19-12 21:45
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024

Teams Standings

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024
Pos. Name Games Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. BEGIN-De Beginners 6 6,0 1182 1056 176,00 406 1182
2. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 6 6,0 1223 995 165,83 450 1223
3. R&J-Team RMJ 6 6,0 1162 964 160,67 412 1162
4. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 6 4,0 1257 1134 189,00 441 1257
5. VSM-VSM Sloopwerken 6 4,0 1256 896 149,33 456 1256
6. E&M-Es & Marco 6 2,0 1126 910 151,67 419 1126
7. DOMIN-Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 6 2,0 1150 898 149,67 428 1150
8. OMVER-Omver 6 2,0 1178 794 132,33 421 1178
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins.

Overview of points - week 19-12 21:45

3 Domino's Leiden Merenwijk 351 371 428 1150 2 4 De Beginners 406 386 390 1182 6 2
5 Es & Marco 419 362 345 1126 2 6 Team RMJ 375 375 412 1162 6 2
7 Bowl Incantation 450 374 399 1223 6 2 8 Omver 400 421 357 1178 2
9 VSM Sloopwerken 366 456 434 1256 4 10 H.C.L. Schilderwerken 415 441 401 1257 4 2

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2 171,79 209,82 299 306 81 154 804 804 191 169 22
08 19-12 21:45 158,40 198,60 234 243 98 357 643 683 4 3 1
07 12-12 21:45 169,98 210,40 244 266 110 359 647 746 9 8 1

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 19-12 400
2. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 19-12 374
3. BEGIN-De Beginners 19-12 364
4. E&M-Es & Marco 19-12 347
5. R&J-Team RMJ 19-12 346
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. HCL-H.C.L. Schilderwerken 19-12 1134
2. BEGIN-De Beginners 19-12 1056
3. BOWL-Bowl Incantation 19-12 995
4. R&J-Team RMJ 19-12 964
5. E&M-Es & Marco 19-12 910
Standing sorted by high series.

Main Standings

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024 - Men
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Avg. Scratch
1. Jord van Weeren 225 234 184 214,33 643
2. Manuel Padding 201 177 179 185,67 557
3. Mark Prinsen 149 166 176 163,67 491
4. Shahroch Ramez 145 146 176 155,67 467
5. Milan Scheffer 150 158 159 155,67 467
6. Ricardo Scheffer 136 157 159 150,67 452
7. Jewwy Qadri 136 136 173 148,33 445
8. Ed de Wekker 110 179 155 148,00 444
9. Andreas Ziegler 173 121 144 146,00 438
10. Delano van de Wiel 174 161 102 145,67 437
11. Marco Bravenboer 164 142 130 145,33 436
12. Jonathan Oudshoorn 122 141 168 143,67 431
13. Aad Schoonderwoerd 98 132 127 119,00 357
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing BVLZW - Dinsdag Duo Sportpatronen 2023-2024 - Women
Pos. Name P1 P2 P3 Avg. Scratch
1. Beejée Westerdijk 214 186 189 196,33 589
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk 183 148 143 158,00 474
Standing sorted by scratch average then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Jord van Weeren 19-12 234
2. Manuel Padding 19-12 201
3. Ed de Wekker 19-12 179
4 Mark Prinsen 19-12 176
4 Shahroch Ramez 19-12 176
6. Delano van de Wiel 19-12 174
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Jord van Weeren 19-12 643
2. Manuel Padding 19-12 557
3. Mark Prinsen 19-12 491
4 Shahroch Ramez 19-12 467
4 Milan Scheffer 19-12 467
6. Ricardo Scheffer 19-12 452
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Beejée Westerdijk 19-12 214
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk 19-12 183
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Beejée Westerdijk 19-12 589
2. Es den Boer Rietdijk 19-12 474
Standing sorted by high series.

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