Thursday Evening 2024-2025

Last Date and Hour Played 1/23 7:00 PM Next Date to Play 1/30 7:00 PM
Weeks Played 19 Week to Play 14
Regular Bowlers Exist 28 Substitute Bowlers Exist 18
Scratch Average 156.60

Teams Standings - Season

Standing Season
Pos. Name Gms Points Total Scratch Avg. High GH High.SH
1. 03-Salty Balls 57 375.0 57386 45428 691.00 1191 3337
2. 01-STR8 LINE 57 357.0 56599 45265 697.00 1132 3176
3. 06-Ballistic 57 303.5 55879 39457 624.00 1078 3126
4. 07-Irritable Bowl Syndrome 57 295.5 55765 36913 568.00 1125 3126
5. 04-Spare Tires 57 278.5 55550 36644 546.00 1073 3032
6. 05-Sprinter Glass 51 249.0 49711 32995 430.00 1086 3049
7. 02-Balls of Fury 42 189.5 40409 28592 468.00 1042 2971
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Overview of points - week 1/23 7:00 pm

Lane 1 Sprinter Glass 0 0 0 0 Lane 2 Team 002 0 0 0 0
Lane 3 Salty Balls 2 7 5.5 18.5 4 Lane 4 Balls of Fury 6 3 2 14 3
Lane 5 Irritable Bowl Syndrome 4 4 5.5 18.5 5 Lane 6 Ballistic 5 5 4 20 6
Lane 7 STR8 LINE 7 6 7 27 7 Lane 8 Spare Tires 3 2 3 10 2

Positions of the teams next week - week 1/30 7:00 pm

Lane 1 STR8 LINE Lane 2 Ballistic
Lane 3 Irritable Bowl Syndrome Lane 4 Spare Tires
Lane 5 Sprinter Glass Lane 6 Salty Balls
Lane 7 Balls of Fury Lane 8 Team 002

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High G. High GH Low Low Series High.S High.SH #> #> M #> W
Thursday Evening 2024-2025 156.60 156.60 340 340 55 138 793 793 161 107 54
19 1/23 7:00 PM 168.05 168.05 306 306 102 410 793 793 13 9 4
18 1/16 7:00 PM 154.09 154.09 293 293 79 318 631 631 7 4 3

Present Statistiques

Team High Games and Series

High Game Handicap
Pos. Name Date High GH
1. 03-Salty Balls 11/21 1191
2. 01-STR8 LINE 9/5 1132
3. 07-Irritable Bowl Syndrome 12/12 1125
4. 05-Sprinter Glass 12/12 1086
5. 06-Ballistic 11/21 1078
Standing sorted by high game handicap.

High Series Handicap
Pos. Name Date High.SH
1. 03-Salty Balls 11/21 3337
2. 01-STR8 LINE 1/23 3176
3 06-Ballistic 10/17 3126
3 07-Irritable Bowl Syndrome 12/12 3126
5. 05-Sprinter Glass 11/7 3049
Standing sorted by high series handicap (or bonus).

Main Standings

Standing Thursday Evening 2024-2025 - Men
Pos. Name Player Team Gms Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Kevin Borgford STR8 LINE 57 207.88 11849 0 340 793
2. Art Dorfer Salty Balls 54 180.78 9762 0 269 674
3. Ken Clarke Salty Balls 57 178.44 10171 0 252 681
4. Len Doucette Balls of Fury 42 174.88 7345 0 293 610
5. Donald Clason Salty Balls 54 171.11 9240 0 238 602
6. Jay Forman Ballistic 54 165.76 8951 0 224 570
7. Brad Muth Sprinter Glass 51 165.24 8427 0 253 615
8. Rod Zacharius Ballistic 12 162.50 1950 0 221 595
9. Chris Cummings STR8 LINE 54 157.41 8500 0 232 544
10. Dan Pauls Spare Tires 36 155.33 5592 0 234 550
11. T.C. Nisi Sprinter Glass 48 150.13 7206 0 199 509
12. Victor Fujioka STR8 LINE 27 148.00 3996 0 198 571
13. Fred Bornhauser Irritable Bowl Syndrome 3 139.00 417 0 194 417
14. Ed Sundman Spare Tires 57 137.95 7863 0 216 470
15. Nolan Neustaeter Irritable Bowl Syndrome 57 132.88 7574 0 192 495
Standing sorted by scratch average (real) then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing Thursday Evening 2024-2025 - Men - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Gms Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Larry Bevan 6 191.67 1150 0 258 617
Standing sorted by scratch average (real) then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing Thursday Evening 2024-2025 - Women
Pos. Name Player Team Gms Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Sherri Gagnon STR8 LINE 55 185.29 10191 0 245 668
2. Sherri Forman Ballistic 54 181.00 9774 0 288 695
3. Dana Timko Salty Balls 51 162.02 8263 0 277 654
4. Denise Nelson Balls of Fury 33 156.58 5167 0 203 558
5. Jaynie Gobin Irritable Bowl Syndrome 51 155.39 7925 0 231 560
6. Esther Neustaeter Irritable Bowl Syndrome 54 142.22 7680 0 220 523
7. Leanne Doucette Balls of Fury 42 138.24 5806 0 187 458
8. Grace Sundman Spare Tires 57 130.82 7457 0 204 525
9. Kathy Pauls Spare Tires 33 124.09 4095 0 176 417
10. Sheila Zacharias Ballistic 57 116.35 6632 0 208 463
11. Leah Nisi Sprinter Glass 42 115.31 4843 0 191 443
Standing sorted by scratch average (real) then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Standing Thursday Evening 2024-2025 - Women - Substitute Ranking
Pos. Name Player Team Gms Avg. Scratch Diff. High G. High.S
1. Celine Doucette 3 83.67 251 0 109 251
Standing sorted by scratch average (real) then last game scratch then lst g -1.

Single High Games and Series - Men

High Game Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Kevin Borgford 11/7 340
2. Len Doucette 1/16 293
3. Art Dorfer 11/28 269
4. Brad Muth 11/7 253
5. Ken Clarke 11/28 252
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Kevin Borgford 1/23 793
2. Ken Clarke 11/28 681
3. Art Dorfer 11/21 674
4. Brad Muth 11/7 615
5. Len Doucette 1/16 610
Standing sorted by high series.

Single High Games and Series - Women

High Game Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High G.
1. Sherri Forman 10/17 288
2. Dana Timko 11/21 277
3. Sherri Gagnon 10/17 245
4. Jaynie Gobin 12/12 231
5. Esther Neustaeter 10/3 220
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch - Regular
Pos. Name Date High.S
1. Sherri Forman 10/17 695
2. Sherri Gagnon 10/17 668
3. Dana Timko 11/21 654
4. Jaynie Gobin 12/12 560
5. Denise Nelson 11/28 558
Standing sorted by high series.

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