EV YBC 10 Pin BOWLASAURUS 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 1/14 7:00 PM Next Date to Play 12/14 7:00 PM
Weeks Played 12 Week to Play 29
Scratch Average 25.68

Teams Standings

Team Standings - Regular Season
Pos. Name Gms Points Scratch Avg. High G. High.S Total High GH High.SH
1. 02-Team 02 34 48.0 1013 28.14 75 144 27627 844 1674
2. 01-Team 01 24 34.0 528 22.00 49 65 19276 832 1627
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+hdp+bonus total

Overview of points - week b

Lane 27 Team 01 Lane 28 Team 02

Positions of the teams next week - week a

Lane 25 Lane 26

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
EV YBC 10 Pin BOWLASAURUS 2024-2025 25.68 25.68 70 70 1 10 121 121 0 0 0
34 1/14 7:00 PM B 26.50 26.50 31 31 22 53 53 53 0 0 0
33 1/11 7:00 PM A 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 02-Team 02 11/19 844
2. 01-Team 01 10/1 832
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 02-Team 02 11/5 1674
2. 01-Team 01 10/8 1627
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

Main Standings

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin BOWLASAURUS 2024-2025 - Men - Bantam prep
Pos. Name P1 P2 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Levi King 8 22 30 26 565 21.73 49 65
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin BOWLASAURUS 2024-2025 - Women - Bantam prep
Pos. Name P1 P2 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Hazel Kauth 22 31 53 34 976 28.71 70 121
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Weekly High Games - Women - Bantam prep
Pos. Name High G.
1. Hazel Kauth 31
Standing sorted by high g.

Weekly High Series - Women - Bantam prep
Pos. Name High.S
1. Hazel Kauth 53
Standing sorted by high.s

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 1 - Bantam prep
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Hazel Kauth -6
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 2 - Bantam prep
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Hazel Kauth 3
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Series - Women - Games 1-3 - Bantam prep
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Hazel Kauth -3
Standing sorted by total average difference

Bowling Classes - Men - div_INCL
Pos. Name Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Levi King 26 21.73 565 49 65
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Bowling Classes - Women - div_INCL
Pos. Name Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Hazel Kauth 34 28.71 976 70 121
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Levi King 10/1 49
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Levi King 10/8 65
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Hazel Kauth 1/7 70
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Hazel Kauth 1/7 121
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

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