BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 5-2 09:45 PM Next Date to Play 12-2 09:45 PM
Weeks Played 19 Week to Play 11
Scratch Average 169,64

Teams Standings

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025
Pos. Name Games Points Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. LAZZO-Lazzo Group 114 99,0 21265 186,54 480 1260
2. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 114 98,0 20320 178,25 453 1170
3. FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 114 95,0 20126 176,54 446 1186
4. HBM-HBM 114 79,0 20172 176,95 466 1169
5. ROAD-Roadrunners 114 69,0 16999 149,11 374 1014
6. PERON-Team Peroni 114 68,0 19465 170,75 466 1258
7. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 114 64,0 20162 176,86 451 1180
8. NEW1-The New Ones 114 62,0 16946 148,65 357 993
9. PRO-Pro & Gutter Guys 114 61,0 19141 167,90 408 1140
10. SPACE-Space Jam! 114 53,0 17706 155,32 415 1228
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins A 100,00% of the previous pins is kept.

Overview of points - week 5-2 09:45 pm

1 HBM 407 384 427 1218 0 2 Roadrunners 409 395 490 1294 8 2
3 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 470 393 437 1300 4 4 Lazzo Group 442 502 369 1313 4 2
5 Forma Zeefdruk 375 431 473 1279 4 6 van Haasteren Motors 483 412 413 1308 4 2
7 The New Ones 378 419 413 1210 8 2 8 Space Jam! 369 360 411 1140 0
9 Pro & Gutter Guys 470 394 446 1310 2 10 Team Peroni 424 460 463 1347 6 2

Positions of the teams next week - week position round

Lane 1 van Haasteren Motors Lane 2 The New Ones
Lane 3 Forma Zeefdruk Lane 4 HBM
Lane 5 Pro & Gutter Guys Lane 6 Space Jam!
Lane 7 Lazzo Group Lane 8 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk
Lane 9 Roadrunners Lane 10 Team Peroni

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025 169,64 211,43 279 311 82 265 759 801 178 169 9
19 5-2 09:45 PM 170,38 211,98 257 279 106 352 625 727 12 11 1
18 29-1 09:45 PM 179,20 217,73 267 294 99 423 759 801 11 11 0

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. LAZZO-Lazzo Group 8-1 480
2 HBM-HBM 18-9 466
2 PERON-Team Peroni 20-11 466
4. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 18-9 453
5. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 15-1 451
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. LAZZO-Lazzo Group 18-9 1260
2. PERON-Team Peroni 27-11 1258
3. SPACE-Space Jam! 29-1 1228
4. FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 8-1 1186
5. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 22-1 1180
Standing sorted by high series

Main Standings

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Marco van Haastert Space Jam! 12 217,75 2613 267 759
2. Ted Vluggen Lazzo Group 6 213,50 1281 247 669
3. Martijn Peschier van Haasteren Motors 6 205,67 1234 233 633
4. Jerry Beij Team Peroni 33 195,67 6457 236 657
5. Ed Tactor Lazzo Group 57 193,51 11030 257 672
6. Björn Henrichs Forma Zeefdruk 48 183,67 8816 237 630
7. Martin de Koning HBM 51 183,10 9338 268 642
8. Jeroen Plu van Haasteren Motors 51 181,82 9273 238 625
9. Mark Traas Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 3 181,67 545 214 545
10. Danny van Tuijl Pro & Gutter Guys 51 181,06 9234 229 639
11. Maurice Uijlenbroek HBM 9 180,00 1620 257 623
12. Shahroch Ramez Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 53 178,91 9482 244 606
13. Damien van der Zeeuw Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 57 177,70 10129 252 608
14. Michel Slootweg Lazzo Group 48 175,69 8433 255 681
15. Nico van Vugt Lazzo Group 3 173,67 521 177 521
16. Harry Henrichs Forma Zeefdruk 57 172,21 9816 248 642
17. Jewwy Qadri HBM 54 170,63 9214 234 571
18. Paul Plu van Haasteren Motors 57 169,39 9655 236 596
19. Gerard Tan Team Peroni 3 168,00 504 179 504
20. Robin van Schie Team Peroni 36 162,89 5864 254 583
21. Marco van Schie Team Peroni 24 160,54 3853 205 552
22. Glenn Verhoek Pro & Gutter Guys 48 157,40 7555 222 585
23. Peter Harts Roadrunners 54 150,07 8104 223 612
24. Hans Brugman The New Ones 48 147,88 7098 196 499
25. Barry Grevink Roadrunners 54 146,22 7896 209 502
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo laat - 2024-2025 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Avg. Scratch High G. High.S
1. Myrna Verhulst Space Jam! 36 182,53 6571 279 675
2. José Plu Space Jam! 12 161,92 1943 180 512
3. Cynthia Hörchner The New Ones 48 153,35 7361 203 559
4. Astrid Verhulst Space Jam! 54 121,83 6579 161 455
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Martin de Koning 18-9 268
2. Marco van Haastert 29-1 267
3 Ed Tactor 5-2 257
3 Maurice Uijlenbroek 29-1 257
5. Michel Slootweg 23-10 255
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Marco van Haastert 29-1 759
2. Michel Slootweg 9-10 681
3. Ed Tactor 8-1 672
4. Ted Vluggen 18-9 669
5. Jerry Beij 20-11 657
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Myrna Verhulst 18-12 279
2. Cynthia Hörchner 15-1 203
3. José Plu 18-9 180
4. Astrid Verhulst 22-1 161
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Myrna Verhulst 18-12 675
2. Cynthia Hörchner 15-1 559
3. José Plu 18-9 512
4. Astrid Verhulst 22-1 455
Standing sorted by high series

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