BVLZW - Woensdag Duo 2023-2024

Last Date and Hour Played 5-6 09:45 PM Next Date to Play Terminée
Weeks Played 30 Week to Play Aucune
Scratch Average 163,40

Teams Standings

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo 2023-2024
Pos. Name Games Points Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. HBM-HBM 180 146,0 30205 167,81 422 1138
2. FREEB-Freebird Records 180 142,0 30248 168,04 425 1126
3. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 180 141,0 32267 179,26 438 1267
4. FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 180 136,0 31876 177,09 438 1169
5. ROLLE-De Rollebollekes 180 129,0 31008 172,27 433 1147
6. PRO-The Pro & Gutter Guys 180 117,0 29089 161,61 420 1087
7. NEW1-The New Ones 180 114,0 27694 153,86 389 1071
8. SCHIE-van Schie 180 109,0 28072 155,96 399 1065
9. X-IT-X-IT 180 90,0 28253 156,96 433 1205
10. ROLL-Rollit 180 70,0 24962 138,68 396 1091
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins

Overview of points - week 5-6 09:45 pm

1 The Pro & Gutter Guys 421 442 418 1281 8 2 2 van Schie 345 363 404 1112 0
3 van Haasteren Motors 401 450 371 1222 6 2 4 Forma Zeefdruk 379 372 400 1151 2
5 Freebird Records 433 384 428 1245 2 6 HBM 498 408 414 1320 6 2
7 De Rollebollekes 372 423 462 1257 6 2 8 The New Ones 394 405 440 1239 2
9 X-IT 390 375 412 1177 0 10 Rollit 474 414 437 1325 8 2

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
BVLZW - Woensdag Duo 2023-2024 163,40 206,71 269 297 72 159 709 811 213 196 17
30 5-6 09:45 PM 165,23 205,48 269 283 96 345 709 751 9 8 1
29 29-5 09:45 PM 171,39 212,18 236 272 110 381 618 729 7 7 0

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1 FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 28-2 438
1 HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 10-1 438
3 ROLLE-De Rollebollekes 25-10 433
3 X-IT-X-IT 22-11 433
5. FREEB-Freebird Records 17-4 425
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. HAAST-van Haasteren Motors 27-3 1267
2. X-IT-X-IT 22-11 1205
3. FORMA-Forma Zeefdruk 28-2 1169
4. ROLLE-De Rollebollekes 10-1 1147
5. HBM-HBM 29-11 1138
Standing sorted by high series

Main Standings

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo 2023-2024 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Milan Scheffer Rollit 3 709 236,33 269 709
2. Martijn Peschier van Haasteren Motors 10 2089 208,90 255 673
3. Marco van Haastert X-IT 30 5983 199,43 268 642
4. Jerry Beij De Rollebollekes 72 13678 189,97 254 637
5. Maurice Uijlenbroek HBM 9 1650 183,33 235 618
6. Jeroen Plu van Haasteren Motors 77 14020 182,08 236 688
7. Martin de Koning HBM 69 12494 181,07 233 611
8. Harry Henrichs Forma Zeefdruk 90 16262 180,69 237 637
9. Björn Henrichs Forma Zeefdruk 75 13154 175,39 226 609
10. Shahroch Ramez Rollit 41 7169 174,85 220 585
11. Danny van Tuijl The Pro & Gutter Guys 84 14680 174,76 236 634
12. Paul Plu van Haasteren Motors 90 15651 173,90 213 597
13. Danny Mulder HBM 18 3059 169,94 226 595
14. Frank Overdijk Freebird Records 90 15248 169,42 246 603
15. Marcel Philippo Freebird Records 87 14538 167,10 215 567
16. Jewwy Qadri HBM 39 6435 165,00 214 601
17. Kevin van Schie van Schie 31 4992 161,03 192 536
18. Djessie Lautan van Schie 3 478 159,33 177 478
19. Michael Janssens De Rollebollekes 87 13717 157,67 241 643
20. Lars van der Hulst De Rollebollekes 3 471 157,00 181 471
21. Damien van der Zeeuw Rollit 21 3296 156,95 233 528
22. Marco van Schie van Schie 52 8126 156,27 213 556
23. Robin van Schie van Schie 76 11611 152,78 202 541
24. Glenn Verhoek The Pro & Gutter Guys 72 10878 151,08 195 509
25. Hans Brugman The New Ones 75 11280 150,40 226 521
26. Rob Brom HBM 45 6567 145,93 232 582
27. André Hörchner The New Ones 15 2132 142,13 184 463
28. Hugo Jungschlager Rollit 15 2113 140,87 194 494
29. Delano van de Wiel De Rollebollekes 3 412 137,33 182 412
30. Dennis de Bree X-IT 21 2871 136,71 171 460
31. Gerrit van de Weerd Rollit 90 10176 113,07 212 472
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Standing BVLZW - Woensdag Duo 2023-2024 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Myrna Verhulst X-IT 75 13225 176,33 242 600
2. Cynthia Hörchner - van de Velde The New Ones 84 13406 159,60 233 565
3. Astrid Verhulst X-IT 51 5700 111,76 154 399
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Milan Scheffer 5-6 269
2. Marco van Haastert 8-11 268
3. Martijn Peschier 11-10 255
4. Jerry Beij 25-10 254
5. Frank Overdijk 17-4 246
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Milan Scheffer 5-6 709
2. Jeroen Plu 27-3 688
3. Martijn Peschier 11-10 673
4. Michael Janssens 10-1 643
5. Marco van Haastert 8-11 642
Standing sorted by high series

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Myrna Verhulst 10-4 242
2. Cynthia Hörchner - van de Velde 30-8 233
3. Astrid Verhulst 6-3 154
Standing sorted by high game

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Myrna Verhulst 22-11 600
2. Cynthia Hörchner - van de Velde 27-3 565
3. Astrid Verhulst 27-3 399
Standing sorted by high series

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