EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 1/21 7:00 PM Next Date to Play 1/25 7:00 PM
Weeks Played 19 Week to Play 12
Scratch Average 119.82

Teams Standings

Team Standings - Regular Season
Pos. Name Gms Points Scratch Avg. High G. High.S Total High GH High.SH
1. 10-I Dont Care & I Dont Know 54 238.5 11665 105.09 359 970 43900 894 2535
2. 09-The Butter Boyz 54 229.5 8690 82.76 205 546 43619 848 2466
3. 02-Jesse's Team has Bad Ideas 54 202.0 11810 115.78 317 832 43367 883 2537
4. 11-Sticks 51 193.5 14265 148.59 357 994 40995 863 2515
5. 01-Rolling Thunder 54 192.5 13573 135.73 395 1072 43316 889 2534
6. 05-The K Pins 51 192.5 13257 92.06 388 1019 41121 916 2603
7. 03-Connor's Never Escaping YBC Prison 48 182.5 16146 173.61 544 1476 38607 918 2561
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+hdp+bonus total

Overview of points - week b

Lane 21 The K Pins Lane 22 real vacancy
Lane 23 The Butter Boyz Lane 24 Connor's Never Escaping YBC Prison
Lane 25 I Dont Care & I Dont Know Lane 26 Sticks

Positions of the teams next week - week a

Lane 31 Rolling Thunder Lane 32 Jesse's Team has Bad Ideas

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025 119.82 119.82 261 261 32 92 645 645 30 23 7
36 1/21 7:00 PM B 126.70 126.70 223 223 64 200 568 568 1 1 0
35 1/18 7:00 PM A 136.08 136.08 204 204 89 306 526 526 2 2 0

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 03-Connor's Never Escaping YBC Prison 9/17 918
2. 05-The K Pins 12/17 916
3. 10-I Dont Care & I Dont Know 12/3 894
4. 01-Rolling Thunder 11/9 889
5. 02-Jesse's Team has Bad Ideas 1/18 883
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 05-The K Pins 12/17 2603
2. 03-Connor's Never Escaping YBC Prison 9/17 2561
3. 02-Jesse's Team has Bad Ideas 10/5 2537
4. 10-I Dont Care & I Dont Know 12/3 2535
5. 01-Rolling Thunder 11/9 2534
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

Main Standings

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025 - Men - Bantam
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Ryder King 96 116 99 311 48 4799 99.98 138 372
2. Logan Kauth 79 87 87 253 54 4756 88.07 127 323
3. Lucas Deslauriers 97 87 107 291 48 3787 78.90 109 295
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025 - Men - Junior
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Andrew Leganchuk 98 172 121 391 54 6567 121.61 174 437
2. Ethan Kwitkoski 113 114 130 357 45 5082 112.93 172 437
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025 - Men - Senior
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Cooper Buniak 167 223 178 568 48 8942 186.29 261 645
2. David Berg 147 146 151 444 54 8790 162.78 223 565
3. Chase Buniak 145 178 158 481 51 7384 144.78 192 509
4. Jesse Klassen 202 204 120 526 39 5646 144.77 204 547
5. Gabriel Inayat 109 122 142 373 22 2405 109.32 159 387
6. Joel Penner 89 113 104 306 54 5021 92.98 121 327
7. Kale Bristol 83 114 106 303 54 4675 86.57 121 315
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025 - Women - Bantam
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Chloe King 71 64 65 200 51 3432 67.29 131 298
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing EV YBC 10 Pin 2024-2025 - Women - Senior
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 T. Series Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Emma Zeiler 181 177 172 530 36 5924 164.56 233 602
2. Jaymie Reimer 147 166 160 473 48 7382 153.79 206 512
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Weekly High Games - Men - Bantam
Pos. Name High G.
1. Ryder King 116
2. Lucas Deslauriers 107
3. Logan Kauth 87
Standing sorted by high g.

Weekly High Games - Men - Junior
Pos. Name High G.
1. Andrew Leganchuk 172
Standing sorted by high g.

Weekly High Games - Men - Senior
Pos. Name High G.
1. Cooper Buniak 223
2. Chase Buniak 178
3. Kale Bristol 114
Standing sorted by high g.

Weekly High Games - Women - Bantam
Pos. Name High G.
1. Chloe King 71
Standing sorted by high g.

Weekly High Games - Women - Senior
Pos. Name High G.
1. Emma Zeiler 181
2. Jaymie Reimer 166
Standing sorted by high g.

Weekly High Series - Men - Bantam
Pos. Name High.S
1. Ryder King 311
2. Lucas Deslauriers 291
3. Logan Kauth 253
Standing sorted by high.s

Weekly High Series - Men - Junior
Pos. Name High.S
1. Andrew Leganchuk 391
Standing sorted by high.s

Weekly High Series - Men - Senior
Pos. Name High.S
1. Cooper Buniak 568
2. Chase Buniak 481
3. Kale Bristol 303
Standing sorted by high.s

Weekly High Series - Women - Bantam
Pos. Name High.S
1. Chloe King 200
Standing sorted by high.s

Weekly High Series - Women - Senior
Pos. Name High.S
1. Emma Zeiler 530
2. Jaymie Reimer 473
Standing sorted by high.s

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 1 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Lucas Deslauriers 20
2. Ryder King -3
3. Logan Kauth -9
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 1 - Junior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Andrew Leganchuk -23
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 1 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Chase Buniak 2
2. Kale Bristol -2
3. Cooper Buniak -19
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 1 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Chloe King 4
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 1 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Emma Zeiler 18
2. Jaymie Reimer -6
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 2 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Ryder King 17
2. Lucas Deslauriers 10
3. Logan Kauth -1
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 2 - Junior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Andrew Leganchuk 51
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 2 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Cooper Buniak 37
2. Chase Buniak 35
3. Kale Bristol 29
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 2 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Chloe King -3
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 2 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Emma Zeiler 14
2. Jaymie Reimer 13
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 3 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Lucas Deslauriers 30
2. Ryder King 0
3. Logan Kauth -1
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 3 - Junior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Andrew Leganchuk 0
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Men - Game 3 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Kale Bristol 21
2. Chase Buniak 15
3. Cooper Buniak -8
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 3 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Chloe King -2
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Women - Game 3 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Emma Zeiler 9
2. Jaymie Reimer 7
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Series - Men - Games 1-3 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Lucas Deslauriers 60
2. Ryder King 14
3. Logan Kauth -11
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Series - Men - Games 1-3 - Junior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Andrew Leganchuk 28
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Series - Men - Games 1-3 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Chase Buniak 52
2. Kale Bristol 48
3. Cooper Buniak 10
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Series - Women - Games 1-3 - Bantam
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Chloe King -1
Standing sorted by total average difference

Pins Over Average - Series - Women - Games 1-3 - Senior
Pos. Name Diff.
1. Emma Zeiler 41
2. Jaymie Reimer 14
Standing sorted by total average difference

Bowling Classes - Men - div_INCL
Pos. Name Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Cooper Buniak 48 186.29 8942 261 645
2. David Berg 54 162.78 8790 223 565
3. Chase Buniak 51 144.78 7384 192 509
4. Jesse Klassen 39 144.77 5646 204 547
5. Andrew Leganchuk 54 121.61 6567 174 437
6. Ethan Kwitkoski 45 112.93 5082 172 437
7. Gabriel Inayat 22 109.32 2405 159 387
8. Ryder King 48 99.98 4799 138 372
9. Joel Penner 54 92.98 5021 121 327
10. Logan Kauth 54 88.07 4756 127 323
11. Kale Bristol 54 86.57 4675 121 315
12. Lucas Deslauriers 48 78.90 3787 109 295
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Bowling Classes - Women - div_INCL
Pos. Name Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Emma Zeiler 36 164.56 5924 233 602
2. Jaymie Reimer 48 153.79 7382 206 512
3. Chloe King 51 67.29 3432 131 298
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Cooper Buniak 1/7 261
2. David Berg 12/14 223
3. Jesse Klassen 1/18 204
4. Chase Buniak 11/19 192
5. Andrew Leganchuk 12/3 174
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Cooper Buniak 11/12 645
2. David Berg 10/12 565
3. Jesse Klassen 10/5 547
4. Chase Buniak 11/19 509
5 Andrew Leganchuk 1/7 437
5 Ethan Kwitkoski 10/15 437
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. Emma Zeiler 9/17 233
2. Jaymie Reimer 12/3 206
3. Chloe King 12/17 131
Standing sorted by high game handicap

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. Emma Zeiler 9/17 602
2. Jaymie Reimer 12/10 512
3. Chloe King 12/17 298
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus)

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