Player Cory Timisela

Player Information and Statistics

Gender Women
Player Team Cijferkannonen
Player Type Automatic Grade Automatic
Age Type Adult Number of Games 14
Number of Series 5 Total Scratch Pins 2195
Scratch Average 156,79 High Game Scratch (with Info.) 198 - L
Lowest Game Scratch (with Info.) 125 - L High Series 540
Lowest Series Scratch 296 Best Series by Lane Scratch 540
Series Standard Deviation 244 Scratch+Handicap (or Bonus)+Bonus Total 2789
Game Standard Deviation Handicap (or Bonus) 77 Series Standard Deviation Handicap (or Bonus) 304
Average with Handicap 199,21 High Game Handicap (with Info.) 244 - L
High Series Handicap (or Bonus) 678 Best Series by Lane Handicap (or Bonus) 678
First Date/Hour Played 16/10 19:30 Last Date and Hour Played 11/06 19:30
Position List 1-2
Lane List 3-4,6-7

Series Information

Pos. Date Lane 1 2 3 Avg. Cum. G. Cum. Pins Sum Avg. Scratch Total
1 16/10 19:30 3 153 156 148 152,33 3 457 - 457 568
2 29/01 19:30 6 146 153 172 157,00 6 928 154,67 (+2) 471 612
3 18/03 19:30 7 166 176 198 180,00 9 1468 163,11 (+8) 540 678
4 10/06 19:30 0 139 4 157 4 148,00 11 1764 160,36 (-2) 296 374
5 11/06 19:30 6 125 159 147 143,67 14 2195 156,79 (-3) 431 557

Lane Statistics and Positions

Lane Statistics
Lane Games Scratch Avg. Hdp Avg. Low High G. High Week Scratch Date/Hour
3 3 152.33 189.33 148 156 16/10 19:30 16/10 19:30
4 2 148.00 187.00 139 157 10/06 19:30 10/06 19:30
3-4 5 150.60 188.40 139 157 10/06 19:30 10/06 19:30
6 6 150.33 194.83 125 172 29/01 19:30 29/01 19:30
7 3 180.00 226.00 166 198 18/03 19:30 18/03 19:30

Statistics by Position
Position Games Scratch Avg. Hdp Avg. Low High G. High Week Scratch Date/Hour
1 3 157.00 204.00 146 172 29/01 19:30 29/01 19:30
2 9 158.67 200.33 125 198 18/03 19:30 18/03 19:30
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