12/12 7:00 PM
Scratch Trio League 2016-2017

Teams Standings

Standing Period 2
Pos. Name Games Points Scratch Avg. High Hdp SH.High
1. Monkey Boys 9 32.8 1856 206.22 647 1856
2. Jo- Jo's 9 31.5 1954 217.11 686 1954
3. Tue Kapsalon 9 13.5 1561 173.44 555 1561
4. Stamgasten 9 12.0 1723 191.44 583 1723
5. Heerengenootschap 9 5.2 1690 187.78 595 1690
6. Mei Lan 9 4.4 1584 176.00 554 1584
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then scratch+handicap (or bonus)+bonus total.

Overview of points - week 12/12 7:00 pm

Lane 27 Jo- Jo's 0 0 0 31.5 Lane 28 Heerengenootschap 0 0 0 5.2
1 - Ronnie Lenting 0 0 0 5 1 - Wil Soolingen v 0 0 0 0
2 - Rob Born vd 0 0 0 5.9 2 - Klaas Velzeboer 0 0 0 3.2
3 - Aloys Doomernik 0 0 0 20.6 3 - Bart-Jan Boogaart vd 0 0 0 2
Lane 29 Tue Kapsalon 0 0 0 13.5 Lane 30 Stamgasten 0 0 0 12
1 - Esther Stek 0 0 0 4 1 - Jeroen Paulussen 0 0 0 7.9
2 - Marjan Reijbroeck 0 0 0 2 2 - Sjan Born vd 0 0 0 2.1
3 - Annemiek Boogaart vd 0 0 0 7.5 3 - Martin Cuppens 0 0 0 2
Lane 31 Mei Lan 0 0 0 4.4 Lane 32 Monkey Boys 0 0 0 32.8
1 - Dorette Boelens 0 0 0 0 1 - Albert Aalberts 0 0 0 13.6
2 - Jack Rijk 0 0 0 2 2 - Franklin Geerts 0 0 0 11
3 - George Linden vd 0 0 0 2.4 3 - Joshua Udink 0 0 0 8.2
Lane 33 PBE 0 Lane 34 0
1 - Budi Tork 0 1 - 0
2 - Erwin Reijbroeck 0 2 - 0
3 - Pascal Hendrick 0 3 - 0

Comparative Statistics

Squad Avg. Hdp Avg. High High Hdp Low Low Series S.High SH.High #> #> M #> W
Scratch Trio League 2016-2017 187.76 187.76 300 300 103 370 805 805 591 518 73
13 12/12 7:00 PM 192.00 192.00 269 269 129 464 797 797 22 19 3
12 11/28 7:00 PM 182.80 182.80 257 257 113 378 699 699 17 16 1

Team High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High
1. Jo- Jo's 12/12 686
2. Monkey Boys 12/12 647
3. Heerengenootschap 12/12 595
4. Stamgasten 12/12 583
5. Tue Kapsalon 12/12 555
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date S.High
1. Jo- Jo's 12/12 1954
2. Monkey Boys 12/12 1856
3. Stamgasten 12/12 1723
4. Heerengenootschap 12/12 1690
5. Mei Lan 12/12 1584
Standing sorted by high series.

Singles Standings

Standing Period 2
Pos. Name Licence number Scratch Games P1 P2 P3 Avg. Points
1. Aloys Doomernik 17337 797 3 269 259 269 265.67 20.6
2. Albert Aalberts 983071 640 3 182 200 258 213.33 13.6
3. Franklin Geerts 1302698 615 3 191 259 165 205.00 11.0
4. Joshua Udink 1263730 601 3 222 155 224 200.33 8.2
5. Jeroen Paulussen 578290 699 3 226 216 257 233.00 7.9
6. Annemiek Boogaart vd 172375 627 3 206 224 197 209.00 7.5
7. Rob Born vd 598925 592 3 215 171 206 197.33 5.9
8. Ronnie Lenting 1164791 565 3 180 174 211 188.33 5.0
9. Esther Stek 1266179 464 3 158 147 159 154.67 4.0
10. Klaas Velzeboer 17981 543 3 186 175 182 181.00 3.2
11. George Linden vd 16780 538 3 187 169 182 179.33 2.4
12. Sjan Born vd 1180509 471 3 156 145 170 157.00 2.1
13. Bart-Jan Boogaart vd 93408 623 3 201 231 191 207.67 2.0
14. Martin Cuppens 636800 553 3 201 205 147 184.33 2.0
15. Jack Rijk 1111892 476 3 200 144 132 158.67 2.0
16. Marjan Reijbroeck 917133 470 3 191 129 150 156.67 2.0
17. Dorette Boelens 16543 570 3 167 199 204 190.00 0.0
18. Wil Soolingen v 1171143 524 3 168 189 167 174.67 0.0
Standing sorted by earned points (a) then total scratch pins.

Single High Games and Series

High Game Scratch
Pos. Name Date High
1. Aloys Doomernik 12/12 269
2. Franklin Geerts 12/12 259
3. Albert Aalberts 12/12 258
4. Jeroen Paulussen 12/12 257
5. Bart-Jan Boogaart vd 12/12 231
Standing sorted by high game.

High Series Scratch
Pos. Name Date S.High
1. Aloys Doomernik 12/12 797
2. Jeroen Paulussen 12/12 699
3. Albert Aalberts 12/12 640
4. Annemiek Boogaart vd 12/12 627
5. Bart-Jan Boogaart vd 12/12 623
Standing sorted by high series.