14-5 21:45
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024

Teams Standings

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 6 8,0 1272 1077 179,50 438 1272
2. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 6 6,0 1405 1318 219,67 517 1405
3. BEGIN-De Beginners 6 6,0 1268 1097 182,83 487 1268
4. R&J-Team RMJ 6 4,0 1368 1185 197,50 504 1368
5. E&M-Es & Marco 6 4,0 1330 1108 184,67 484 1330
6. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 6 2,0 1257 1080 180,00 459 1257
7. VSM-VSM Sloopwerken 6 2,0 1215 861 143,50 417 1215
8. OMVER-Omver 6 0,0 1135 817 136,17 388 1135
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins.

Overview of points - week 14-5 21:45

3 Team RMJ 504 390 474 1368 4 2 4 Es & Marco 408 438 484 1330 4
5 De Beginners 395 386 487 1268 6 2 6 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 440 358 459 1257 2
7 H.C.L. Schilderwerken 517 496 392 1405 6 2 8 VSM Sloopwerken 386 417 412 1215 2
9 Omver 381 388 366 1135 0 10 Bowl Incantation 399 438 435 1272 8 2

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2 171,79 209,82 299 306 81 154 804 804 191 169 22
22 14-5 21:45 177,98 213,54 299 299 109 372 764 777 9 8 1
21 23-4 21:45 177,25 211,69 260 281 128 427 665 707 10 9 1

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 14-5 488
2. R&J-Team RMJ 14-5 443
3. BEGIN-De Beginners 14-5 430
4. E&M-Es & Marco 14-5 410
5. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 14-5 400
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 14-5 1318
2. R&J-Team RMJ 14-5 1185
3. E&M-Es & Marco 14-5 1108
4. BEGIN-De Beginners 14-5 1097
5. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 14-5 1080
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024 - Men
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Avg. Scratch
1. Jord van Weeren 299 259 206 254,67 764
2. Rodney Owen Ernst 264 187 257 236,00 708
3. Milan Scheffer 190 169 256 205,00 615
4. Nick Cornet 191 182 214 195,67 587
5. Marco van de Griend 189 208 157 184,67 554
6. Andreas Ziegler 187 177 186 183,33 550
7. Marco Bravenboer 176 172 185 177,67 533
8. Manuel Padding 147 196 184 175,67 527
9. Shahroch Ramez 190 117 186 164,33 493
10. Mark Boom 148 160 174 160,67 482
11. Maikel Hagenouw 179 142 156 159,00 477
12. Bart Looijestijn 137 157 151 148,33 445
13. Ricardo Scheffer 137 145 159 147,00 441
14. Dennis de Wekker 131 154 135 140,00 420
15. Delano van de Wiel 138 125 109 124,00 372
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024 - Women
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Avg. Scratch
1. Es den Boer Rietdijk 158 192 225 191,67 575
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Jord van Weeren 14-5 299
2. Rodney Owen Ernst 14-5 264
3. Milan Scheffer 14-5 256
4. Nick Cornet 14-5 214
5. Marco van de Griend 14-5 208
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jord van Weeren 14-5 764
2. Rodney Owen Ernst 14-5 708
3. Milan Scheffer 14-5 615
4. Nick Cornet 14-5 587
5. Marco van de Griend 14-5 554
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Es den Boer Rietdijk 14-5 225
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Es den Boer Rietdijk 14-5 575
Standing sorted by high series.

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