BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 4-9 09:45 PM Next Date to Play 11-9 09:45 PM
Weeks Played 1 Week to Play 29
Scratch Average 163,82

Teams Standings

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025
Pos. Name Games Points Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 6 8,0 1140 190,00 396 1140
2. PERON-Team Peroni 6 8,0 1041 173,50 362 1041
3. HBM-HBM 6 6,0 1009 168,17 387 1009
4. FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 6 5,0 1062 177,00 362 1062
5. PRO-Pro & Gutter Guys 6 4,0 974 162,33 360 974
6. ROAD-Roadrunners 6 4,0 855 142,50 308 855
7. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 6 3,0 961 160,17 348 961
8. SPACE-Space Jam! 6 2,0 878 146,33 304 878
9. LAZZO-Lazzo Group 6 0,0 1021 170,17 355 1021
10. NEW1-The New Ones 6 0,0 808 134,67 275 808
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins A 100,00% of the previous pins is kept.

Overview of points - week 4-9 09:45 pm

1 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 360 435 427 1222 3 2 Forma Zeefdruk 413 432 427 1272 5 2
3 The New Ones 377 380 387 1144 0 4 Team Peroni 425 437 443 1305 8 2
5 Space Jam! 390 394 409 1193 2 6 HBM 419 357 464 1240 6 2
7 Pro & Gutter Guys 378 451 418 1247 4 2 8 Roadrunners 392 401 431 1224 4
9 Lazzo Group 399 368 386 1153 0 10 van Haasteren Motors 442 466 442 1350 8 2

Positions of the teams next week - week 11-9 09:45 pm

Lane 1 van Haasteren Motors Lane 2 Pro & Gutter Guys
Lane 3 HBM Lane 4 Lazzo Group
Lane 5 Roadrunners Lane 6 The New Ones
Lane 7 Forma Zeefdruk Lane 8 Space Jam!
Lane 9 Team Peroni Lane 10 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025 163,82 206,40 225 263 111 280 596 716 8 8 0
01 4-9 09:45 PM 163,82 206,40 225 263 111 280 596 716 8 8 0

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 4-9 396
2. HBM-HBM 4-9 387
3 FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 4-9 362
3 PERON-Team Peroni 4-9 362
5. PRO-Pro & Gutter Guys 4-9 360
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 4-9 1140
2. FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 4-9 1062
3. PERON-Team Peroni 4-9 1041
4. LAZZO-Lazzo Group 4-9 1021
5. HBM-HBM 4-9 1009
Standing sorted by high series

Main Standings

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Paul Plu van Haasteren Motors 3 198,67 596 219 596
2. Jerry Beij Team Peroni 2 192,00 384 215 384
3. Robin van Schie Team Peroni 2 188,50 377 193 377
4. Danny van Tuijl Pro & Gutter Guys 3 187,67 563 223 563
5. Ed Tactor Lazzo Group 3 185,00 555 207 555
6. Jeroen Plu van Haasteren Motors 3 181,33 544 225 544
7. Björn Henrichs Forma Zeefdruk 3 179,00 537 190 537
8. Martin de Koning HBM 3 175,00 525 222 525
9. Harry Henrichs Forma Zeefdruk 3 175,00 525 190 525
10. Damien van der Zeeuw Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 3 174,00 522 216 522
11. Jewwy Qadri HBM 3 161,33 484 165 484
12. Michel Slootweg Lazzo Group 3 155,33 466 176 466
13. Peter Harts Roadrunners 3 146,67 440 158 440
14. Shahroch Ramez Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 3 146,33 439 167 439
15. Hans Brugman The New Ones 3 140,00 420 164 420
16. Marco van Schie Team Peroni 2 140,00 280 144 280
17. Barry Grevink Roadrunners 3 138,33 415 150 415
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. José Plu Space Jam! 3 164,00 492 173 492
2. Cynthia Hörchner The New Ones 3 129,33 388 147 388
3. Astrid Verhulst Space Jam! 3 128,67 386 131 386
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Jeroen Plu 4-9 225
2. Danny van Tuijl 4-9 223
3. Martin de Koning 4-9 222
4. Paul Plu 4-9 219
5. Damien van der Zeeuw 4-9 216
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Paul Plu 4-9 596
2. Danny van Tuijl 4-9 563
3. Ed Tactor 4-9 555
4. Jeroen Plu 4-9 544
5. Björn Henrichs 4-9 537
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. José Plu 4-9 173
2. Cynthia Hörchner 4-9 147
3. Astrid Verhulst 4-9 131
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. José Plu 4-9 492
2. Cynthia Hörchner 4-9 388
3. Astrid Verhulst 4-9 386
Standing sorted by high series

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