:00 AM
17-18 15 190.60 190.60 124 307 9/20 11:00 AM 9/20 11:00 AM
19 12 170.50 170.50 143 213 1/10 11:00 AM 1/10 11:00 AM
20 21 199.48 199.48 143 257 12/20 11:00 AM 12/20 11:00 AM
19-20 33 188.94 188.94 143 257 12/20 11:00 AM 12/20 11:00 AM
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