23-1 21:45
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024

Teams Standings

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. BEGIN-De Beginners 6 6,0 1337 1172 195,33 468 1337
2. VSM-VSM Sloopwerken 6 6,0 1226 941 156,83 480 1226
3. R&J-Team RMJ 6 6,0 1153 925 154,17 403 1153
4. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 6 5,0 1396 1273 212,17 493 1396
5. E&M-Es & Marco 6 3,0 1396 1138 189,67 474 1396
6. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 6 2,0 1311 1134 189,00 494 1311
7. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 6 2,0 1209 909 151,50 423 1209
8. OMVER-Omver 6 2,0 1131 747 124,50 392 1131
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins.

Overview of points - week 23-1 21:45

3 VSM Sloopwerken 391 355 480 1226 6 2 4 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 385 401 423 1209 2
5 Team RMJ 403 379 371 1153 6 2 6 Omver 390 392 349 1131 2
7 Es & Marco 474 466 456 1396 3 1 8 H.C.L. Schilderwerken 493 471 432 1396 5 1
9 Bowl Incantation 366 494 451 1311 2 10 De Beginners 436 433 468 1337 6 2

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2 171,79 209,82 299 306 81 154 804 804 191 169 22
11 23-1 21:45 172,76 212,09 279 299 100 354 781 781 10 8 2
10 16-1 21:45 172,68 213,82 278 284 99 276 756 774 10 8 2

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 23-1 452
2. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 23-1 435
3. BEGIN-De Beginners 23-1 413
4. E&M-Es & Marco 23-1 388
5. VSM-VSM Sloopwerken 23-1 385
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 23-1 1273
2. BEGIN-De Beginners 23-1 1172
3. E&M-Es & Marco 23-1 1138
4. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 23-1 1134
5. VSM-VSM Sloopwerken 23-1 941
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024 - Men
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Avg. Scratch
1. Jord van Weeren 267 279 235 260,33 781
2. Manuel Padding 183 267 157 202,33 607
3. Mark Boom 150 189 234 191,00 573
4. Marco Bravenboer 172 200 182 184,67 554
5. Andreas Ziegler 124 168 235 175,67 527
6. Peter van Rijn 153 147 225 175,00 525
7. Mark Prinsen 185 151 156 164,00 492
8. Shahroch Ramez 163 171 134 156,00 468
9. Rodney Owen Ernst 172 148 140 153,33 460
10. Jonathan Oudshoorn 122 130 189 147,00 441
11. Richard van Rijn 143 113 160 138,67 416
12. Aad Schoonderwoerd 144 149 100 131,00 393
13. Delano van de Wiel 118 115 121 118,00 354
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024 - Women
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Avg. Scratch
1. Beejée Westerdijk 231 189 179 199,67 599
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk 216 180 188 194,67 584
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Jord van Weeren 23-1 279
2. Manuel Padding 23-1 267
3. Andreas Ziegler 23-1 235
4. Mark Boom 23-1 234
5. Peter van Rijn 23-1 225
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jord van Weeren 23-1 781
2. Manuel Padding 23-1 607
3. Mark Boom 23-1 573
4. Marco Bravenboer 23-1 554
5. Andreas Ziegler 23-1 527
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Beejée Westerdijk 23-1 231
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk 23-1 216
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Beejée Westerdijk 23-1 599
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk 23-1 584
Standing sorted by high series.

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