Team Es & Marco
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024

Team Information and Statistics

Total Bowlers 3 Registration Number 24
Gender Both Age Category (Unknown)
Player Type Regular License Type Nederlandse Bowling Federatie
Country Netherlands
Total Scratch Pins 23809 Handicap (or Bonus) Only 5238
Scratch+Handicap (or Bonus)+Bonus Total 29047 Bonus Play Only Total 0
Number of Games 138 Number of Series 23
Scratch Average 172,53 Average with Handicap 210,49
Earned Points (A) 101,0 Lost Points (A) 83,0
High Game Scratch (with Info.) 410 - L High Game Handicap (with Info.) 484 - L
High Series 1138 High Series Handicap (or Bonus) 1396
Best Series by Lane Scratch 1138 Best Series by Lane Handicap (or Bonus) 1396
Lowest Game Scratch 273 Lowest Series Scratch 910
Game Amplitude 137 Game Standard Deviation Handicap (or Bonus) 139
Series Standard Deviation 228 Series Standard Deviation Handicap (or Bonus) 270
First Date/Hour Played 24-10 21:45 Last Date and Hour Played 28-5 21:45
Position List 1
Lane List 3-10

Team Players List

Pos. Name Player Team Games Scratch Avg. High G. High.S
1. Angela Cornet Es & Marco 3 449 149,67 163 449
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk Es & Marco 66 11936 180,85 230 593
3. Marco Bravenboer Es & Marco 60 9984 166,40 213 558

Series Information

Pos. Date Lane 1 2 3 Avg. Cum. G. Cum. Pins Sum Avg. Scratch Total Pts
1 24-10 21:45 9 408 4232 4342 172,83 6 1037 - 1037 12652 6
2 31-10 21:45 6 396 429 4202 169,50 12 2054 171,17(-1) 1017 1245 2
3 7-11 21:45 7 4412 4282 3892 170,67 18 3078 171,00(+0) 1024 12582 8
4 14-11 21:45 5 4762 4692 4102 186,83 24 4199 174,96(+4) 1121 13552 8
5 21-11 21:45 3 398 4372 3922 168,50 30 5210 173,67(-1) 1011 1227 4
6 28-11 21:45 10 3852 4592 4442 178,67 36 6282 174,50(+1) 1072 12882 8
7 12-12 21:45 4 404 4172 3902 166,33 42 7280 173,33(-1) 998 12112 6
8 19-12 21:45 5 4192 362 345 151,67 48 8190 170,63(-2) 910 1126 2
9 9-1 21:45 8 362 4352 404 161,67 54 9160 169,63(+0) 970 12012 4
10 16-1 21:45 3 415 395 409 161,67 60 10130 168,83(+0) 970 1219
11 23-1 21:45 7 474 466 4562 189,67 66 11268 170,73(+2) 1138 13961 3
12 30-1 21:45 9 4612 427 410 173,83 72 12311 170,99(+0) 1043 1298 2
13 6-2 21:45 6 4172 4442 426 173,00 78 13349 171,14(+0) 1038 1287 4
14 13-2 21:45 10 411 4202 4612 176,83 84 14410 171,55(+0) 1061 12922 6
15 27-2 21:45 8 4212 3892 4622 176,00 90 15466 171,84(+0) 1056 12722 8
16 5-3 21:45 3 430 418 418 177,50 96 16531 172,20(+0) 1065 1266
17 19-3 21:45 10 352 4492 389 164,83 102 17520 171,76(+0) 989 1190 2
18 26-3 21:45 4 4202 4752 403 171,33 108 18548 171,74(+0) 1028 12982 6
19 9-4 21:45 6 419 410 399 169,67 114 19566 171,63(+0) 1018 1228
20 16-4 21:45 7 3912 4272 4162 170,17 120 20587 171,56(+0) 1021 12342 8
21 23-4 21:45 5 425 3932 4352 171,83 126 21618 171,57(+0) 1031 1253 4
22 14-5 21:45 4 408 4382 4842 184,67 132 22726 172,17(+1) 1108 1330 4
23 28-5 21:45 9 4662 4662 376 180,50 138 23809 172,53(+0) 1083 13082 6

Lane Statistics and Positions

Lane Statistics
Lane Games Scratch Avg. Hdp Avg. Low High G. High Week Scratch Date/Hour
3 9 169.22 206.22 312 365 21-11 21:45 21-11 21:45
4 9 174.11 213.28 313 410 14-5 21:45 14-5 21:45
3-4 18 171.67 209.75 312 410 14-5 21:45 14-5 21:45
5 9 170.11 207.44 273 398 14-11 21:45 14-11 21:45
6 9 170.72 208.89 320 361 6-2 21:45 6-2 21:45
5-6 18 170.42 208.17 273 398 14-11 21:45 14-11 21:45
7 9 176.83 216.00 311 388 23-1 21:45 23-1 21:45
8 6 168.83 206.08 285 390 27-2 21:45 27-2 21:45
7-8 15 173.63 212.03 285 390 27-2 21:45 27-2 21:45
9 9 175.72 215.06 301 391 28-5 21:45 28-5 21:45
10 9 173.44 209.44 285 387 28-11 21:45 28-11 21:45
9-10 18 174.58 212.25 285 391 28-5 21:45 28-5 21:45
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