Friday 55 11am 2024-2025
Last Date and Hour Played |
1/24 11:00 AM |
Next Date to Play |
1/31 11:00 AM |
Weeks Played |
19 |
Week to Play |
10 |
Regular Bowlers Exist |
10 |
Substitute Bowlers Exist |
0 |
Scratch Average |
168.60 |
Teams Standings - Regular
Overview of points - week 1/24 11:00 am
Positions of the teams next week - week 1/31 11:00 am
Comparative Statistics
Team High Games and Series
Main Standings
Standing Friday 55 11am 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. |
Name |
Games |
Avg. |
Scratch |
High G. |
High.S |
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
T. Series |
1. |
Stan Woynarski |
57 |
188.12 |
10723 |
307 |
649 |
207 |
236 |
206 |
649 |
2. |
Chuck Dauvin |
27 |
182.59 |
4930 |
234 |
665 |
204 |
232 |
229 |
665 |
3. |
Maureen Stranagham |
15 |
176.33 |
2645 |
244 |
652 |
144 |
133 |
147 |
424 |
4. |
Ken Thurston |
42 |
145.43 |
6108 |
201 |
517 |
157 |
140 |
184 |
481 |
Standing Friday 55 11am 2024-2025 - Women
Pos. |
Name |
Games |
Avg. |
Scratch |
High G. |
High.S |
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
T. Series |
1. |
Susan Livingstone |
51 |
173.45 |
8846 |
222 |
596 |
199 |
197 |
173 |
569 |
2. |
Janet Bouvier |
51 |
163.88 |
8358 |
233 |
567 |
160 |
219 |
138 |
517 |
3. |
Karen Harris |
18 |
133.06 |
2395 |
194 |
426 |
123 |
130 |
163 |
416 |
Single High Games and Series - Men
Single High Games and Series - Women